1 ... 928 929 930 931 932 ... 2016
Streetwiseguy MegaDork
2/28/19 4:28 p.m.
wearymicrobe said:

18 hours of meetings in the last 24 hours. It seems like this in my new life. 


Actual work has not been removed this week though. 

There is a guy on the iatn forum whose house is under about eighteen feet of water just now.  I'd rather be in his shoes than yours.

kazoospec UltraDork
2/28/19 4:45 p.m.

Had a persistent, nagging cough for almost a week now.  On the plus side, I'm picking up some definition in my abs.  

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
2/28/19 5:39 p.m.

I have now had a headache off and on for 5 days.

I wake up with it, take some Tylenol and cafffiene plus asprin pills, it goes away slightlyfor 6 hours.....then comes back. Take more pills, go to sleep....and the cycle begins again.


And it's not a little headache, it's a grab-an-ice-pack-we-are-in-for-some-E36 M3 level of pain

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/28/19 5:47 p.m.
kazoospec said:

Had a persistent, nagging cough for almost a week now.  On the plus side, I'm picking up some definition in my abs.  

I had that cough. It lasted a month. Apparently a virus that is going around. 


Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/28/19 5:51 p.m.
Nick Comstock said:

In reply to mtn :

No. I told him they wanted payment up front and asked if they said that to him as I know he just had one. He said they didn't and when he got the bill it said he owed zero. 

I think the hospital was just trying to sucker me into paying upfront. I won't get too irate until I get all the paperwork and bills in the mail. 

My wife needed a MRI. They told her insurance wouldn't cover $1200 of it. 10 minutes on the phone found a independent image place that would do the necessary scan for $350 total. We shop medical care just like we shop everything else we buy. It saves us a good bit of money every year.

Appleseed MegaDork
2/28/19 6:10 p.m.
Antihero said:

I have now had a headache off and on for 5 days.

I wake up with it, take some Tylenol and cafffiene plus asprin pills, it goes away slightlyfor 6 hours.....then comes back. Take more pills, go to sleep....and the cycle begins again.


And it's not a little headache, it's a grab-an-ice-pack-we-are-in-for-some-E36 M3 level of pain

Is it a figure 8 around your eyes?  It might be a sinus infection.  Trust me, I'm a 10th degree blackbelt in sinus infections 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
2/28/19 6:31 p.m.
Appleseed said:
Antihero said:

I have now had a headache off and on for 5 days.

I wake up with it, take some Tylenol and cafffiene plus asprin pills, it goes away slightlyfor 6 hours.....then comes back. Take more pills, go to sleep....and the cycle begins again.


And it's not a little headache, it's a grab-an-ice-pack-we-are-in-for-some-E36 M3 level of pain

Is it a figure 8 around your eyes?  It might be a sinus infection.  Trust me, I'm a 10th degree blackbelt in sinus infections 

No it's at the back of my head, which Google tells me is a tension headache or stress related.

Can't really be stress related unless I'm somehow stressed out by having enough money, having a kick ass wife and new gear to play with and plenty of time to do it.

Cotton PowerDork
2/28/19 7:35 p.m.

 I just wanted to post on page 930 to say my 930 needs new front tires and due to work travel I haven’t time to get to it,  so I can’t drive it to work like I wanted to tomorrow.

nutherjrfan UltraDork
2/28/19 8:02 p.m.
Cotton said:

 I just wanted to post on page 930 to say my 930 needs new front tires and due to work travel I haven’t time to get to it,  so I can’t drive it to work like I wanted to tomorrow.

Um 1st world problems are over nyah.



Datsun310Guy UltimaDork
2/28/19 8:24 p.m.
Toyman01 said:
My wife needed a MRI. They told her insurance wouldn't cover $1200 of it. 10 minutes on the phone found a independent image place that would do the necessary scan for $350 total. We shop medical care just like we shop everything else we buy. It saves us a good bit of money every year.

