1 ... 706 707 708 709 710 ... 2016
RX Reven'
RX Reven' GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/8/17 4:40 p.m.
NickD said:

In reply to ThunderCougarFalconGoat :

That's sometimes the case, but I'm talking about the ones who have to tell you that it is a rescue dog. Kinda like the people who have to tell you that they drive a hybrid, or that they are a vegan or that they are a good *insert religion of choice* because it is like it makes them better than you

Hi NickD,

Can we add “I liked the book better than the movie” to your list of thinly veiled assertions of supremacy?

G_Body_Man SuperDork
11/8/17 6:23 p.m.

The faculty strike is barrelling through its fourth week and is set to most likely go through a whole fifth. I'm getting sick of this.

wearymicrobe UberDork
11/8/17 8:17 p.m.
wearymicrobe said:

I have been told that I need to take all of my vacation before the end of the year.

I have also been told that I need to get four months worth of stuff done in the next two months as well. Mainly because other people are on vacation.

This does not compute. Apparently they have to pay me for the time I don't use. Its almost a 5 figure bill this year apparently.  I would rather have the time off.

So now I am going in for 4-8 hours over the weekend Sat and Sun after another 50 hour + week.  All because someone is uncomfortable with their job and needs help. Apparently that goes in the vacation pool as well as I worked extra. WEEEE

RevRico GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/9/17 11:42 a.m.

I thought you, oh mighty monopolistic power company, installed smart meters for more accurate readings and billing.

So why the ever living berkeley are you still estimating my goddamn power bill?

Bad enough you ignored my readings FOR YEARS, but now that you have a direct connection to the meter, you're still taking guesses? Fine, then get rid of the smart meter I never wanted anyway, because while you claim they're safe, my body and more ducked up than normal sleep schedule say otherwise. 

I feel like there's a lawsuit here somewhere. 

NickD SuperDork
11/9/17 12:57 p.m.

If literally every one of your berkeleying photos of yourself has some dumbass snapchat filter on it, then I will assume you are immature and show no interest in you.


Secondary rant: This weird sudden-onset social anxiety that I've developed is really berkeleying irritating and makes it difficult to meet people

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/9/17 12:59 p.m.
RevRico said:

I thought you, oh mighty monopolistic power company, installed smart meters for more accurate readings and billing.

So why the ever living berkeley are you still estimating my goddamn power bill?

Bad enough you ignored my readings FOR YEARS, but now that you have a direct connection to the meter, you're still taking guesses? Fine, then get rid of the smart meter I never wanted anyway, because while you claim they're safe, my body and more ducked up than normal sleep schedule say otherwise. 

I feel like there's a lawsuit here somewhere. 

Smart meters aren't bad for your health, they're bad for your privacy...and maybe cybersecurity...and maybe your wallet.

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) PowerDork
11/9/17 2:00 p.m.
RX Reven' said:

Sports fanatics are far and away worse…”WE WON!!!”

Um, noooo, you sat on your ginormous a$$ for several hours dropping thousands of calories worth of chips and beer while watching others display incredible drive and talent.  

Quoting because it needs to be seen again.

eastside Utah Johnny Montana
eastside Utah Johnny Montana UltraDork
11/9/17 2:02 p.m.
stanger_missle said:
stanger_missle said:

What is it with family members trying to hook you up with people they know?

My aunt is bugging me to meet the younger sister of one of her friends.

I'm skeptical, to say the least.

I dunno, maybe I shouldn't be such a cynical shiny happy person. I don't have much trust in the opposite sex after my divorce sad.

Welp, apparently I'm meeting her Wednesday night. She's 34, just divorced, is a CNA and has 3 kids.

My dad apparently talked to my aunt and passed this great piece of intel to me: "Well, she's not a 10 but not a zero either."

Thanks pop indecision

It’s Thursday.


Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/9/17 2:41 p.m.

My medical insurance is going to increase $12000.00 for next year. Over 1/4 of my income. Seriously?! I just may be doing without. 

RevRico GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/9/17 2:46 p.m.

In reply to Toyman01 :

My mom works with a person, his company is PA life LLC.

he handles annuities and money, but it's also an insurance person. While he is based in PA, he probably knows of similar companies down where you are. 

He has secured her, and actually started with my dad several years ago, with better plans than are available on the marketplace for way way way less money. She just called him about a week ago because her premiums are going to quadruple next year, and now they'd actually going to go down thanks to him. 

