1 ... 510 511 512 513 514 ... 2012
Dusterbd13 PowerDork
8/11/16 11:29 a.m.

If your rent depends on getting tips, don't be a bitch.

Devilsolsi Reader
8/11/16 11:57 a.m.
Apexcarver wrote:
Devilsolsi wrote: I will have to go back to the MVA to get another 30 day temporary registration.
Good Luck! Last time I went rounds with the MVA they said that they will not give more than 30 days under any circumstances (after my mustang failed for stickers on the rear quarter windows). According to what they told me if you dont get it done in the 30 days, you either need to find a shop with a transit tag, OR have it towed in for inspection. Be ready for more retardedness.

That is helpful to know. I will have to call them first but who knows.

In all honesty the reaction and the run around I have had since I bought this car has been quite a turn off. I am contemplating fixing a few of the minor issues and selling it instead.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/11/16 1:50 p.m.
G_Body_Man wrote: Being away for two weeks has really given me time to realize how stressful and generally unpleasant dealing with my immediate family is. I'm going to hate going back.

I had a similar epiphany after our recent 2-week vacation, except about my job and not my family. It was the catalyst for my rather cryptic post yesterday...

So... after 16 years of working in the same industry and, by and large, for the same company I'm very seriously trying to find another job. Over the last 10 years of being at the position I'm in now, the job and the environment has changed considerably such that if you're objectively looking at things there's really no reason for me to be here. The group that I'm here to be liaison to and assist has since hired retired engineers from my own company with several times my experience so they only really need my help on the rare things that require access privileges that you need to be a direct employee like me to have. Project leads at my own company prefer to just directly contact the contract site leads about new work instead of going through me, and I have a surprisingly difficult time getting anyone to actually directly give me work to do and have to try and make work for myself to do on the projects being worked by the group I oversee.

I've been working to try and get things to improve for the last year or so, but a conversation I had with the lead engineer for the contract company (who is one of my better friends in the office) highlighted that even my boss seems to prefer shortcutting over me as he had been pestering the lead for some metrics that were the kind of thing that he's supposed to be getting from me. That was the straw the finally made up my mind- I've tried for long enough, probably longer than I should have, now it's time to find something else.

Of course, that's easier said than done. There's really no other places remotely local in my specific field (aerospace engineering), and with SWMBO's non-profit here I'm not going to move. And frankly, I'm not particularly certain that I want to stay in the same industry anyway- a large part of me wants to try something completely different so I'm actually challenged and interested in what I'm doing again.

Frankly if I could make anywhere near what I do in my engineering job working on cars, I'd probably happily do that- but that's extremely unlikely to work. I'd love to do something that makes more of a difference as well- I thought that my structural engineering background would be an interesting fit for designing and building prosthetics, but I don't think there are any companies that do that nearby.

Hopefully I'll find something good quickly- will be staying at my current job and continuing to do my best to make it work, but really don't want to have to for too much longer.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
8/11/16 5:32 p.m.

Got advance warning today about a meeting that is supposed to happen Tuesday in which my job radically changes. This has been decided for me, without even asking or consulting me. It is nothing like what I do now, and something that I won't be good at, with a schedule that impacts my family in negative ways.

I'm berkeleying pissed.

ncjay SuperDork
8/11/16 5:46 p.m.

Seems to me many companies enjoy treating their employees like crap, then have the balls to turn around and say you can't find good help anymore.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/11/16 6:09 p.m.
Dusterbd13 wrote: If your rent depends on getting tips, don't be a bitch.

we have a ben and jerry's at work. I watched the couple ahead of me get samples from several different tubs, ask the girl behind the counter for advice, and finally get two SMALL tubs of what they wanted in the first place.. and after paying for them, walk off without leaving a tip.

Appleseed MegaDork
8/11/16 10:37 p.m.

I will never have a job were pay, in any portion at all, comes from the generosity of people, because people berkeleying suck.

KyAllroad UltraDork
8/11/16 10:43 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed: I've learned the hard way to never say "I'll never" about anything. Life can be a capricious bitch who WILL teach you a lesson.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/12/16 2:46 a.m.