Our HR lady came in and encouraged us to do more of this in fact she told us how good the tel-a-doc is.  I am guessing we should all get our medical work done at that little closet in the back of our Walgreen's store from now on.  

slefain PowerDork
2/28/19 8:38 p.m.
slefain said:

A small group of geriatric toddlers have been hijacking our city meetings lately. They have zero respect for meeting rules and shout down anyone who doesn't agree with them. They have no interest in actually discussing issues, just repeating their same opposition speech. They don't want to talk about compromise, or care to learn anything about the other side of the issue. The other night they pitched an actual tantrum after other people wouldn't agree with their view. They threw civility out the window a long time ago, even going so far as character assassination of those who don't agree with them. I'm done with being civil as well, and will be giving them the same thing right back at the meeting this week. Just because you are old doesn't mean you can't still be called out for being an ass.

The issue is development within the city limits, which we desperately need. Nothing new has been built here in decades and it shows. But this crowd opposes every single project that has come down the line for the last few years. No compromise or ideas, just constant no. Pricey new houses? No. Budget starter houses? No. Senior living? No. New church building? Big no. Anything other than exact cookie cutter versions of their houses (which nobody builds anymore) priced at more than they are worth (they think their houses are gold) will do.

It is sad because our city has been neglected for decades and finally has a chance at rebirth, but the same people who ran it into the ground are hell bent on preventing it from rising again.


So enough non-crazy citizens reached out to the city council about the group's antics. At this week's meeting there was a hard three minute time limit per person on public comments. The group got around that by having a single spokesperson, and then having each person cede their three minutes to their leader. That ticked off one of our most level-headed citizens, who is also an expert in rules & regulations. Turns out you can't give your time to another person, and this guy has the citations to shut it down. So at next week's meeting it will be up to each person to use their own three minutes for comment, or not at all. Should be real entertaining when the mayor lays the smack down.

I've also been asked to apply to our city's new historic preservation board. Forming this board was a previous demand of the same angry group who think this will prevent people from tearing down old houses. Except it isn't. Having your house listed is purely voluntary, you can't slap the designation on property you don't own. And putting your property on the list puts all kinds of restrictions on what you can do with it. I predict zero interest from the property owners who actually qualify.

nutherjrfan UltraDork
2/28/19 8:52 p.m.

In reply to slefain :

' Hysterical ' preservation societies. You're profile says Atlanta but you must be talking about a smaller municipality than that as I was always led to believe that Atlanta tore down anything older than 40 years.

In DC they'll allow the local council to alter the sacred skyline for trams and decades ago allowed developers to build over commercial alleys berkeleying up traffic downtown yet crawl up the butt of a neighborhood CVS about its facade. angry

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
2/28/19 9:00 p.m.
slefain said:
slefain said:

A small group of geriatric toddlers have been hijacking our city meetings lately. They have zero respect for meeting rules and shout down anyone who doesn't agree with them. They have no interest in actually discussing issues, just repeating their same opposition speech. They don't want to talk about compromise, or care to learn anything about the other side of the issue. The other night they pitched an actual tantrum after other people wouldn't agree with their view. They threw civility out the window a long time ago, even going so far as character assassination of those who don't agree with them. I'm done with being civil as well, and will be giving them the same thing right back at the meeting this week. Just because you are old doesn't mean you can't still be called out for being an ass.

The issue is development within the city limits, which we desperately need. Nothing new has been built here in decades and it shows. But this crowd opposes every single project that has come down the line for the last few years. No compromise or ideas, just constant no. Pricey new houses? No. Budget starter houses? No. Senior living? No. New church building? Big no. Anything other than exact cookie cutter versions of their houses (which nobody builds anymore) priced at more than they are worth (they think their houses are gold) will do.

It is sad because our city has been neglected for decades and finally has a chance at rebirth, but the same people who ran it into the ground are hell bent on preventing it from rising again.


So enough non-crazy citizens reached out to the city council about the group's antics. At this week's meeting there was a hard three minute time limit per person on public comments. The group got around that by having a single spokesperson, and then having each person cede their three minutes to their leader. That ticked off one of our most level-headed citizens, who is also an expert in rules & regulations. Turns out you can't give your time to another person, and this guy has the citations to shut it down. So at next week's meeting it will be up to each person to use their own three minutes for comment, or not at all. Should be real entertaining when the mayor lays the smack down.

