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EvanR SuperDork
7/11/16 9:31 a.m.
dculberson wrote:
EvanR wrote: My $250 dresser from Ikea is all solid wood, except for the backing. Ikea makes some quality stuff if you know what you're looking for. Oops, I just realized that that really wasn't a rant. Okay, my rant for the day is that people think "Ikea" is synonymous with "crap" and it isn't... always.
I have Ikea furniture too, and am very familiar with their stuff. It is not synonymous with "crap" but it's also not high grade. "Solid wood" doesn't mean much when you're talking Aspen and Pine.

Agreed, but I need/want furniture that will last a while, not heirloom stuff. And Aspen or Poplar beat particle board all day long.

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
7/11/16 11:00 a.m.
mtn wrote:
EvanR wrote:
dculberson wrote: Yes those are fine materials when you're talking a $300 dresser from Ikea
My $250 dresser from Ikea is all solid wood, except for the backing. Ikea makes some quality stuff if you know what you're looking for. Oops, I just realized that that really wasn't a rant. Okay, my rant for the day is that people think "Ikea" is synonymous with "crap" and it isn't... always.
Went to Ikea today. What a clusterpuck. Just being in that store made my blood pressure go up.

Well if it makes you feel any better, my coworker just relayed a story from his Ikea visit over the weekend in which a fellow shopper seemed to have a code brown incident and subsequently left a trail of excrement in her path as she went about her business, seemingly completely unaware of the havoc she had wrought on the olfactory senses of her fellow patrons. Couldn't be worse than that, right?

Duke MegaDork
7/11/16 11:36 a.m.

In reply to Ashyukun:

Wow, my life is way too complicated already to fabricate that kind of annoyance on my own.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/11/16 11:40 a.m.
Furious_E wrote:
mtn wrote:
EvanR wrote:
dculberson wrote: Yes those are fine materials when you're talking a $300 dresser from Ikea
My $250 dresser from Ikea is all solid wood, except for the backing. Ikea makes some quality stuff if you know what you're looking for. Oops, I just realized that that really wasn't a rant. Okay, my rant for the day is that people think "Ikea" is synonymous with "crap" and it isn't... always.
Went to Ikea today. What a clusterpuck. Just being in that store made my blood pressure go up.
Well if it makes you feel any better, my coworker just relayed a story from his Ikea visit over the weekend in which a fellow shopper seemed to have a code brown incident and subsequently left a trail of excrement in her path as she went about her business, seemingly completely unaware of the havoc she had wrought on the olfactory senses of her fellow patrons. Couldn't be worse than that, right?

only if she had been wearing white pants

tuna55 MegaDork
7/11/16 11:52 a.m.
Ashyukun wrote: Last full day of work (may be last, am on the wall about whether to work a half day from home tomorrow or say Berk It and just take the whole day off...) before SWMBO and I fly out to Europe for 2 weeks for a bucket-list cruise. Only been here a bit over an hour and the day is already dragging. Would be dragging worse if I didn't have my Ortho follow-up appointment mid-afternoon to go to- which is another point of stress since it will determine whether I have to drag the walking boot with us or if they clear me to not need it any more. Tried to pick up donuts on the way in for my co-workers (and to get the kind that SWMBO loves for breakfast tomorrow morning)- but pulled up to the bakery and they have a sign on the front door that they're closed today and tomorrow for kitchen upgrades. -_- Got SWMBO's new (second try...) phone in yesterday and got her started setting it up. So far so good- at least it's not acting possessed and doing crap on its own. She's still annoyed at having to transfer over her contacts manually- but it was her call to do so vs. transferring everything from her Android phone and then going through and deleting everything that she didn't want (last time it upgraded it somehow pulled in hundreds of contacts that she didn't want/need). Finally- SWMBO and I are feuding, to an extent, about something particularly silly. Last weekend since she actually had a Saturday free we went to the Farmer's Market and ended up picking up a basil plant- we've been eating a lot of Caprese salads and figured it would be nice to have truly fresh basil to put on them. And the plant was about what we pay for a package of leaves at the store, so if we can keep it alive it will be a nice savings too. The feud though is that I both because I like the way it sounds and, admittedly (and I've said as much), because it somewhat annoys SWMBO, like to pronounce 'basil' the British way- with the 'a' sounding like the one in 'bad' vs the typical American pronunciation where it sounds like the 'a' in 'way'. She has decided that she's had enough of this, and until I start pronouncing it the American way, she's going to start mis-pronouncing my name using a long 'o' instead of the short(?) 'o' that Robert usually has. It's a profoundly silly feud, but one that could be more than a bit annoying with going on the cruise if she as she has threatened introduces me to people pronouncing it wrong. Why don't I just give in and pronounce it the other way? Several reasons- one, I'm a bit stubborn (as is she). Two, it is fun to tweak her a bit about things. And three- I don't want to set a precedent by caving on this, because I know there are several other things I pronounce differently than the 'norm' that she'd potentially move on to trying to change using the same approach.

