I need to be a traffic cop. People do stuff in front of me, driving a silver Honda Fit, that they'd never do in front of a marked or unmarked police vehicle.
throw garbage out the window
run a stop sign so they can pull out in front of me (making me hit the brakes) and then drive exactly at the speed limit
drive for miles in the left hand lane on the highway while watching dozens of cars pass them on the right
text and use their cell phone with more concentration that they're using for driving
brazenly drink a bottle of beer while driving
look in their rearview mirror and watch lawn debris leave their truck bed but not stop to pick it up
come to a four way intersection, not use any turn signals and then get pissed at me when I can't figure out what they wanted to do
slam on their brakes, come to a complete stop in the road to make a left and then and only then, switch on their turn signal
drive in the left hand lane for miles but then cut me off in the right lane so they can make their exit
come up behind me quickly, make a legal pass, get back in front of me and then slow down to less then I was previously traveling at so I now have to pass them
not pulling completely into the middle turning lane to make a left against traffic and forcing all the cars behind them to come to stop
double park instead of going 50 feet down the street to an open parking space
driving exactly the speed limit for miles on a residential road, collecting a long parade of other motorists but then suddenly flooring it to run the yellow light
driving a large commercial vehicle in the left hand lane of a busy local four lane for miles and miles because eventually they'll be making a left turn
not making a right turn on red when it is safe to do so because they're too busy texting
thinking that owning an expensive car means they can park in a lined, no parking area every time they go to the gym
being a card carrying member of the Anti-Destination League who drives exactly at the speed limit on the highway EXCEPT when somebody tries to pass them and then they decide it's okay to break the rules and block somebody from getting ahead of them
And that's just what I've seen in the last two weeks. Seriously. I'd love to be able to throw on some blue and red lights in my Honda and scare the living E36 M3 out of them. Come to think of it, a fleet of boring compact cars would be perfect for undercover traffic enforcement.