I've also been asked to apply to our city's new historic preservation board. Forming this board was a previous demand of the same angry group who think this will prevent people from tearing down old houses. Except it isn't. Having your house listed is purely voluntary, you can't slap the designation on property you don't own. And putting your property on the list puts all kinds of restrictions on what you can do with it. I predict zero interest from the property owners who actually qualify.

I consider it generally loathsome to try to control what other people do on their own house/property/land, they sound like winners 

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
2/28/19 9:29 p.m.

Just last night, I watched a 1991 This Old House with a geriatric board of busybodies.  The home owner had gone to some effort to find the colours of the house from 1880, when it was updated from it's original Federal style.  There were two people on this board, which was formed to preserve historical accuracy, that just thought the yellow ochre paint was just too loud...

Ransom GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
2/28/19 11:14 p.m.

I hate the company that brings the Internet to my house, so when I got the opportunity to try The Other Company as we get ready to move across town, I thought "Hey, awesome!"

Now, let me be clear. They are both more or less telcos. I actually modified my No Soliciting sign to try to stop The Other Company knocking on my door every other week with a pushy salesperson. This is strictly an exercise in "I'm pretty sure the devil I know sucks a lot, and I feel inclined to find out more about the devil I don't."

Tomorrow will be the third scheduled attempt to hook my house up to that series of tubes we call The Internet.

  • The first scheduling happened during signup, and the tech was actually very communicative and apologetic about the stop before me taking so long that we ran out of day. It happens.
  • I was running in circles, so didn't call to reschedule for a couple of weeks (we're still another week and a half from moving even now). It took me a couple of calls and several transfers to find someone who could get their head around the concept of having been scheduled, but not actually having had an installation. Finally got someone who seemed sane, and he scheduled me for yesterday.
  • Yesterday morning I drive across town to the new place, settle into my 9-1 window of arrival, and try the "Where's my tech?" tool on the site to see if it can tell me anything. It has no idea, but then, I figure it's probably just set up for normal repairs. So I call. And get someone who can find no record of the appointment, or anything beyond my "canceled" original installation. I'm transferred to someone else who does the same thing, then transferred to a dial tone. I'm really perplexed by the folks who hear "I haven't had an installation done yet, and rescheduled for today" and respond by going "I don't see anything" and leave it there. Like I'm supposed to create a new Internet connection by force of will or something. Anyhow, calling back I get someone who's slightly more gung-ho, who gets through not being able to find any trace of my rescheduled installation, but sets me up a new account number, schedules me for two days out for an installation, and wishes me a good day.
  • Not receiving any sort of confirmation email, I decide to see what I can find out. Some fumbling around on the site uncovers that "helpful" person has created a new account with both my name and email address misspelled.
  • I call to try to fix the name and email address, and this time, I think, I hope, I've gotten the one sane and competent person I've dealt with. He apologizes, points out that they've had about a hundred new hires in the last month and a lot of them don't know how the systems work at all. He's able to find my original account, and the installation appointment that "helpful" person accidentally canceled when he created a new account for my address and scheduled tomorrow's installation.

Of course, while on hold, I looked into the "business class" internet from The Devil I Know, and it's Catastrophically Expensive. So I'm betting on Seemingly Sane and Competent Guy, and I'm going to show up tomorrow morning and hope for the best. At least I'm also meeting the fridge delivery people, so it won't be a totally wasted trip if they screw it up again.

NickD UberDork
3/1/19 7:18 a.m.

Despite getting 2 raises last year, I made ~$2000 less than 2017. Thanks, flat-rate system and dispatcher who likes to play favorites.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
3/1/19 8:38 a.m.

In reply to Toyman01 :

I need to remember to try that if (OK, when...) we next need to have some kind of imaging done. We wasted like half a day with the imaging place going a back and forth with our insurance about covering the MRI the doctor ordered after I snapped my Achille's tendon. The insurance needed like half a dozen signed forms and was going to take several days initially to get them, we ended up having to sign a waiver that if the insurance didn't end up covering it that we would pay for it out-of-pocket in order to get it done that day so the doctor could stay on schedule for when he hoped to do the surgery to fix it.