I'd be happy to give you his number or call and see if he knows anyone down in SC in the same line of work. 

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/9/17 2:51 p.m.


I survived. She was really nice and was decent looking (at least to me). Thin and very into fitness. She is a CNA and is planning to go back to school to become an LPN. Has 2 kids that are the same age as mine. I thought I was totally blowing it because I'm stupid shy in group social settings but when it was time to leave, I walked her out to her car, asked for her number and said that we should do this again. She replied "I'd like that." We exchanged digits and I gave her a hug and bid her goodnight. I guess I did OK.

She's educated, driven and intelligent. And I'm intimidated as hell because I'm not educated, mildly ambitious and know useless things.

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) PowerDork
11/9/17 3:14 p.m.

In reply to stanger_missle :

Man, the market is tough for single parents.  If you don't get drunk and smack her around you're probably ahead of the curve.  If you have most of your own teeth AND a job she probably thinks she just met Prince Charming!  Good luck, she sounds like one you want to get to know better.

dropstep SuperDork
11/9/17 3:23 p.m.

In reply to stanger_missle :

In this day and age if you can hold a job, not get drunk everyday and have no history of domestic violence your probably better off then you think. Watching my friends date makes me happy im married. The internet has made dating weird as hell!

My rant for the day, why do people expect you too diagnose there car over the phone.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/9/17 3:27 p.m.

In reply to stanger_missle :

My wife is less (formally) educated than myself and on the same level intelligence-wise but far more driven and ambitious than I am. From my experience, just being supportive and not threatened by that drive and ambition and doing what you can to help (many of the useless things we know can come in handy, especially for those who don't know those useless things...) will likely be quite appreciated. I know she (my wife) and friends and family of hers have had problems with their SO's resenting their accomplishments and/or actively trying to hold them back- definitely DON'T do that...

I'm somewhat the same way when it comes to being shy around new people- but ironically at times that proved to be helpful when dating as it meant I spent less time talking and more time listening. cheeky

tuna55 MegaDork
11/9/17 3:33 p.m.

OptumRX won't cover cancer-preventing drug until we try three that we already know won't work. OK, they don't, thanks for the pain filled weeks of misery for no reason, guys, and we're super happy to buy all that medicine and then throw it away. Oh what's that? I can order a 90 day supply from you by mail and save money? Sure. 




The order disappeared. It's gone. Like it never happened. Poof!




Next up is dental insurance. I had two old cavities redone. Insurance only pays for the silver ones. "We only pay for the cheapest option"... well, I told them, the cheapest option is for me to yank them out with pliers in my garage. The rep did not laugh. Neither did I.


Tunawife has a rash which shows up on the upper part of her feet and goes away every day. She sees a dr at the MD360 clinic: It's an allergy, take this




goes to a different dr: it's athlete's foot, here take this (nope!?)




goes to an allergist


---I don't know but it might be a heart valve infection with a 50% survival rate---


---EKG, cardiologist, etc blah blah blah --- nope.


Still has the rash though. It's a good thing we spent like $2K getting some stupid topical creams and having me spend a few dozen hours watching the kids instead of working during layoff season.

WilD Dork
11/9/17 3:53 p.m.

In reply to tuna55:

It could be worse...

Mom: I have shortness of breath and have trouble sleeping.
Doctor: It's stress go get a massage.
Mom: I still have so much trouble breathing, and now this cough, I can't lie down to sleep.  I'm losing so much weight.
Doctor: Still mostly stress, also maybe asthma.  Try this inhaler.
Mom: I just feel misreable every day.  I can't breath.  I have trouble eating and I'm wasting away. 
Doctor:  Hmm.  Go see this allergy specialist.

... time passes with a couple diagnosis of lung conditions...

Mom: I want a second opinion.
New Doctor:  You have stage four lung cancer that has spread all over your body.  I don't know how your previous doctor missed it...


Sine_Qua_Non SuperDork
11/9/17 4:11 p.m.
WilD said:

In reply to tuna55:

It could be worse...

Mom: I have shortness of breath and have trouble sleeping.
Doctor: It's stress go get a massage.
Mom: I still have so much trouble breathing, and now this cough, I can't lie down to sleep.  I'm losing so much weight.
Doctor: Still mostly stress, also maybe asthma.  Try this inhaler.
Mom: I just feel misreable every day.  I can't breath.  I have trouble eating and I'm wasting away. 
Doctor:  Hmm.  Go see this allergy specialist.

