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WilD HalfDork
7/20/16 1:27 p.m.
GameboyRMH said: You're still in denial man, I'm trying to show you your misjudgement while you're still young and before you build a whole self-image around it and become "that guy" who says things like "I'm not rich, I saved up 5 years for this new Porsche"...

I don't think qualifying for a mortgage and buying a used truck necessarily qualifies someone as being rich. It implies a decent current income stream and a surprisingly good credit history for someone only 19. This almost seems like it needs it's own thread. "You might be rich if..."

My rant: I'm 37 and still not rich, but I already feel like I am burned out on working and want to retire.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/20/16 2:14 p.m.
tuna55 wrote: I think the key here is nebulous definition of "rich". To me, you're rich, dude. To a typical person living in a third world country, I am fabulously wealthy. To your standard oil baron, they're not sure how you put food on the table, or even how you have a table.

Haha no I'm not even rich by your standards, trust me. My automotive projects and racing efforts may be more ballin' (or less ghetto if you prefer), but it's because I live the ramen bachelor lifestyle. It's all about priorities

To bring some cold hard math to the issue, you can look up the median income for your area to give yourself a comparison point.

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/20/16 2:23 p.m.
WilD wrote: This almost seems like it needs it's own thread. "You might be rich if..."

Sounds like a promising thread.

tuna55 MegaDork
7/20/16 2:43 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
tuna55 wrote: I think the key here is nebulous definition of "rich". To me, you're rich, dude. To a typical person living in a third world country, I am fabulously wealthy. To your standard oil baron, they're not sure how you put food on the table, or even how you have a table.
Haha no I'm not even rich by your standards, trust me. My automotive projects and racing efforts may be more ballin' (or less ghetto if you prefer), but it's because I live the ramen bachelor lifestyle. It's all about priorities To bring some cold hard math to the issue, you can look up the median income for your area to give yourself a comparison point.

Sorry, my "you're" was directed at our young friend.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
7/20/16 3:11 p.m.
WilD wrote: My rant: I'm 37 and still not rich, but I already feel like I am burned out on working and want to retire.

I haven't punched a time clock since October 2011 when I was 24. I haven't felt better, but it's a lot more work coming up with ways to make money, particularly ways that don't risk hand cuffs. And it makes the whole mortgage, car loan thing really difficult.

I hadn't thought about it much, but seeing smokes are going up another buck a pack August 1, making my monthly cost $300. If I had proof of income, that would be a nice car payment. Scrap receipts, car receipts, and PayPal transfers don't count as income enough for a car loan though. Instead its just extra money to be put aside if this is what finally makes me quit.

I may have fallen into a part time cooking job though, and I'm really dreading it. Especially because of what childcare costs, holy E36 M3, day care is expensive. I'm probably better off financially not working and needing to pay someone to watch the kid.

To be clear, I don't get welfare or assistance or anything like that. I got the house when my dad died, which also paid off the mortgage. I was planning on living off my inheritance from my grandfather, but my uncle built a house in Florida with it and thinks I don't know he's spending my money, but that's a whole other rant.

mtn MegaDork
7/20/16 3:20 p.m.

Credit agencies. Why are they so gawddamned hard to work with? This is a clear violation of the FDCPA. It is basically a textbook example of why that act was created. WHY WON'T YOU REMOVE IT FROM THE REPORTS????

KyAllroad UltraDork
7/20/16 3:24 p.m.

For most of us, money isn't a linear path through life. At some times you'll make more, at others you'll make less. Learning to roll with the punches and adapt to the curve-balls that life has a way of throwing at you is the key to feeling contentment with how things go.

Obligatory rant: ex-wife is legally entitled to a portion of my income. Having someone (who doesn't need any extra) directly take from you every month (when you struggle to make ends meet) is a festering sore on my psyche. It's much easier to move past being burgled when the burgler doesn't come back and steal your new 55" TV EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

Robbie GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
7/20/16 3:36 p.m.
AWSX1686 wrote:
WilD wrote: This almost seems like it needs it's own thread. "You might be rich if..."
Sounds like a promising thread.

Few other than the doer will see any difference between the life of the doer and the complainer. And over a lifetime, that small but constant difference will place the doer and the complainer in VERY different places.

(replace "doer" with saver, hard-worker, ladder-climber, sports trainer, art practitioner, music player, etc).

And, the real source of my minor rant post: Your income does not make you rich!!! Your savings does.

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
7/20/16 3:45 p.m.

In reply to WilD:

As I get closer to retirement I really want to retire. Three guys recently retired and stop in a lot - like they are bored. 63, 60, and 55. I'm ready to go at 53 but the money is too good.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/20/16 3:50 p.m.