Anybody who thinks our health care system isn't massively broken and needs to be fixed from the ground up either hasn't had to deal with it for anything remotely major or lives pretty much anywhere but the US.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
3/1/19 9:13 a.m.

Managed to forget to pack socks with my work clothes when I rode in this morning, so I'm stuck wearing the wool ones I had on for the bike ride in. Slightly annoying, but far from the worst thing I could have forgotten to pack.

Just overheard the engineer who sits a few seats away say, "When my mom was growing up in the 70's and 80's..." and now I feel incredibly old. Granted, she's still in school finishing her masters so is one of the youngest here, but still... 

mtn MegaDork
3/1/19 9:42 a.m.
Ashyukun (Robert) said:

Managed to forget to pack socks with my work clothes when I rode in this morning, so I'm stuck wearing the wool ones I had on for the bike ride in. Slightly annoying, but far from the worst thing I could have forgotten to pack.

Just overheard the engineer who sits a few seats away say, "When my mom was growing up in the 70's and 80's..." and now I feel incredibly old. Granted, she's still in school finishing her masters so is one of the youngest here, but still... 


I find generational "gaps" extremely interesting. For instance, my dad was born in 1953, and was very much a child of the 50's. My mom was born in 1959, but I'd call her much more a child of the 70's than the 60's. Dad graduated college in 1974, mom in 1981. My brother was born in 1992; his girlfriend was born in 1994. HER mom was born in 1974 or so. Think about that. My brother and his girlfriend are just about the same age. He is the youngest child of a dad who got married "late"; she is the oldest child of a mom who got married and had kids "young". There is a 21 year difference between my dad and her mom; but they have kids basically the same age. 


But hell, I can look in my own family for that. My oldest aunt is only 5 years younger than my grandmothers youngest sibling. And my oldest cousin is only 6 years younger than my youngest aunt. My oldest cousin and youngest aunt have kids--the oldest are the same age.My grandmother, the year before she passed, got to meet her new grandson and new great-grandaughter at  basically the same time.

Duke MegaDork
3/1/19 10:06 a.m.

 In reply to mtn :

I have known more than one person who was an aunt or uncle before they were born.

Hell, my own sister had her first kid in 1974 and her fourth in 1996... nobody ever accused her of living a sensible life, though.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
3/1/19 11:19 a.m.

Oh, the engineer who said this is definitely young enough that she could be my daughter... it's just that I tend to not think about being as old as I actually AM much (as much as the Dancer may enjoy teasing me about being old, I'm still just 8 years older than her so not that old).

Thinking about it though- I have a good friend from HS who (intentionally- she had an ailment such that she shortly would be unable to have a child) had a kid at 18 who is now grown up and married herself. If the Dancer and I are able to start a family like we're hoping to, our child we be in the same generation as my friends grandchild...

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
3/1/19 11:24 a.m.

In reply to Ashyukun (Robert) :

I'll be 32 in July. My Daughter will be 4 in June. A girl I graduated with will be celebrating the second birthday of her GRANDCHILD this year. 

Nick Comstock
Nick Comstock MegaDork
3/1/19 12:05 p.m.

In reply to mtn :

I have three sisters and a brother. My youngest sister is 17 years older than me. One of my earliest memories is her graduating the Marine training at Paris island. I was born in 1979 and my brother was born in 1955. I have a niece that's older than me and one that is a year younger, her kid and mine were born one day apart in 2007. 

AngryCorvair GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/1/19 12:14 p.m.

how the hell did EcoBoost Mustang wind up on my list of candidates *again*?

Duke MegaDork
3/1/19 12:34 p.m.
AngryCorvair said:

how the hell did EcoBoost Mustang wind up on my list of candidates *again*?

Because they're actually pretty cool.  And for under $600 you can get a Ford Racing flash that adds a bunch of torque and HP without changing the warranty.

1 ... 928 929 930 931 932 ... 2016

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