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DukeOfUndersteer UltimaDork
9/15/16 3:28 p.m.
KyAllroad wrote:
cmcgregor wrote: In reply to DukeOfUndersteer: Hey, we're almost exactly the same age! Getting old sucks.
Pfft. Whippersnappers don't EVEN know the fun that aging will have with you yet. At 30 I still bounced, at 45 I'd shatter like a rubber ball dipped in liquid nitrogen.

I have liver damage that's older than most high schoolers!!

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/15/16 3:32 p.m.

I am not going to flounder this thread with politics.. but if you don't like a candidate, say so. Don't go photoshopping stuff to make the other candidate look bad or go passing around things that you know are flat our wrong. If it wasn't in the name of politics, that would be called "Slander"

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/15/16 4:47 p.m.

Dear automatic door sensor manufacturer,

I understand that, like most companies, you have to build your products as cheaply as possible. But when your cheap Chinese crap starts affecting your quality control, it's time to do something else. A 25% failure rate is not acceptable for a $3000 sensor package. That is doubly true when I am installing your sensors on hospital doors like the ambulance entrance at the local emergency room. It's triply true when I start loosing money because of recalls to jobs I have already done.

Get your E36 M3 together, or I will be taking my business elsewhere.

Sincerely, Me.

The sales rep got pretty much the exact same message.

KyAllroad UberDork
9/15/16 4:53 p.m.

Shiny happy members of the populace who blast their stereo at painfull levels of wildly offensive music. Don't get offended when I ask nicely to please turn it down, then tell you firmly to stop being a shiny happy person. You're doing it for attention, now you're getting attention.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/15/16 5:50 p.m.

Here's another really spectacular case of stupid, courtesy of a large well known automotive supplier. Or to put it another way; Why I don't like working for Germans.

My company has been informed by this manufacturer, that we can no longer repair automatic doors at their facility, if they have power on them, because we are not licensed electricians. If the door has power on it, all covers have to stay closed until the power is locked out and tagged out by a licensed electrician. The fact that we are certified automatic door technicians is not acceptable, because their safety books says "certified electrician". That means no voltage testing, no programing controllers, not even opening the cover to see which LED tell-tails are illuminated.

It would be much like taking your car to a mechanic, telling him to fix it, then telling him he can't open the hood while the engine was running or the battery was connected.

This is the second time we have run into stupid problems with this company. The last time their labor rate went from $105/hr to $170/hr and they geeked, because we really are the best in the state. They have 30+ automatic doors, that lead into a multitude of critical clean manufacturing areas. If the doors are not operational, apparently the plant's ISO certification can be in jeopardy. Several of these doors are in airlocked changing rooms. We have been repairing doors on this facility for 12 years and we designed and installed most of the airlocks. The company has gradually been getting harder and harder to work with due to their regulations and safety protocols.

This time we have told them that due to the constraints their safety program have placed on us, we could no longer repair their doors. Not that we didn't want to, but we literally could not affect repairs without power on the system for troubleshooting. They tried, "we are big customer" chest pounding, until I told them they weren't even in our top ten. They tried, "we smart engineers, you just fix E36 M3" until I gave them the above automotive repair example. Suck it, and good luck finding someone else.

I talked to their maintenance engineer today. They have two clean room doors that are now broken and they still haven't been able to find a door repair company that has a licensed electrician that repairs doors or a electrical company that can fix doors. Their electrical people are at a loss on how to fix the doors, and we have refused to train them, because they are not certified automatic door repair technicians. The maintenance engineer is fit to be tied. He is new to the position, because the last engineer literally cussed out the head of the safety department in the middle of a plant management meeting and quit. Safety won't budge, so the doors are just staying broken. The plant general manager is pissed off as well. Some phone calls have been made around the nation, apparently most US plants have been leaving this in a gray area and politely ignoring the rules.

It is almost funny how stupid some really smart people can be. Safety people are at the top of that list.

