1 ... 930 931 932 933 934 ... 2016
Appleseed MegaDork
3/3/19 7:37 p.m.

Would you check the oil on my car?

When did you last check it? 

Oh, I checked it last week.

3 quarts low. Jesus berkeley. This thing holds 5. The Hyundai 2.7 V6 must thrive on abuse.  Checked it last week, my ass.

Stefan GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/3/19 7:39 p.m.
Appleseed said:

Would you check the oil on my car?

When did you last check it? 

Oh, I checked it last week.

3 quarts low. Jesus berkeley. This thing holds 5. The Hyundai 2.7 V6 must thrive on abuse.  Checked it last week, my ass.

Next question:  where the berkeley is it going?

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/3/19 9:01 p.m.

Capital One flagged my buying gas out of town with their credit card as suspicious activity.  Okay, I've been to this rodeo, they send me a text, I respond to the text, card works again.


Not this time.  I respond, I get a text back saying (nutshell) "Thanks for your response, your card is now active."  Try again, card denied.


Call the customer service line.  I'm immediately whisked past the usual info straight to verbal confirmation of recent attempts to use my card (all me, all confirmed by me)  Great.  So, let's try a third time...



I call customer service, manage to get to speak to a live human, who told me that my card was still locked because of three suspicious attempts to run my card.  I explained that yes, all three of those charges were me trying to buy gas.


This extra sucks because I have almost exactly nothing in the bank until my paycheck clears on Tuesday.  And then 95% of that paycheck is already allocated for bills that will be due before the 15th.  I'm makin' money but I am far from out of the woods yet, so I still need to be able to lean on the credit card for just a little while longer before the income stream is stabilized and I can get back to paying down the debt.  (FWIW, I do still have PLENTY of balance available, not that I really want to use it all, nor would I have to.  But I am admittedly over 50% of my available credit and I do not like that one bit)

Appleseed MegaDork
3/3/19 9:31 p.m.

In reply to Stefan :

We know it dribbles. The valve cover gaskets have dried up. That's why I told her, repeatedly, to check the oil. I garuntee you her hasn't looked at the dipstick since I changed the oil. 

Do you want to kill this car?

Because that's how you kill a car.

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/3/19 9:56 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

They always leak at the front of the valve covers.  I have yet to see one that didn't have an alternator that looked like it was pulled from a tar pit somewhere.

NickD UberDork
3/4/19 5:18 a.m.
Knurled. said:

Capital One flagged my buying gas out of town with their credit card as suspicious activity.  Okay, I've been to this rodeo, they send me a text, I respond to the text, card works again.


Not this time.  I respond, I get a text back saying (nutshell) "Thanks for your response, your card is now active."  Try again, card denied.


Call the customer service line.  I'm immediately whisked past the usual info straight to verbal confirmation of recent attempts to use my card (all me, all confirmed by me)  Great.  So, let's try a third time...



I call customer service, manage to get to speak to a live human, who told me that my card was still locked because of three suspicious attempts to run my card.  I explained that yes, all three of those charges were me trying to buy gas.


This extra sucks because I have almost exactly nothing in the bank until my paycheck clears on Tuesday.  And then 95% of that paycheck is already allocated for bills that will be due before the 15th.  I'm makin' money but I am far from out of the woods yet, so I still need to be able to lean on the credit card for just a little while longer before the income stream is stabilized and I can get back to paying down the debt.  (FWIW, I do still have PLENTY of balance available, not that I really want to use it all, nor would I have to.  But I am admittedly over 50% of my available credit and I do not like that one bit)

I've been there before. It sucks. Except in my case, I was trying to buy fuel about 20 minutes from my house. I remember going to the bank and the girl saying "Oh, I see why it was locked, someone was trying to buy fuel in Bridgeport." to which I responded "Yeah, me, I was trying to buy the fuel to get home. And it was Bridgeport, not friggin' Singapore." She reactivated my card and it worked for 24 hours, then started acting up the next day. Go back and the girl taps a few buttons and the keyboard and says "You're all good." Sorry, I was just here 24 hours ago for the same issue and you told me I should be fine then, so forgive me if I don't believe you

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
3/4/19 8:30 a.m.
SnowMongoose said:

Ex-roommate owes me a decent chunk of money.  

I won in small claims court, am now having to lawyer up to get his wages garnished.  

