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GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/26/16 9:13 a.m.
RevRico wrote: Now watch me wind up in trouble somehow for pointing out something very illegal that never should have seen the light of day, let alone be readily available on netflix of all things.

Is it illegal to show an underage girl's chest though? If it is then you're right, illegal is illegal, but that would be a bizarrely prudish law IMO.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
7/26/16 9:14 a.m.

It's Tuesday. I've already had enough of the week.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
7/26/16 9:18 a.m.

In reply to GameboyRMH:

I'm assuming that if an underage girl can be charged with distributing child porn for sending pictures to underage boys, it's definitely not ok for a girl maybe 10 years old to be topless in a movie. Baby, sure whatever diaper commercials, 17-18? hard to tell an age. This was elementary school age, so I think it's safe to assume it's not OK.

I actually don't know the specific laws, that just seems like a blanket cover. Maybe I'm overreacting, as the movie in question was released in 2011, just seems very wrong to me, both that it's in the film, and that I'm apparently an shiny happy person for asking to have censors look at it.

Ranger50 UltimaDork
7/26/16 9:40 a.m.

Day 2 at the beach completed.

Shopping for grubage all day. Seafood buffet at night. Buffet was good.

This beach still sucks.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
7/26/16 9:41 a.m.

In other news, in the last 10 minutes, my daughter has figured out how to walk. Guess I'm getting back in shape now. It's been coming for a while, but just boom, stood up and started walking across the floor. I need to install some higher shelves now.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/26/16 10:08 a.m.

Back at work after 2 weeks of vacation abroad- and I can't remember most of my passwords. Going to be an interesting day- but that was guaranteed since I got about 5 hours of sleep after being up for over 24 hours flying back. Granted, I slept like a log for those 5 hours since our bed at home is solidly more comfortable than the one on the ship, but still less sleep than ideal for certain made all the more interesting by how long I was up and having blown through a fantasy/sci-fi novel on the plane ride back that was till kicking around in my head.

I could fill a whole page worth of rants about the trip. Berkleyed flights causing us to effectively miss a day of the cruise. A terror attacks hours after our ship left a city- and the ship causing a major panic in SWMBO's mother due to them not having processed us on board properly due to our delay and their telling her they didn't show us as being on the ship. A port of call cancelled due to an attempted coup. Going from limited walking on my repaired ankle to walking over 10 miles a few days later trying to see as much or Rome as possible. And yet, surprisingly, overall a great vacation- but one we're not likely to do again for some time due to cost and other things being higher priorities.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/26/16 10:29 a.m.
dean1484 wrote:
Ashyukun wrote: Why don't I just give in and pronounce it the other way? Several reasons- one, I'm a bit stubborn (as is she). Two, it is fun to tweak her a bit about things. And three- I don't want to set a precedent by caving on this, because I know there are several other things I pronounce differently than the 'norm' that she'd potentially move on to trying to change using the same approach.
And you are not even married yet. . .. LOL That is not a rant that is just funny.

We've been married for a few months over 2 years now... and I don't begin to foresee that ending anytime soon, even after spending pretty much the last 13 days together constantly with only being apart when in bathrooms.

Amusingly, she mostly forgot about the whole basil thing until we got home and found that our house/dog-sitter had managed to kill the basil plant (looks like he just didn't water it).

tuna55 MegaDork
7/26/16 10:43 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Datsun310Guy wrote: Due to the heat some wires burned up shutting down 1600 homes around me. Three hours later it's getting hot in the house. First world problems.....
Around here if it's getting hot in the house and there's nothing you can do about it, that's just a normal morning for a non-rich person

I wish more people knew this about the rest of the world, or even in the developed nations up until the 50's. Somehow everyone freaks out if they can't get their house down to 72 or something silly. I don't do FB much, but my local power company provided a list of ten things to do to keep your electric bill lower, and one of them was to keep the thermostat at 78. People freaked out. There were hundreds of comments which basically implied that anyone placing their thermostat at 78 would instantly die of heat exhaustion after sitting inside for more than three minutes.

Being hot is not a bad thing. Lots of people are hot, and many of them survive afterwards.

spitfirebill UltimaDork
7/26/16 11:17 a.m.

In reply to tuna55:

I saw that on the news the other day. Even the news people were making fun of it. We keep ours set around 76°.

tuna55 MegaDork
7/26/16 11:19 a.m.
spitfirebill wrote: In reply to tuna55: I saw that on the news the other day. Even the news people were making fun of it. We keep ours set around 76°.