In reply to Ashyukun:

Do you have any rehab hospitals in the area? The hospital my wife works at has an in house lab that makes and customizes prosthetics and equipment for their patients. I've wandered down there a few times and it looks like a neat place to work.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ SuperDork
8/12/16 7:11 a.m.

Some weeks sitting at a desk all day every day is acceptable- this has not been one of those weeks.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/12/16 8:39 a.m.
Wall-e wrote: In reply to Ashyukun: Do you have any rehab hospitals in the area? The hospital my wife works at has an in house lab that makes and customizes prosthetics and equipment for their patients. I've wandered down there a few times and it looks like a neat place to work.

We have a number of hospitals in the area, at least two major ones. I didn't realize that the hospitals themselves might have in-house places- I'll have to look into that. Thanks!

I may actually have some direct contacts too- the thought that working with prosthetics might be a more rewarding application of my skills first occurred to me around a year ago, but after my own injury earlier this year I'm even more convinced that it would be a worthwhile job to be doing. Also thanks to it, I spent three months doing PT so might be able to make some inquiries through the PTs that I worked with. I also just realized that I may have another very helpful resource- SWMBO works with the local university's PT program where the PTs assist in her adaptive dance classes to help keep the kids from injuring themselves while getting hands-on experience. I would imagine her main contact- one of the head professors- might have some ideas as well.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/12/16 9:49 a.m.

In reply to Ashyukun:

Her hospital is strictly rehab and therapy besides doing prosthetics which if I remember right from poking around they get most of them from a company and modify and adapt to the patient but they also do adaptive equipment for their homes and sports equipment. One of the guys that runs their department is in a wheelchair himself and does all kinds of activities like skiing.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/12/16 10:48 a.m.

I'm aware of how hot it is out. I've been standing here since 6:30. Complaining about it won't make it cooler or get your bus here faster.

mtn MegaDork
8/12/16 11:10 a.m.

We've got a Keurig machine at work. Well, they removed said Keurig machine ahead of re-doing the kitchen, and instead of moving it to the other kitchen, they've packed it away and no one can find it.

So I tried some of the coffee that they provide. Bleyach. That was a mistake.

Try for 20 minutes to go without coffee. Nope. Of course this has to happen on the day that I got 3 hours of sleep the night before. There goes $2 I wasn't looking to spend today.

Stefan (Not Bruce)
Stefan (Not Bruce) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/12/16 11:12 a.m.

I find keurig coffee pods way too weak and watered down and I've tried a number of them.

Perhaps ask someone involved with the kitchen and see if they can bring it back.

mtn MegaDork
8/12/16 11:17 a.m.
Stefan (Not Bruce) wrote: I find keurig coffee pods way too weak and watered down and I've tried a number of them. Perhaps ask someone involved with the kitchen and see if they can bring it back.

We have. It disapeared--they're moving half our floor to another floor and shutting down said half for construction.

But as for my keurig, I generally agree with you, but I have a reusable pod and supply my own coffee. It makes an OK cup. Not very strong, but drinkable--and for the cost of about $0.09 a cup. I usually have about 2 or 3; when I buy coffee or make it in a real pot I only need 1. The stuff in the big maker today though was just horrid.

alfadriver MegaDork
8/12/16 11:51 a.m.

Can you get hot water?

If so, get cheap can of coffee and invest in an Aeropress. It will pay for itself quite quickly. And the coffee is awesome.

mtn MegaDork
8/12/16 11:54 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: Can you get hot water? If so, get cheap can of coffee and invest in an Aeropress. It will pay for itself quite quickly. And the coffee is awesome.

I need to do this. I had a french press at my old job. It got lost in the move.

