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fritzsch HalfDork
1/29/13 7:41 p.m.
mtn wrote: I try to avoid those folks at the autocrosses. They annoy me to no end.

I can understand that. I am sort of splitting ways with them.

corytate SuperDork
1/29/13 7:43 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
corytate wrote: I don't like or want kids, should I put "A Baby" all the way at the bottom?
You want to work at a dealership, they already know that you hate yourself, so they just want to clarify if you hate the rest of humanity or not


very astute!

JohnInKansas Dork
1/30/13 9:47 a.m.

"Part out of stock.

Expected arrival 3-12-13."

Berkeley. This part is the ONLY thing standing in the way of completing the Bugaru. It was expected 2-26-13 until yesterday.

Adrian_Thompson UltraDork
1/30/13 9:51 a.m.
Jerry wrote: Just took my mom to the Dr for a skin problem. She had a benign growth removed a few years ago, so it was something to look into. The Dr prescribed a $700 creme and didn't tell her the price, we got the sticker shock at the pharmacy. Like it was no big deal, everyone has $700 freaking dollars laying around extra.

Similar things have happened to me in the past, but in the $300-400 range not $700. I hand it back to the pharmacy and say I don't want it, I'm not paying. I then call the doc and find something else that works just as well for 1-10% of the cost, but they don't get a free cruise for prescribing 100 doses of it.

mtn PowerDork
1/30/13 10:01 a.m.

I'll rant here, because other than to my ex-roommate (who is in the same boat) I don't have anyone else to really rant to. A little back story: I am an ice hockey referee nights and weekends. I'll ref everything, from the 5 year olds (honestly probably my favorite) to men's league, to "juniors" and college. I help the scheduler out, taking the early morning 7AM Sunday games for $16, and he helps me out, giving me the 7PM Thursday night games for $50 and not that much work (lining).

So, Mr. Scheduler, I've been doing the lousy college games an hour away from our home rink, because nobody else will. I've been berated, been told to berkeley myself, been told that I'm a motherberkeleying moron, had a bucket of pucks dumped on the ice, been punched breaking up fights, and nearly had to call the police. I've done all this, for $85 and a time commitment of what works out to be 6 hours on a Friday and Saturday night, all year. I have more games down there than any other referee other than the [only competent] referee who lives there. And now there is a college tournament there, a chance for me to have 3 games in 2 days, and I think, man, here it comes, the payoff for all that E36 M3 I've put up with. And you give me... 1 game there? 1 game?

He had better load my schedule at home on the day that I've been jipped.

EDIT: Oh, and to top it all off, I don't see my check until 1-3 months later. Not that it matters that much, seeing as I do have a good day job, but I want my money in a reasonable time period.

Jerry Reader
1/30/13 10:54 a.m.

Sirius/XM Radio DJ's:

Shut the E36 M3 up! Stop talking right up to the first lyric in the song! I'm not paying a monthly fee for my radio to listen to you idiots!

fasted58 UberDork
1/30/13 11:54 a.m.

More on Sirius/XM...

Sirius sales people please leave me alone, after about 10 calls after I said NO, I'm not interested at any price you still don't get it

tuna55 UberDork
1/30/13 1:44 p.m.

Fridge died. It was a crappy fridge. Ice maker didn't work. Made a funny noise. It was 11 years old. Wife at home with kids by herself.

Could be the compressor or the board, both are $200+ parts, more if overnighted. We make the call to order a new one. Lowes has one in stock, $875 or something. They can deliver it today. She pulls the trigger:

Mrs. Tuna, what time do you want that fridge delivered tomorrow?

Grr, so she calls me and yells at me. It's my fault.

Tuna: Hey Mr. Lowes guy, can I pick that up today? If I do, can you waive the rental truck fee since I'm delivering and installing it for you?

Lowes guy: Sure thing Mr. Tuna.

Tuna and colleague go to Lowes (20 min drive)

Tuna: Hey Mr. Lowes guy #2. Mr. lowes guy #1 says ....

Mr. Lowes guy #2: Now way, we can't waive the charge on that rental truck. Not ever. Let me go talk with Mr. Lowes guy #1.

20 minutes elapse

:: ring ring ::

Mrs. Tuna: They are delivering the fridge now, they are in the driveway.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/30/13 2:01 p.m.

WTF was your wife yelling at you? She pulled the trigger, she should be yelling at Lowe's to deliver it more quickly, etc. Not you.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/30/13 2:04 p.m.
turboswede wrote: WTF was your wife yelling at you? She pulled the trigger, she should be yelling at Lowe's to deliver it more quickly, etc. Not you.

You are obviously not married. Everyberkingthing is the husband's fault. Especially if he had absolutely no control of it. Like weather.

tuna55 UberDork
1/30/13 2:05 p.m.
Javelin wrote:
turboswede wrote: WTF was your wife yelling at you? She pulled the trigger, she should be yelling at Lowe's to deliver it more quickly, etc. Not you.
You are obviously not married. *Everyberkingthing* is the husband's fault. *Especially* if he had absolutely no control of it. Like weather.

Dude, WWII, totally my fault.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
1/30/13 2:48 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
Javelin wrote:
turboswede wrote: WTF was your wife yelling at you? She pulled the trigger, she should be yelling at Lowe's to deliver it more quickly, etc. Not you.
You are obviously not married. *Everyberkingthing* is the husband's fault. *Especially* if he had absolutely no control of it. Like weather.
Dude, WWII, totally my fault.

