1 ... 494 495 496 497 498 ... 2012
RevRico GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
7/14/16 11:02 a.m.

I think I just got a job. Berk.

Rufledt UltraDork
7/14/16 12:01 p.m.

Ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything thing done?

Duke MegaDork
7/14/16 12:03 p.m.
Rufledt wrote: Ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything thing done?

When do I not feel that way?

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/14/16 12:55 p.m.
Duke wrote:
Rufledt wrote: Ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything thing done?
When do I not feel that way?


Streetwiseguy PowerDork
7/14/16 1:15 p.m.
Duke wrote:
Rufledt wrote: Ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything thing done?
When do I not feel that way?

If I don't feel that way, I start to get twitchy.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
7/14/16 1:24 p.m.

it gets even worse when youre covering your job, as well as for three other coworkers, and trying to get the automotive fleet sorted out while working two other outside jobs besides your full time.

I can sleep when I'm dead, right?

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/14/16 2:07 p.m.
Dusterbd13 wrote: it gets even worse when youre covering your job, as well as for three other coworkers, and trying to get the automotive fleet sorted out while working two other outside jobs besides your full time. I can sleep when I'm dead, right?

I do that.. but sometimes I think my co-workers don't want me working too.. they seem to do everything in their power to slow me down

fasted58 UltimaDork
7/14/16 2:32 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Duke wrote:
Rufledt wrote: Ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything thing done?
When do I not feel that way?
If I don't feel that way, I start to get twitchy.

I used to be that guy, had so much anxiety over gettin' E36 M3 done. Life gets in the way, plant closing, family, then health. One day I realized the world ain't gonna end if E36 M3 don't get done, don't berkeleying sweat it.

It'll get done when it gets done. I don't miss that feeling at all now.

KyAllroad UltraDork
7/14/16 2:36 p.m.

Took the Miata out for a spirited drive yesterday (first since rebuilding/replacing many things) and there are an unsettling number of thumps and pops. Also when shifting (most notably into 3rd and 4th) the rear end steps left or the front dives right (hard to tell and the effect is the same). Either way I'm feeling a bit frustrated with it at the moment. Need an alignment.....

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/14/16 3:05 p.m.

Clients that send you something at 5:00 PM that you have been asking them for three days to get to you and then they ask if they can get the report before the meeting tomorrow morning.. . .

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/14/16 3:06 p.m.
KyAllroad wrote: Took the Miata out for a spirited drive yesterday (first since rebuilding/replacing many things) and there are an unsettling number of thumps and pops. Also when shifting (most notably into 3rd and 4th) the rear end steps left or the front dives right (hard to tell and the effect is the same). Either way I'm feeling a bit frustrated with it at the moment. Need an alignment.....

I would start with the simple things and look for a loose bolt or something in the suspension.

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/14/16 3:08 p.m.
fasted58 wrote:
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Duke wrote:
Rufledt wrote: Ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything thing done?
When do I not feel that way?
If I don't feel that way, I start to get twitchy.
I used to be that guy, had so much anxiety over gettin' E36 M3 done. Life gets in the way, plant closing, family, then health. One day I realized the world ain't gonna end if E36 M3 don't get done, don't berkeleying sweat it. It'll get done when it gets done. I don't miss that feeling at all now.

Ya. .. . Except when meeting the unrealistic deadline nets you more $$$$ than getting it done when you want to get it done. . . .. The nature of my business.

Oh and then when you prove to a client that you can do that they expect it for every job. Why I charge alot more to meet there deadline versus the cost to make the deadline I set.

Appleseed MegaDork
7/14/16 3:09 p.m.

Why is it people don't want to spend money to do it right, but will spend it twice to do so?