... time passes with a couple diagnosis of lung conditions...

Mom: I want a second opinion.
New Doctor:  You have stage four lung cancer that has spread all over your body.  I don't know how your previous doctor missed it...


surprise Damn, sorry to hear that. 

dculberson PowerDork
11/9/17 4:26 p.m.

In reply to WilD :

Some people, it makes you wonder why they're in medicine and how they stay licensed.

Sister in law: I am 26 and otherwise healthy but have shortness of breath.
Nurse: You're just out of shape. You need to exercise.
Sister in law: Just walking down the hallway winds me.
Nurse: You're getting older, get used to it.
Sister in law: I coughed up blood.
Nurse: You need stress management

At this point she called a friend that was a medical resident in another state and the friend broke down in tears and asked her to go to an ER. ER diagnosis: pulmonary embolism - serious risk for severe complications and should have been treated immediately. In-patient in the hospital for days. Medical board did nothing about the incompetent nurse.

Father in law got a blood clot from the long drive there and back to visit her, which set off a chain of events that led to his death - cerebral hemorrhage due to the blood thinners he was on to prevent another clot. I don't blame the nurse for that but it definitely opens up a nerve when I think about it. :-(

dropstep SuperDork
11/9/17 6:28 p.m.
WilD said:

In reply to tuna55:

It could be worse...

Mom: I have shortness of breath and have trouble sleeping.
Doctor: It's stress go get a massage.
Mom: I still have so much trouble breathing, and now this cough, I can't lie down to sleep.  I'm losing so much weight.
Doctor: Still mostly stress, also maybe asthma.  Try this inhaler.
Mom: I just feel misreable every day.  I can't breath.  I have trouble eating and I'm wasting away. 
Doctor:  Hmm.  Go see this allergy specialist.

... time passes with a couple diagnosis of lung conditions...

Mom: I want a second opinion.
New Doctor:  You have stage four lung cancer that has spread all over your body.  I don't know how your previous doctor missed it...


Thats how the VA worked out for my mom. Transfering from baltimore to dc turned old scar tissue into lung cancer after 5 years of symptoms. It sucks for sure.

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/9/17 7:11 p.m.

In reply to KyAllroad (Jeremy) and dropstep: 

Then I guess I'm ahead of the game. I have all of my teeth, a job and my own vehicle(s).

But conversely, I'm 36 and living with my folks (not by choice) and I have a $10/hr job that a high schooler could do.

Sometimes I don't feel very competitive in the pool of eligible single guys, given my age frown.

I DO have goals/plans though, so I guess that's worth something?


Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/9/17 7:16 p.m.
NickD said:

If literally every one of your berkeleying photos of yourself has some dumbass snapchat filter on it, then I will assume you are immature and show no interest in you.


IMO, you could also just stop at "has a lot of photos of oneself".



Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/9/17 9:10 p.m.

In reply to RevRico :

PM Sent. Thanks.

Appleseed MegaDork
11/9/17 9:26 p.m.

I swear I'm going to die by my own hands one day. Come home exhausted, fix up some dinner, take a big blob of insulin, sit on the couch, and relax for the first time that day. 

And instantly fall asleep.

And the insulin will go to work. 

And my heart will stop. 

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/9/17 10:42 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

That happened (sort of) to my newly diabetic aunt.  She took her insulin despite not having eaten anything because when she was in the nursing home for heart attack aftercare, the caretakers did all that stuff for her, and she wrongly figured that she needed to take insulin no matter what.

She woke up in the middle of the night with blood sugar of about negative sixteen and unable to move.  Fortunately, she was able to holler real loud, and her sister (who was staying over for other reasons) heard her and got her some orange juice and candy bars.

She knows better, NOW.  Funny how near death experiences can solidly reinforce a learning experience.


The best part?  She found out she was diabetic about two weeks before her heart attack.  Both of her parents developed diabetes late in life.  She's the oldest of their kids, but some of us grandkids have shown blood sugar related problems, including me.  Guess our family tree includes a E36 M3ty pancreas.  I'm really bad with needles frown

fasted58 MegaDork
11/10/17 12:26 a.m.

*Holiday* sales event commercials started this week.

berkeley you KIA

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