JamesMcD Dork
8/12/16 12:37 p.m.
Ashyukun wrote:
G_Body_Man wrote: Being away for two weeks has really given me time to realize how stressful and generally unpleasant dealing with my immediate family is. I'm going to hate going back.
I had a similar epiphany after our recent 2-week vacation, except about my job and not my family. It was the catalyst for my rather cryptic post yesterday... So... after 16 years of working in the same industry and, by and large, for the same company I'm very seriously trying to find another job. Over the last 10 years of being at the position I'm in now, the job and the environment has changed considerably such that if you're objectively looking at things there's really no reason for me to be here. The group that I'm here to be liaison to and assist has since hired retired engineers from my own company with several times my experience so they only really need my help on the rare things that require access privileges that you need to be a direct employee like me to have. Project leads at my own company prefer to just directly contact the contract site leads about new work instead of going through me, and I have a surprisingly difficult time getting anyone to actually directly give me work to do and have to try and make work for myself to do on the projects being worked by the group I oversee. I've been working to try and get things to improve for the last year or so, but a conversation I had with the lead engineer for the contract company (who is one of my better friends in the office) highlighted that even my boss seems to prefer shortcutting over me as he had been pestering the lead for some metrics that were the kind of thing that he's supposed to be getting from me. That was the straw the finally made up my mind- I've tried for long enough, probably longer than I should have, now it's time to find something else. Of course, that's easier said than done. There's really no other places remotely local in my specific field (aerospace engineering), and with SWMBO's non-profit here I'm not going to move. And frankly, I'm not particularly certain that I want to stay in the same industry anyway- a large part of me wants to try something completely different so I'm actually challenged and interested in what I'm doing again. Frankly if I could make anywhere near what I do in my engineering job working on cars, I'd probably happily do that- but that's extremely unlikely to work. I'd love to do something that makes more of a difference as well- I thought that my structural engineering background would be an interesting fit for designing and building prosthetics, but I don't think there are any companies that do that nearby. Hopefully I'll find something good quickly- will be staying at my current job and continuing to do my best to make it work, but really don't want to have to for too much longer.

What about Webasto? That's near you right? Sunroofs ("roof systems"). Could be interesting.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/12/16 1:59 p.m.
mtn wrote:
alfadriver wrote: Can you get hot water? If so, get cheap can of coffee and invest in an Aeropress. It will pay for itself quite quickly. And the coffee is awesome.
I need to do this. I had a french press at my old job. It got lost in the move.

That's kind of what I do, except for making tea from loose leaf tea- I have an electric kettle that I use to boil the water and then a bottom-dispensing teapot to steep the tea in.

I tried once or twice when they put in a Keurig in our office to make tea using it- the tea pods always tasted horrible and worse they always had a coffee aftertaste if I didn't run the thing without a pod once or twice before making the tea.

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
8/12/16 2:05 p.m.

As a shop owner, there is no possible way to spend more money on coffee than with a Keurig. I'd "lose" the machine too.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/12/16 3:25 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote: As a shop owner, there is no possible way to spend more money on coffee than with a Keurig. I'd "lose" the machine too.

That depends on how you're doing it. Our office doesn't provide the pods for free, just the use of the machine. The office snack bar (the profits from which go toward the office picnic in the summer & Christmas party in the winter) sells them at a bit of a markup from what they can buy them for in bulk.

mtn MegaDork
8/12/16 3:59 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote: As a shop owner, there is no possible way to spend more money on coffee than with a Keurig. I'd "lose" the machine too.

I provide the pod. I've got a reusable one that I fill with my own coffee.

alfadriver MegaDork
8/12/16 4:39 p.m.
mtn wrote:
alfadriver wrote: Can you get hot water? If so, get cheap can of coffee and invest in an Aeropress. It will pay for itself quite quickly. And the coffee is awesome.
I need to do this. I had a french press at my old job. It got lost in the move.

If your situation is like mine, the aeropress is superior. Because it's so very easy to clean- comes out like a puck.

oldeskewltoy UltraDork
8/12/16 6:31 p.m.

Berkeley all you immigrants(none Oregonians) who are moving, or who have moved here... Traffic is crap at all times of the day

Not my scan... but on any given day it looks like this or worse

1 ... 510 511 512 513 514 ... 2012

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