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/14/16 3:15 p.m.
Ashyukun wrote: Last full day of work (may be last, am on the wall about whether to work a half day from home tomorrow or say Berk It and just take the whole day off...) before SWMBO and I fly out to Europe for 2 weeks for a bucket-list cruise. Only been here a bit over an hour and the day is already dragging. Would be dragging worse if I didn't have my Ortho follow-up appointment mid-afternoon to go to- which is another point of stress since it will determine whether I have to drag the walking boot with us or if they clear me to not need it any more. Tried to pick up donuts on the way in for my co-workers (and to get the kind that SWMBO loves for breakfast tomorrow morning)- but pulled up to the bakery and they have a sign on the front door that they're closed today and tomorrow for kitchen upgrades. -_- Got SWMBO's new (second try...) phone in yesterday and got her started setting it up. So far so good- at least it's not acting possessed and doing crap on its own. She's still annoyed at having to transfer over her contacts manually- but it was her call to do so vs. transferring everything from her Android phone and then going through and deleting everything that she didn't want (last time it upgraded it somehow pulled in hundreds of contacts that she didn't want/need). Finally- SWMBO and I are feuding, to an extent, about something particularly silly. Last weekend since she actually had a Saturday free we went to the Farmer's Market and ended up picking up a basil plant- we've been eating a lot of Caprese salads and figured it would be nice to have truly fresh basil to put on them. And the plant was about what we pay for a package of leaves at the store, so if we can keep it alive it will be a nice savings too. The feud though is that I both because I like the way it sounds and, admittedly (and I've said as much), because it somewhat annoys SWMBO, like to pronounce 'basil' the British way- with the 'a' sounding like the one in 'bad' vs the typical American pronunciation where it sounds like the 'a' in 'way'. She has decided that she's had enough of this, and until I start pronouncing it the American way, she's going to start mis-pronouncing my name using a long 'o' instead of the short(?) 'o' that Robert usually has. It's a profoundly silly feud, but one that could be more than a bit annoying with going on the cruise if she as she has threatened introduces me to people pronouncing it wrong. Why don't I just give in and pronounce it the other way? Several reasons- one, I'm a bit stubborn (as is she). Two, it is fun to tweak her a bit about things. And three- I don't want to set a precedent by caving on this, because I know there are several other things I pronounce differently than the 'norm' that she'd potentially move on to trying to change using the same approach.

And you are not even married yet. . .. LOL That is not a rant that is just funny.

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/14/16 3:30 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Duke wrote:
Rufledt wrote: Ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything thing done?
When do I not feel that way?
If I don't feel that way, I start to get twitchy.

Oh my gosh yes. "Wait, what am I forgetting to do???"

Stefan (Not Bruce)
Stefan (Not Bruce) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/14/16 3:39 p.m.

berkeleying reading comprehension among many internet denizens is at an all-time low.

wearymicrobe UltraDork
7/14/16 4:41 p.m.

Pretty sure I am getting fired or promoted day. Not sure which been getting yelled at constantly and have a mystery meeting with he head of the division and HR.

mtn MegaDork
7/14/16 4:53 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote: Pretty sure I am getting fired or promoted day. Not sure which been getting yelled at constantly and have a mystery meeting with he head of the division and HR.

Unsolicited advice:

If you get promoted, great!

If you get fired, I hope you get a nice severance and take the foot off the damn gas. You're loaded. Rich. 1%. You're killing yourself with your job. Take a step back and move to a cheaper area if you need to, but jeebus. If I had the money that you do I wouldn't be working at something that was as stressful as what you describe your job as.

wearymicrobe UltraDork
7/14/16 5:03 p.m.

In reply to mtn:

Got just about a million saved up right now outside retirement and home equity. If it happens taking a year or two off and building a small home that I can pay cash for and relaxing. 20 years straight of a job where people hate your guts and tray each out like dirt has worn me to the bone.

wearymicrobe UltraDork
7/14/16 7:20 p.m.

Holy E36 M3 if you are going to try and stab me in the back over a 8 figure contact at least have the decency to do it in person not send a nasty text message. Especially when there were witnesses. That's how you get blacklisted so fast.

Funniest thing is they were not even in the top 3 bids due to cost overrun.

dculberson PowerDork
7/14/16 7:42 p.m.

A million bucks nets you $40k/year in safe withdrawals. You can live off of $40k/year pretty well in any state east of Cali and west of Eastern Pa. The average house in Columbus - a fun and vibrant city - is $160k. If you don't have kids you can get a very nice place in a so-so school district for $300k.

There's no need to take only a year or two off. You can take 40 years off if you want.

spitfirebill UltimaDork
7/14/16 7:43 p.m.
dean1484 wrote: Clients that send you something at 5:00 PM that you have been asking them for three days to get to you and then they ask if they can get the report before the meeting tomorrow morning.. . .

Sounds exactly like our biggest client. Gave us a quick deadline, then didn't bother to get the property under contract until today. The report is due tomorrow.

spitfirebill UltimaDork
7/14/16 7:51 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote: It's 20 minutes till 10. It's still over 90 degrees outside. And that's 10PM, not AM.

We used to have that when I lived up the road in Florence. When I would finally get to take vacation in early August, I headed to the mountains.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/14/16 8:21 p.m.

People complain about the NYPD being paranoid when they block off large crowds with trucks and concrete barriers. Sadly it seems to be a necessary precaution.

tuna55 MegaDork
7/15/16 7:07 a.m.
dculberson wrote: A million bucks nets you $40k/year in safe withdrawals. You can live off of $40k/year pretty well in any state east of Cali and west of Eastern Pa. The average house in Columbus - a fun and vibrant city - is $160k. If you don't have kids you can get a very nice place in a so-so school district for $300k. There's no need to take only a year or two off. You can take 40 years off if you want.

Hear hear

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