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Appleseed MegaDork
2/27/19 6:07 p.m.

In reply to mad_machine :

What are you supposed to do, throw it on the ground and run away screaming? 

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
2/27/19 6:13 p.m.
Knurled. said:

In reply to TurnerX19 :

I already got chided for too much salt in my breakfast once today.  Two hours later when I was having my blood pressure taken.  D'OH.


Meditation got it down to 146 over 68 on a second reading.  I'd hate to think what it was before.

Bah.  You are an amateur.  I though I was good at 190 over 110 until I was talking to a guy whos resting rate was 270 over 140.  Apparently he was feeling a bit off, and has a family history of anuerisms killing people, so he went to the emerg.  The doc was shocked he wasn't dead already.

PS.  We are both on medication now...

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/27/19 6:35 p.m.

In reply to Streetwiseguy :

My resting BP has generally been "start to black out if I stand up" so this was kind of a shock.


Bummed that my resting heart rate was 69.   It used to be around 40.  OTOH that was when I was 16 and cycling more than I drive today, but it's nice to pretend that aging doesn't happen.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
2/27/19 7:20 p.m.

To top things off today, I found out that my boss is not covering the full 65% of my health insurance that was promised in my employment offer. After weeks of back and forth with her and the HR dept about the amount that is being deducted from my check, I got word today that "it is what it is" and it isn't going to change. Also, being that it is a group plan, I can't cancel the plan without a life event.

Hoo boy do I feel a life event coming on! But seriously, I took a substantial cut in pay with this job to get a better work life balance, which has not happened. Part of the agreed upon package was this coverage, and now that's not happening. Gaddamn, I just can't berkeleying win this game. 

Aaaannnd...I just broke the light switch in the bathroom. I mean, it is 60 years old, but berkeley it, why today?! Grr.

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
2/27/19 7:25 p.m.
EastCoastMojo said:

To top things off today, I found out that my boss is not covering the full 65% of my health insurance that was promised in my employment offer. After weeks of back and forth with her and the HR dept about the amount that is being deducted from my check, I got word today that "it is what it is" and it isn't going to change. Also, being that it is a group plan, I can't cancel the plan without a life event.

Hoo boy do I feel a life event coming on! But seriously, I took a substantial cut in pay with this job to get a better work life balance, which has not happened. Part of the agreed upon package was this coverage, and now that's not happening. Gaddamn, I just can't berkeleying win this game. 

Aaaannnd...I just broke the light switch in the bathroom. I mean, it is 60 years old, but berkeley it, why today?! Grr.

Yeah, berkeley them. New job time, and take the current job far less seriously. Cant get your work done in the 40 hours you are alotted? berkeley em, let them fail

Stefan GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/27/19 7:46 p.m.
EastCoastMojo said:

To top things off today, I found out that my boss is not covering the full 65% of my health insurance that was promised in my employment offer. After weeks of back and forth with her and the HR dept about the amount that is being deducted from my check, I got word today that "it is what it is" and it isn't going to change. Also, being that it is a group plan, I can't cancel the plan without a life event.

Hoo boy do I feel a life event coming on! But seriously, I took a substantial cut in pay with this job to get a better work life balance, which has not happened. Part of the agreed upon package was this coverage, and now that's not happening. Gaddamn, I just can't berkeleying win this game. 

Aaaannnd...I just broke the light switch in the bathroom. I mean, it is 60 years old, but berkeley it, why today?! Grr.

So its in the offer letter?  Sounds like you need to speak to someone from the local labor department.

TRoglodyte UltraDork
2/27/19 7:54 p.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo :The light switch served its purpose, light on light off for 60 years, probably died of boredom.  as far as the healthcare issue cant go there or you will hit me with the trollhammer. dont be a lightswitch


EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
2/27/19 7:57 p.m.

I have forgiven the lightswitch, it served us well. Sorry if you feel threatened by my large hammer laugh I try to wield it responsibly. 

Really though, I understand about healthcare being a super sensitive topic that's hard to discuss without getting political. I haven't been able to afford it for a few years, and it turns out I still can't but now I can't cancel it either.

Bent-Valve Reader
2/27/19 8:08 p.m.
Appleseed said:

I haven't heard a peep from my surveying job. For a month. The "we'll use you at  least a day or two a week" didn't happen. I'm getting $138/week from unemployment. I'm sinking faster than a penny in a wave pool.

So I look for and get a new job with similar pay and benefits. I start tomorrow on Thursday.



Guess who just texted me about work on Friday?

Don't even sweat them. If they wanted you they should have called before a MONTH went by.


TRoglodyte UltraDork
2/27/19 8:15 p.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo :

Me too . rant: my feet stink

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/27/19 8:18 p.m.
Appleseed said:

In reply to mad_machine :

What are you supposed to do, throw it on the ground and run away screaming? 

kindly decline the offer. Obviously, somewhere in MGM land, somebody took something they shouldn't have.. and now we all get boned for it.

The0retical UberDork
2/27/19 11:44 p.m.

Minor rant of today.

Went out to the winter beater Vibe and found the handle slightly out on the passenger rear door. No big deal it might be a bit stuck. Jiggled it to no avail. Being the neanderthal that I am, I pulled a bit to see what it was stuck on. Wouldn't you know it, the entire door handle broke off in my a hand.

Bonus: It was the rear door with the child lock on. FML.