Safety 3rd.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/15/16 6:16 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote: Here's another really spectacular case of stupid, courtesy of a large well known automotive supplier. Or to put it another way; Why I don't like working for Germans. My company has been informed by this manufacturer, that we can no longer repair automatic doors at their facility, if they have power on them, because we are not licensed electricians. If the door has power on it, all covers have to stay closed until the power is locked out and tagged out by a licensed electrician. The fact that we are certified automatic door technicians is not acceptable, because their safety books says "certified electrician". That means no voltage testing, no programing controllers, not even opening the cover to see which LED tell-tails are illuminated. It would be much like taking your car to a mechanic, telling him to fix it, then telling him he can't open the hood while the engine was running or the battery was connected. This is the second time we have run into stupid problems with this company. The last time their labor rate went from $105/hr to $170/hr and they geeked, because we really are the best in the state. They have 30+ automatic doors, that lead into a multitude of critical clean manufacturing areas. If the doors are not operational, apparently the plant's ISO certification can be in jeopardy. Several of these doors are in airlocked changing rooms. We have been repairing doors on this facility for 12 years and we designed and installed most of the airlocks. The company has gradually been getting harder and harder to work with due to their regulations and safety protocols. This time we have told them that due to the constraints their safety program have placed on us, we could no longer repair their doors. Not that we didn't want to, but we literally could not affect repairs without power on the system for troubleshooting. They tried, "we are big customer" chest pounding, until I told them they weren't even in our top ten. They tried, "we smart engineers, you just fix E36 M3" until I gave them the above automotive repair example. Suck it, and good luck finding someone else. I talked to their maintenance engineer today. They have two clean room doors that are now broken and they still haven't been able to find a door repair company that has a licensed electrician that repairs doors or a electrical company that can fix doors. Their electrical people are at a loss on how to fix the doors, and we have refused to train them, because they are not certified automatic door repair technicians. The maintenance engineer is fit to be tied. He is new to the position, because the last engineer literally cussed out the head of the safety department in the middle of a plant management meeting and quit. Safety won't budge, so the doors are just staying broken. The plant general manager is pissed off as well. Some phone calls have been made around the nation, apparently most US plants have been leaving this in a gray area and politely ignoring the rules. It is almost funny how stupid some really smart people can be. Safety people are at the top of that list. Safety 3rd.

I hear you toyman. At work when on a lift, you have to wear protective headgear. Not when somebody is on a lift above you, or near you, or when people are in the ceiling doing work.. just when you are in a lift.

And why you ask? Because of one incident where a guy in a lift almost got hit by a chain from a chainhoist while doing a very specific job we no longer have to do.

bigdaddylee82 SuperDork
9/15/16 7:04 p.m.

Apparently gallon milk jugs aren't an appropriate long term used oil storage solution.

Said oil leaks making a huge mess, and pools up against the bottom of the garage door. When arriving home from work you open the garage door, notice the mess, and walk over to inspect it. While inspecting the mess you are standing under the open garage door that had just been a dam for the pool of oil. Used motor oil then drips from the garage door onto one of your favorite and nicer polo shirts.

dculberson PowerDork
9/15/16 7:11 p.m.

In reply to Toyman01:

I am sorry for your troubles but it was honestly pretty amusing to read.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/15/16 7:19 p.m.

I had hoped having a sleeping drunk throw up everywhere sitting across from me was all that would go wrong today, 14 hours later and the E36 M3 show is not slowing down.

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
9/15/16 7:49 p.m.

So life is crazy and I couldn't go to Road America for the past 3 years - every race I tell myself I'm going but other obligations pull me away. This weekend is the last race and the drama queen 8th grade daughter is running in a special cross country meet I must go to - NO Road America this year, maybe next year's June Sprints?

One of my customers just north of Milwaukee called with an emergency request for me to drop off hoses this afternoon so I headed up at 1:00pm from Woodridge, IL and I felt I passed 3-4 trailers heading to Road America for the SVRA vintage race.......

A part of me told myself to just keep going after delivering the hoses, sleep in the Accord, pick up some clothes and a toothbrush at Fleet Farm and call in sick tomorrow. At age 25 I would have but I really have too much to do tomorrow so I came home.

This guy will have a good weekend.

Appleseed MegaDork
9/15/16 8:16 p.m.

Apparently the new, cool thing is blowing red lights. Not the simple "Well, I waited to go through the left turn, I deserve to go, even if the light is red" type, but full on, 2-5 seconds after the cross traffic gets the green blasting through type. I went to get food and sat through 5 lights. One one didn't have a runner jet through. The worst was the last, when the genius nearly collected 2 cars and only avoided contact by going between 2 cars in oncoming traffic.

I went home. Apparently I've pushed my luck as far as I could tonight and I didn't feel like becoming involved.

Hopefully no one hits the house.

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
9/15/16 8:31 p.m.

In reply to Toyman01:

Life is coming to a standstill because of the safety people. Sometimes, its legitimate, sometimes, just plain useless.

A simple example, and not really a world ender, but- Shaw cable is one of the TV providers around here. I drove past their main office today, and most of the blue Ford vans they use were parked there...in proper parking spots on the street, in full view of all driving by. Each and every one of them had a big orange traffic cone at the front and rear of the vehicle.

Hint to the safety people- if the people driving by don't notice the big blue van, chances are the pylon isn't going to help.