And how. Oh these young brat kids who have never been hogtied, er, married. You kids have so much to learn, grasshopper. You ain't lived till you get a phone call from some chick on the side of the road who called roadside assistance 10 minutes ago, can't understand why they did not materialize instantly and berate you for not instantly knowing exctly where the tow truck is even though it was not you (or even your dealership) that took the phone call in the first place.

I defecate you not, I once had a girl in Michigan screaming at me and I am in South Carolina.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/30/13 3:42 p.m.
Javelin wrote:
turboswede wrote: WTF was your wife yelling at you? She pulled the trigger, she should be yelling at Lowe's to deliver it more quickly, etc. Not you.
You are obviously not married. *Everyberkingthing* is the husband's fault. *Especially* if he had absolutely no control of it. Like weather.

Dude, I got married in March. We've been together for 9 years now. I'd have squelched that noise with the quickness. You ordered it, how the berkeley am I supposed to know when it is going to show up? Don't get me wrong, I certainly have been on the receiving end of the blame game, but you don't have to be the punching bag all of the time.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/30/13 5:26 p.m.

In reply to turboswede:

If you write a book that actually works at making husbands not-at-fault, you'd be a billionaire overnight.

The "together" thing doesn't work, either. I was with mine for 8 years before getting hitched. E36 M3's still my fault. That ring should be dealt with like in the Hobbit, because it has some nasty powers!

corytate SuperDork
1/30/13 7:27 p.m.

My solution to not being at blame is to just be an shiny happy person about everything=]
It works.

Ranger50 UberDork
1/30/13 7:36 p.m.

Rain can berkeleying stop.... The creek is already up far far enough. Another foot higher and it's in MY yard, which is 6' above the normal height of the creek.

F U Mother Nature... You can quit having Aunt Flo.

friedgreencorrado PowerDork
1/30/13 7:48 p.m.
JohnInKansas wrote: "Part out of stock. Expected arrival 3-12-13." Berkeley. This part is the ONLY thing standing in the way of completing the Bugaru. It was expected 2-26-13 until yesterday.

Drop shipping. I can't express why I hate it so much without getting political. I once ordered some of those stupid plastic fender flares for my Golf GTI from a place like that. I got messages like the one you received for about a year before they finally just gave up. At least they never charged me before their failure to find the parts..I've heard other folks' experience with drop shippers hasn't gone so well.

JohnInKansas Dork
1/30/13 7:54 p.m.

In reply to friedgreencorrado:

The part that pisses me off is that a month ago, I ordered essentially the same part (temp gauge, but without the sending unit), and had the same message for two days after ordering, then I was informed that it had been shipped. It arrived three days later, I realized I'd misordered, returned it, asked for an exchange for the same gauge but with the sending unit, and now this horse hockey. There's some part of me that says "hey, last time it shipped WAY before I expected it to... maybe they'll do that again..."

I decided to ditch my vanity and buy a mis-matched gauge today so I could get the project moving again.

corytate SuperDork
1/30/13 8:06 p.m.

We got an fr-s in today. I parked a car in the back lot and my jaw dropped when I saw the fr-s freshly unloaded.
Immediately go and get the keys, expressing my interest in buying it.
Test drive it (by myself=]) and damnit! It is even better than I thought it would be!
Wait to the end of the day to try to work out the financing and I can't get it without either a hefty down payment or a cosignor=/
This thing is going to sell as soon as it goes through the shop, so it's not gonna happen=/

friedgreencorrado PowerDork
1/30/13 8:14 p.m.

In reply to JohnInKansas:

Well, IMO..that's part of the 'evil' about businesses that drop ship. Seems like most of the time, they're not actually trying to provide a real service, they've just heard that it's a great way to make money. I'll bet most of those folks don't realize what a part is actually used for, they just were able to find Part Number #123 and ship it out without realizing their inability to source Part Number #124 as an alternative could be a problem to the customer. Business schools, 'widgets', etc., etc. Drop shipping might make some sense in some industries..but in others, one size does not fit all.

CGLockRacer GRM+ Memberand Dork
1/31/13 6:37 a.m.

Why do I get all green lights on the way to work, but all red lights on the way home?

Appleseed PowerDork
1/31/13 6:45 a.m.

I had two people try to commit suicide in front of me yesterday. Guess what, genius? You can't accelerate like its dry, and I can't stop like its dry. The next time it snows,...berkeley it, I'm sending these shiny happy people to Valhalla.

JohnInKansas Dork
1/31/13 7:12 a.m.

In reply to friedgreencorrado:


Of course. The day after I buckle under and buy a mismatched gauge just to get going again, they ship the match. 3-12-13 my ass.

Wonder if I could still return the mismatch...

Ranger50 UberDork
1/31/13 6:03 p.m.

berkeley, berkeley, berkeley, I don't even know where to begin to start this berkeleying rant.

People berkeleying suck. Just berkeleying suck. I don't get it. You came to me to help you out of your bind, I did 95% of the legwork to solve your problem with a side of helping me out of a jam for the same instance, then to come back and jerk the damn rug out from under me to run back to the previous situation after they already berkeleyed you over so many times already only because they are "local", is berkeleying horseE36 M3. And damn berkeleying straight I am still berkeleying pissed off sitting here.

berkeley you and berkeley your damn high horse you are riding on while others slog through the mud left from your wake.

wbjones UberDork
1/31/13 10:27 p.m.

Ranger .... how 'bout you tell us how you really feel ... it really isn't good to hold it in like that

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