Contacted him to verify where he's working, he tells me, then accuses me of 'making it weird' and not giving him a chance to set up a payment plan or something.  

Motherberkeleyer hasn't paid back a dime in the six months since he moved out, what the hell did he expect me to do?

I went through that back in college. Lived in a house with 3 other guys, and I tended to be the one who would pay the bills and get the groceries. Everything was kept track of on a whiteboard and I kept all the receipts and bills. One roommate just never paid for his share of things and literally moved out without warning shortly before his lease was up and into a house with a different friend. I ended up having to take him to small claims court, winning (by default- he never even showed up), and having to get the court to garnish his bank account (which apparently had plenty to pay what he owed). Not fun times...

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/4/19 8:33 p.m.

Why the hell is there a core charge on a tail light? Not only that, the part itself is about $65. The core charge is $80!




Because Ford, thats why frown.

NickD UberDork
3/5/19 8:17 a.m.
stanger_missle said:

Why the hell is there a core charge on a tail light? Not only that, the part itself is about $65. The core charge is $80!




Because Ford, thats why frown.

GM has that too now. At first it seemed like it was just on the LED taillamps, which made sense. But also, the 2014+ trucks have them on the regular old non-LED taillights

wae SuperDork
3/5/19 8:30 a.m.
NickD said:
stanger_missle said:

Why the hell is there a core charge on a tail light? Not only that, the part itself is about $65. The core charge is $80!




Because Ford, thats why frown.

GM has that too now. At first it seemed like it was just on the LED taillamps, which made sense. But also, the 2014+ trucks have them on the regular old non-LED taillights


Almost as frustrating is why does a u-pull junkyard have a core charge?

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/5/19 9:08 a.m.

The TIG welder I've been hoping to buy with tax money has been out of stock for about 2 months. Today I get an email that it's back in stock, but I don't have the money in my pocket, so I am forcing myself to be patient. 

nutherjrfan UltraDork
3/6/19 12:45 a.m.

I work with someone who I wouldn't trust to have enough intelligence to take his phone out and give you the right time. angry

Sonic UltraDork
3/6/19 6:37 a.m.
NickD said:
stanger_missle said:

Why the hell is there a core charge on a tail light? Not only that, the part itself is about $65. The core charge is $80!




Because Ford, thats why frown.

GM has that too now. At first it seemed like it was just on the LED taillamps, which made sense. But also, the 2014+ trucks have them on the regular old non-LED taillights

Because they are trying to stop the taillight remanufacturers from having anything to work with and therefore drive up their own parts business. More and more OEMs are putting trademarked logos as visible design elements in lamps which rules out aftermarket exact replacements, and then the core charges, they are trying to corner the market on insurance paid crash replacement lamps.  

slefain PowerDork
3/6/19 6:59 a.m.
slefain said:
slefain said:

A small group of geriatric toddlers have been hijacking our city meetings lately. They have zero respect for meeting rules and shout down anyone who doesn't agree with them. They have no interest in actually discussing issues, just repeating their same opposition speech. They don't want to talk about compromise, or care to learn anything about the other side of the issue. The other night they pitched an actual tantrum after other people wouldn't agree with their view. They threw civility out the window a long time ago, even going so far as character assassination of those who don't agree with them. I'm done with being civil as well, and will be giving them the same thing right back at the meeting this week. Just because you are old doesn't mean you can't still be called out for being an ass.

The issue is development within the city limits, which we desperately need. Nothing new has been built here in decades and it shows. But this crowd opposes every single project that has come down the line for the last few years. No compromise or ideas, just constant no. Pricey new houses? No. Budget starter houses? No. Senior living? No. New church building? Big no. Anything other than exact cookie cutter versions of their houses (which nobody builds anymore) priced at more than they are worth (they think their houses are gold) will do.

It is sad because our city has been neglected for decades and finally has a chance at rebirth, but the same people who ran it into the ground are hell bent on preventing it from rising again.


So enough non-crazy citizens reached out to the city council about the group's antics. At this week's meeting there was a hard three minute time limit per person on public comments. The group got around that by having a single spokesperson, and then having each person cede their three minutes to their leader. That ticked off one of our most level-headed citizens, who is also an expert in rules & regulations. Turns out you can't give your time to another person, and this guy has the citations to shut it down. So at next week's meeting it will be up to each person to use their own three minutes for comment, or not at all. Should be real entertaining when the mayor lays the smack down.