And Holy E36 M3- have you ever suggested to one of them that the person most responsible for their own safety is the person themselves?

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/15/16 8:58 p.m.

In reply to Streetwiseguy:

Like most things, it can be taken to extremes.

Safety 3 is something I heard from Mike Rowe and it makes a lot of sense. 1st is getting the job done. 2nd is getting it done profitably. 3rd is getting it done safely.

They can work together, but if you can't do the first two, then the 3rd is really irrelevant, because you won't be doing it in the first place.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/15/16 9:25 p.m.

Still no closer to getting any sleep. It's almost time to get up.

Appleseed MegaDork
9/15/16 9:47 p.m.

In reply to Wall-e:

After a while of not sleeping, reality becomes distorted. Starting a fight club was awesome. Its a shame I can't talk about it.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/16/16 2:25 a.m.

In reply to Appleseed:

I'm getting there. Time to see what's going to go wrong today.

jimbob_racing Dork
9/16/16 7:50 a.m.

I need to be a traffic cop. People do stuff in front of me, driving a silver Honda Fit, that they'd never do in front of a marked or unmarked police vehicle.

throw garbage out the window

run a stop sign so they can pull out in front of me (making me hit the brakes) and then drive exactly at the speed limit

drive for miles in the left hand lane on the highway while watching dozens of cars pass them on the right

text and use their cell phone with more concentration that they're using for driving

brazenly drink a bottle of beer while driving

look in their rearview mirror and watch lawn debris leave their truck bed but not stop to pick it up

come to a four way intersection, not use any turn signals and then get pissed at me when I can't figure out what they wanted to do

slam on their brakes, come to a complete stop in the road to make a left and then and only then, switch on their turn signal

drive in the left hand lane for miles but then cut me off in the right lane so they can make their exit

come up behind me quickly, make a legal pass, get back in front of me and then slow down to less then I was previously traveling at so I now have to pass them

not pulling completely into the middle turning lane to make a left against traffic and forcing all the cars behind them to come to stop

double park instead of going 50 feet down the street to an open parking space

driving exactly the speed limit for miles on a residential road, collecting a long parade of other motorists but then suddenly flooring it to run the yellow light

driving a large commercial vehicle in the left hand lane of a busy local four lane for miles and miles because eventually they'll be making a left turn

not making a right turn on red when it is safe to do so because they're too busy texting

thinking that owning an expensive car means they can park in a lined, no parking area every time they go to the gym

being a card carrying member of the Anti-Destination League who drives exactly at the speed limit on the highway EXCEPT when somebody tries to pass them and then they decide it's okay to break the rules and block somebody from getting ahead of them

And that's just what I've seen in the last two weeks. Seriously. I'd love to be able to throw on some blue and red lights in my Honda and scare the living E36 M3 out of them. Come to think of it, a fleet of boring compact cars would be perfect for undercover traffic enforcement.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
9/16/16 8:09 a.m.

Upper management berkeleyed up and did not submit my expense report by the deadline. So they won't release my $700 in money they owe me. That is was counting on. I'm berkeleying PISSED. really trying to calm down when all I want to do is beat the ever living berkeley outta that mouth breathing shiny happy person.

Appleseed MegaDork
9/16/16 8:31 a.m.

In reply to Dusterbd13:

Charge them a fee of accumulated intrest.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
9/16/16 8:40 a.m.

If only I could....

mtn MegaDork
9/16/16 12:42 p.m.

Dear FIL: That is not a good deal, and it is not the only one out there. We live in Chicago. Even odd items are easily sourced, even used. Don't jump on this.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/16/16 2:10 p.m.
Wall-e wrote: Still no closer to getting any sleep. It's almost time to get up.

I hear you wally. I generally.. 99% of the time work evenings.. every so often my boss throws me onto a 6am call (like this morning) to shake things up.. when you are used to going to bed at 2am, getting up at 4:30 is not going to happen

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/16/16 4:23 p.m.

In reply to jimbob_racing:

I see a lot less stupid stuff when I'm driving the P71. People will even vacate the left lane when I come up behind them. It's kind of nice.

Appleseed MegaDork
9/16/16 5:14 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote: In reply to jimbob_racing: I see a lot less stupid stuff when I'm driving the P71. People will even vacate the left lane when I come up behind them. It's kind of nice.

Just till you're behind someone on a two lane road with double yellow stripes.

(Former 9C1 owner)

Tactical Penguin
Tactical Penguin Dork
9/16/16 5:35 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed:

Yep. Any time you make on the Interstate is killed on the two-lanes.

Best bet is to kick back and cruise.

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