Dude out of all of your rants. Scratch that, out of all of everyone's rants, that last one is the stupidest one I've heard.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/11/16 12:03 p.m.

In reply to Ashyukun:

Take the fun out of it, when you introduce yourself on the cruise give the "R" a good roll, the long "o" and leave the "t" silent like Colbert. Two weeks of that will get much more annoying than the silly British basil argument.

spitfirebill UltimaDork
7/11/16 12:07 p.m.

I just realized I don't have a lot to complain about compared to you guys.

This AM I got a pretty nurse to put greasy lotion on my belly and massage it while doing an ultrasound. Never had a massage but this felt pretty good. Hopefully, there won't be any bad news when I go back for the follow-up with the Doc.

Strike_Zero UltraDork
7/11/16 2:27 p.m.
Strike_Zero said: This could be a rant and win at the same time . . .Mostly a win! I was offered/given a promotion to take over my original manager's position. No one really has an idea what he did . So I have nothing to reference; no job description, no goals/performance targets, and no salary range. My current manager presented it as an offer. The account management presented it as "we want you and no one else." I await the details . . .

Almost two weeks since the position was offered and still no information (role, job description, title, or salary). However, that has not slowed or stopped them from transitioning crap over to me. Slowly changing to a rant.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/11/16 2:37 p.m.
tuna55 wrote: Dude out of all of your rants. Scratch that, out of all of everyone's rants, that last one is the stupidest one I've heard.


Not particularly going to argue that- it's about as minor as minor can get, and almost more amusing than anything else. We're both doing it because we know it will get under the other's skin- but also know that it's purely in good fun and we'd stop in an instant if we even began to think that it was actually truly angering the other.

Another very minor almost-not-a-rant:

3-month follow-up appointment after my Achilles' tendon surgery was earlier this afternoon- and despite my fretting that I'd not be able to do the lift that was required to demonstrate that it was fully healed and be able to not have to wear the isolation boot anymore, I was actually able to pull it off so can now get around entirely without it. The rant is that I'm still supposed to keep the boot around in case anything happens where I need to fall back on it, and am having to drag it around on the back of the scooter until I get home this evening.

Apexcarver PowerDork
7/11/16 3:09 p.m.

I hate when the time comes and you need to schedule a "final veterinary appointment" for a faithful companion. I got this cat right after my dad died in April of '97. Shes had a good long run at 19.5 years old and its time to let her go with dignity, but it doesnt really make it any easier.

Strike_Zero UltraDork
7/11/16 3:28 p.m.

In reply to Apexcarver:

Sorry to hear this . . .

Stefan (Not Bruce)
Stefan (Not Bruce) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/11/16 3:40 p.m.
Apexcarver wrote: I hate when the time comes and you need to schedule a "final veterinary appointment" for a faithful companion. I got this cat right after my dad died in April of '97. Shes had a good long run at 19.5 years old and its time to let her go with dignity, but it doesnt really make it any easier.

That really sucks, I'm sorry for your loss. When it was time for to say goodbye to ours, we found a service that would perform the final appointment at home so she could not be stressed and we could take our time saying goodbye. Might be an option for you.

johnnie Reader
7/11/16 5:48 p.m.

Garage door torsion spring bracket popped off the wall when the wifey left (for a week of work travel) this morning. She used the garage door opener to close the garage door until the cables got tangled up on the drums and the door wouldn't close all the way. I'd have sprinted home to prevent it getting damaged, but I was starting a new job this morning and her texts went ignored. Now I'm stuck with a busted garage door that I can't fix home alone and it will be that way until the garage door folks can come repair it after work tomorrow.
TL;DR: New job, yay! Broken door, boo!