I guess I'm spending tomorrow night putting the new ones on. Luckily they're pretty cheap.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/28/19 6:34 a.m.

If it was working before, disconnecting all the wiring and hooking it back up by some inane diagram you made up on the spot will definitely not fix it. 

You have successfully taken a 5 minute fix and turned it into a hour long pain in my ass. Not only do I have to rewire the entire system, I have to chase the wiring out to figure out were it is coming from and supposed to go. On top of that I have to fix what was actually broken to start with, without knowing where to start because you berkeleyed up everything that wasn't broken before I got there.

Wiring doesn't magically hook itself up wrong in the middle of the night. Ever. That is not the place to start a repair. 

If you don't understand it, and you obviously don't, stick your fat little hands in your grimy little pockets, take ten steps back, and tell your boss to call someone with more than 3 brain cells. 

Stupid berkeley. 

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
2/28/19 7:43 a.m.

Ever try to call someone to pick their brain about an issue then remember they're dead? 


Bonus rant: YouTube, if you can load an ad, you can load a berkeleying song.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
2/28/19 7:56 a.m.

Woke up an hour and a half before my alarm to the sound of one of the house's UPSes apparently screaming because its battery has died. REALLY wanted to just say 'berk it' and call in sick today since I never got properly back to sleep (and the Dancer has the day off- local schools are out due to a sick-out today so she can't do outreach with kids who aren't at school...), but Thursdays are the ONE day of the week where people would actually notice I wasn't there due to a number of at least high-visibility (if not necessarily high-importance...) meetings.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/28/19 9:30 a.m.
Knurled. said:

In reply to Streetwiseguy :

My resting BP has generally been "start to black out if I stand up" so this was kind of a shock.

My resting BP is "have to squeeze myself like I'm pulling Gs to avoid grayout every time I stand up." It's a futureproof pressure level laugh

Although yesterday's almost inedibly salty fish at lunch probably cranked up the boost a bit.

NickD UberDork
2/28/19 9:41 a.m.

Something funky is going on with the brakes in the Baja. berkeley this car, and berkeley Subaru's propensity to consume brake parts.

Brett_Murphy GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
2/28/19 9:51 a.m.
EastCoastMojo said:

To top things off today, I found out that my boss is not covering the full 65% of my health insurance that was promised in my employment offer. After weeks of back and forth with her and the HR dept about the amount that is being deducted from my check, I got word today that "it is what it is" and it isn't going to change. Also, being that it is a group plan, I can't cancel the plan without a life event.

It sounds like you work somewhere I wouldn't want to give my dollars to. Sorry to hear it is sucking.

Skip this next part if you don't want advice.
You've got a legal leg to stand on if you want to cancel your insurance, as there has been a material alteration to the contract. Everyone will tell you that you can't do this, but the law is on your side. I'm betting that you could involve a local media station regarding this, too. I'd wait until I found another job, but then get WRAL or somebody involved and tell them you had to leave your job because of "corporate dishonesty." 


oldopelguy UberDork
2/28/19 10:14 a.m.

ECM, the federal health insurance marketplace has an enrollment exception for cases where misrepresentation, misinformation, misconduct, or inaction of someone in an official capacity to help you enroll kept you from enrolling or enrolling in the right plan.  It would be worth combing through your documentation to see if your company has similar language. 

mtn MegaDork
2/28/19 11:13 a.m.

Dear wife: You complain about income inequality between males and females. You complain that male Dietitians get paid more than women. Ok, then why are you getting mad at me when I'm telling you to ask for more money when they give you a job offer? How do you not negotiate? I don't buy that "our industries are completely different". BullE36 M3. Every manager has a budget. Take as much from that budget as you can. They still care about the bottom line, I guarantee it. You're not union, so stand up for yourself, dammit. 

The only times I haven't negotiated were when I gave my number, and they came in way higher than MY number. So yes, I do this too. And in 4 different instances of it, the worst that has happened was I got half of the increase I asked for. (Not including the one where, as I found out after being in it, it was literally a set rate for the position company wide--no matter what).

Nick Comstock
Nick Comstock MegaDork
2/28/19 12:08 p.m.

Same exact insurance plans.

My coworkers MRI a couple months ago = $0

My MRI today =$1140.71


mtn MegaDork
2/28/19 12:10 p.m.
Nick Comstock said:

Same exact insurance plans.

My coworkers MRI a couple months ago = $0

My MRI today =$1140.71


Has he hit his out of pocket max? Or his deductible?

Nick Comstock
Nick Comstock MegaDork
2/28/19 2:28 p.m.

In reply to mtn :

No. I told him they wanted payment up front and asked if they said that to him as I know he just had one. He said they didn't and when he got the bill it said he owed zero. 

I think the hospital was just trying to sucker me into paying upfront. I won't get too irate until I get all the paperwork and bills in the mail. 

NickD UberDork
2/28/19 3:49 p.m.
NickD said:

Something funky is going on with the brakes in the Baja. berkeley this car, and berkeley Subaru's propensity to consume brake parts.

Found the problem. Three leaky brake lines. Odd how my newest, second most expensive car, is one of the most troublesome. I think I'm done with Subaru after this car.

wearymicrobe UberDork
2/28/19 4:16 p.m.

18 hours of meetings in the last 24 hours. It seems like this in my new life. 


Actual work has not been removed this week though. 

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