In reply to mtn:

Because they can be.

fasted58 UltimaDork
7/20/16 4:57 p.m.
RevRico wrote: If I would have known no one from grm was heading to the national match tour in Pittsburgh this pay past weekend, I'd have gone and wrote an article up. Didn't think the car would be done in time to race so I didn't register, just surprised i saw no mention of the Heavy metal showdown here at all. Scca fault though, making nationals the same weekend as the vintage grand prix pretty much ensured a low turnout.


Duke MegaDork
7/20/16 5:06 p.m.

I just spent half a day I don't have doing something the "easy" way instead of the right way, and an hour doing something else that I shouldn't have had to do at all.

EvanB GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
7/20/16 7:21 p.m.

I thought changing the front wheel bearing on my Subaru would be a quick evening job. I was wrong.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
7/20/16 7:26 p.m.

My get up and go got up and left.

cmcgregor HalfDork
7/20/16 7:57 p.m.

It's 9pm and I'm still at work. Got in at 8 this morning. Pretty standard for this week so far.

Traveling for work sucks.

Appleseed MegaDork
7/20/16 9:07 p.m.

500 pages of lame ass bitching. What the berkeley is wrong with you people!?!?!

Stefan (Not Bruce)
Stefan (Not Bruce) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/20/16 9:14 p.m.

Eat me Johnny Appleseed.

Take your seeds and berkeley off out of here.

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
7/20/16 9:14 p.m.
EvanB wrote: I thought changing the front wheel bearing on my Subaru would be a quick evening job. I was wrong.

My immediate reaction: "Haha mmmm boy, and how."

I work in a very well equipped professional shop, and I weight 255 and am well versed in the use of the swinging press, as well as real press, an oxy acetylene torch and hub grapplers and so on...and one day, I took the hub, bearing, spindle, knuckle and axle out of one as an assembly, tossed it all in the scrap pile and went to the wrecker for another complete assembly. Rust, you say? Boy Howdy, I say.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/21/16 3:18 a.m.

Why is the heat on in the train in July? In every car? I can see its going to be another wonderful day.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
7/21/16 7:56 a.m.

80% of the fleet is now offering the road. I own 5 cars. And had to borrow one to get to work for the rest of the week.

Additionally, the timing belt on an fsde can suck it.

Nick (picaso) Comstock
Nick (picaso) Comstock UltimaDork
7/21/16 6:55 p.m.

Over 2000 cars on my local Craigslist and not one that I'm even slightly interested in. The three that slightly made an eyebrow raise were horribly modified. The couple that looked clean were way over priced.

cmcgregor HalfDork
7/21/16 7:02 p.m.
cmcgregor wrote: It's 9pm and I'm still at work. Got in at 8 this morning. Pretty standard for this week so far. Traveling for work sucks.

And now my flight home is delayed 2 hours. The 6 hour drive to my parent's house tomorrow is going to be AWESOME

Appleseed MegaDork
7/21/16 8:01 p.m.

In reply to Nick (picaso) Comstock:

Stop looking for that black 88 IROC Z. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/21/16 8:09 p.m.

WTF lender?!?! You had all of the docs delivered to your grubby hands at 10 AM yesterday and couldn't get the house funded TODAY!!!?!?! Really1?!?!?! WTF is WRONG with you??? Now we need ANOTHER extension and have to push all of the moving truck, carpet cleaning, etc back by a day. BERKELEY YOU DO YOUR DAMN JOB!!!!

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/22/16 6:59 a.m.

So I was looking at online insurance quotes the other night to see how much I'll save once I sell a couple vehicles, at first it was looking good, but it's a little depressing. Insurance sucks. (Though I guess it suck more with no insurance.)

Current Situation: 97 Miata, 87 BMW 535is, 98 Dodge Dakota on a Travelers insurance policy. No collision on any, comprehensive at a $500? deductible. $206/month. Plus, the motorcycle is another $25/month. Total current monthly insurance: ~$230/month

Plan is to sell the BMW, Truck, and motorcycle before I buy this other truck in September hopefully. So then I was looking at Travelers and Hagerty.

Travelers: 97 Miata, 97 Dodge 2500, comprehensive on the miata, comprehensive/collision on the truck. ~$145/month

Hagerty: 97 Miata. 97 Dodge 2500, comprehensive/collision on both with various deductibles to attempt to lower the price. ~$250/month.

Sounds like travelers is the way to go right? Except I know that IF I were to wreck the truck, they would not give me nearly what it is worth vs. Hagerty where I set the value of the truck myself. So basically pay a lot more monthly, or pay more if I wreck.... I guess I just need to not wreck it.

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