78 or 79 here. People are pansies.

Nick (picaso) Comstock
Nick (picaso) Comstock UltimaDork
7/26/16 11:23 a.m.

No way in hell am I turning my air up to 78. I can't sleep if it's above 73. I hate the heat.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/26/16 11:29 a.m.

In reply to Ranger50:

Next time come up here and babysit buses and I'll go to the beach.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/26/16 11:33 a.m.

In reply to tuna55:

I stand outside in the sun all day and my wife is constantly cold. I didn't put my air conditioners in until about two weeks ago when my inlaws were coming over and if it's just us I still use the ceiling fans more than the AC. We usually run it more for the dog when we aren't home than for us.

Duke MegaDork
7/26/16 11:37 a.m.
mad_machine wrote: the only trouble I have found with "gotta get it down done NOW!" people is that they will rush a job and do a E36 M3ty job of it just to get it done. Let me work at my pace to get it done right and nobody will have to spend even more time to redo it

One of my bosses and one of my semi-underlings are like that. I am getting seriously tired of being stuck with all the E36 M3ty cleanup work after they "get a head start" on every project.

Appleseed MegaDork
7/26/16 12:42 p.m.

In reply to tuna55:

How long can the human body survive without sleep? Because mine won't let me sleep when it's that hot and humid.

tuna55 MegaDork
7/26/16 12:54 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: In reply to tuna55: How long can the human body survive without sleep? Because mine won't let me sleep when it's that hot and humid.

Not many people your Grandparents age (just guessing) died of lack of sleep.

nepa03focus Dork
7/26/16 12:58 p.m.

Same here, we have a pug mix and a foster bulldog, and my wife is spoiled we keep it at 72

Appleseed MegaDork
7/26/16 1:30 p.m.

In reply to tuna55:

Most had heart attacks and died by the time they were 50.

Lard, WWII, and unfiltered cigarettes will do that.

On the flip side, I like a cold house, even in winter. I'll put on a sweater, verses cranking up the heat. I've comfortably fallen asleep outside in 15 degree snow.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/26/16 1:35 p.m.

(checks Nest app) Ours is set to 74, when we're not at home it's set to let it get up to 80. What this means in practical terms is that on the 'ground' floor where the thermostat is, it's 74 degrees. On the upper floor, it's probably closer to 78. On the upper basement floor (or lower ground floor), it's probably about 72, and in the lower basement (where our master bedroom is), it's in the high 60's.

I've spend summers at camp in Missouri in cabins with just mesh sides & ceiling fans... you get used to it reasonably quickly, though it always sucks when the humidity gets up there.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
7/26/16 1:57 p.m.

I sweat like a whore in church at anything above 80.

It's 104 according to the thermometer in the car. Hello, my name is swamp ass.

tuna55 MegaDork
7/26/16 1:58 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: In reply to tuna55: Most had heart attacks and died by the time they were 50. Lard, WWII, and unfiltered cigarettes will do that. On the flip side, I like a cold house, even in winter. I'll put on a sweater, verses cranking up the heat. I've comfortably fallen asleep outside in 15 degree snow.

Mine all have made it are are making it into their 80's other than one.

mtn MegaDork
7/26/16 2:22 p.m.

I hate the heat. We have our ac set to 74 for most of the day--72 between 4:30 and 6 since we're in the attic and it needs a lot of oomph to get to a reasonable level--but basically 74 between 6pm and 9am, when it goes to 80.

I will say though that I am one of the ones who doesn't turn on the heat until it is below 64 degrees inside. And that is mostly for my guitars, not me.

dropstep Dork
7/26/16 3:36 p.m.

My house is 72 in the summer and 68 in the winter. Me and the wife both prefer it cold. My bedroom is 64 thanks too a small window unit.

Spoolpigeon UberDork
7/26/16 3:37 p.m.

I'm working in the bowels of the Newark airport this week. It sucks. That is all.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/26/16 4:25 p.m.

5:30 am, the thermostat sets to 73. It stays there until 9 when it sets to 75. At 5 it drops back to 73 until 10pm when it increases to 76.

Those temps work for summer, but don't run the AC enough to dehumidify the house in the spring and fall. A humid day might see the thermostat set to 69 or 70 just to squeeze the water out. I have a whole house dehumidifier to install, but that won't happen until the attic temps drop to reasonable.

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