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
7/11/16 7:34 p.m.
spitfirebill wrote: I just realized I don't have a lot to complain about compared to you guys. This AM I got a pretty nurse to put greasy lotion on my belly and massage it while doing an ultrasound. Never had a massage but this felt pretty good. Hopefully, there won't be any bad news when I go back for the follow-up with the Doc.

Once I found a lump on one of my boys and the creepy urologist guy sent me for one of these. The nurses were cute and it was awkward and they told me I should be on their side of awkwardness.

They said it was nothing and told me to follow up in 2 weeks with my creepy urologist guy. Yeah, uh huh. It went away and I forgot to call that urologist.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/11/16 8:40 p.m.

It's 20 minutes till 10. It's still over 90 degrees outside.

And that's 10PM, not AM.

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
7/11/16 9:37 p.m.

Sometime in the last few months the berkeleying cats pissed on my Phil Niecro Baseball Hall of Fame fantasy camp jersey he gave me!

Solid wool with a nice car piss stain. I hope this comes out and the jersey isn't ruined.

Nick (picaso) Comstock
Nick (picaso) Comstock UltimaDork
7/11/16 9:39 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote: It's 20 minutes till 10. It's still over 90 degrees outside. And that's 10PM, not AM.

I'm convinced that SC is the hottest place on the planet based on my time there. Sent to you from central Texas.

dculberson PowerDork
7/11/16 9:41 p.m.

In reply to Flight Service:

The older I get the less I can handle the stuff animals do. I frequently wonder why the hell we have a cat in the house. She's sweet as all hell but one lost night of sleep or session of cleaning poop smears off the carpet really goes to discount that an awful lot.

SnowMongoose SuperDork
7/11/16 10:33 p.m.

Teaching the GF to drive stick maimed the clutch in the evo.
Maimed clutch in the Evo cost me FTD at my last autocross and will cost $1200 before taxes to fix.
THEN my left rear eats a screw dangerously close to the shoulder.
New set of summer tires (yay AWD) will put me back another $800+
Very much want to go to sleep and never wake up.

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/11/16 11:08 p.m.

A few months ago I was trying to buy a car and they disapeared off the face of the earth and refused to contact me....after e-mailing me 27 times the day before and asking me to show up at a certain time.

I saw the car driving around a few weeks ago, was a bit annoyed but whatever. I don't mind if someone got there first or they changed their mind....I'm just annoyed they stood me up.

Yesterday it popped up on craigslist for $400. An hour later $600. Then this morning $700. Now I just looked and it's now $500 and has a different back story

The sad fact is I want the damn car still but these people are so freaking shady I don't even know if I wanna deal with them.....

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/12/16 10:24 a.m.

With finally being done with the isolation boot, I can drive again! Great, right? Unfortunately the repair site on the back of my foot is still rather sensitive- and it's EXACTLY where almost all shoes hit on the back of my foot. This isn't normally too much of a problem when walking and such, but when my foot is resting on the floor and pushing down into it while operating the pedals on a car? Much uncomfortable, such pain.

I dealt with it for the first two legs of our outing last night, but for the drive home ditched that shoe and drove barefoot. SO much better... guess I'm driving barefoot for a while (not that this will be a problem while we're on vacation for the next 2 weeks...).

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/12/16 12:59 p.m.

My rant. Looked on Amazon today to check out the prime day deals, saw the Nexus 6p phone that I've been thinking about for a while on there for $150 off. Sounds great right? Well I read a couple reviews just to make sure it was what I wanted. Turns out if you buy from Amazon and need a warranty claim you have to go straight to the manufacturer, and it is a pain, but if you buy through google it is better. So, I went and checked google's prices (project Fi) and low and behold, $150 off when you purchase and activate through project fi. Perfect! this was my plan anyway. A few minutes later I hopped on my laptop to order it and it still says $150 off, but it won't apply to me checkout... Grrr... Email sent to their support, we'll see if they get back to me.

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/12/16 2:44 p.m.

Rant resolved. It works now. I got my $150 off. Yay!

tuna55 MegaDork
7/13/16 8:48 a.m.

Wife and Mom are not getting along. Just in time for a visit this weekend. Can someone local have some form of emergency that needs my attention this weekend?

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
7/13/16 8:52 a.m.

Is Charlotte local enough? I could use some help getting the Subaru ready to sell...

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