I've also been asked to apply to our city's new historic preservation board. Forming this board was a previous demand of the same angry group who think this will prevent people from tearing down old houses. Except it isn't. Having your house listed is purely voluntary, you can't slap the designation on property you don't own. And putting your property on the list puts all kinds of restrictions on what you can do with it. I predict zero interest from the property owners who actually qualify.

Final update!

The Mayor put down the hammer and the angry mob was not happy. Three minutes per person, no ceding time, no talking out of order. As expected, most of them didn't have the courage to actually stand up and tear into people like their spokesperson does. Once their leader had her three minutes, only a few got up to parrot the same lines. The angry mob's leader tried to speak out of turn several times but got shut down by the Mayor at every attempt. The vote came down (council approved the project) and the entire group quietly stormed out.

P.S. - I used my public comment time to denounce bullies, as well as encourage anyone in the audience to speak their mind even if they fear getting verbally accosted in the lobby after the meeting. The angry mob heckled me, thus proving my point.

NickD UberDork
3/6/19 8:06 a.m.

I've been at work for an hour. I've already heard that exceptionally terrible Berkeley Away The Pain song by Divide The Day twice. I guarantee I hear it at least 4 more times by lunch. And probably that equally E36 M3ty Casual Sex song by My Darkest Days will play 4 or 5 times by then. I don't know what station my coworkers have their radio tuned to, but I'm about to start taking a baseball bat to them

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
3/6/19 8:28 a.m.

I altered course to miss a small pothole with my left tires. Instead, i altered into a berkeleying HUGE pothole i didn't see with my right tires. Knocked the damn steering wheel crooked big. 

That hurt.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/6/19 9:44 a.m.
slefain said:
slefain said:
slefain said:

A small group of geriatric toddlers have been hijacking our city meetings lately. They have zero respect for meeting rules and shout down anyone who doesn't agree with them. They have no interest in actually discussing issues, just repeating their same opposition speech. They don't want to talk about compromise, or care to learn anything about the other side of the issue. The other night they pitched an actual tantrum after other people wouldn't agree with their view. They threw civility out the window a long time ago, even going so far as character assassination of those who don't agree with them. I'm done with being civil as well, and will be giving them the same thing right back at the meeting this week. Just because you are old doesn't mean you can't still be called out for being an ass.

The issue is development within the city limits, which we desperately need. Nothing new has been built here in decades and it shows. But this crowd opposes every single project that has come down the line for the last few years. No compromise or ideas, just constant no. Pricey new houses? No. Budget starter houses? No. Senior living? No. New church building? Big no. Anything other than exact cookie cutter versions of their houses (which nobody builds anymore) priced at more than they are worth (they think their houses are gold) will do.

It is sad because our city has been neglected for decades and finally has a chance at rebirth, but the same people who ran it into the ground are hell bent on preventing it from rising again.


So enough non-crazy citizens reached out to the city council about the group's antics. At this week's meeting there was a hard three minute time limit per person on public comments. The group got around that by having a single spokesperson, and then having each person cede their three minutes to their leader. That ticked off one of our most level-headed citizens, who is also an expert in rules & regulations. Turns out you can't give your time to another person, and this guy has the citations to shut it down. So at next week's meeting it will be up to each person to use their own three minutes for comment, or not at all. Should be real entertaining when the mayor lays the smack down.

I've also been asked to apply to our city's new historic preservation board. Forming this board was a previous demand of the same angry group who think this will prevent people from tearing down old houses. Except it isn't. Having your house listed is purely voluntary, you can't slap the designation on property you don't own. And putting your property on the list puts all kinds of restrictions on what you can do with it. I predict zero interest from the property owners who actually qualify.

Final update!

The Mayor put down the hammer and the angry mob was not happy. Three minutes per person, no ceding time, no talking out of order. As expected, most of them didn't have the courage to actually stand up and tear into people like their spokesperson does. Once their leader had her three minutes, only a few got up to parrot the same lines. The angry mob's leader tried to speak out of turn several times but got shut down by the Mayor at every attempt. The vote came down (council approved the project) and the entire group quietly stormed out.

P.S. - I used my public comment time to denounce bullies, as well as encourage anyone in the audience to speak their mind even if they fear getting verbally accosted in the lobby after the meeting. The angry mob heckled me, thus proving my point.

Glad to hear that the angry mob got a bit muzzled. Hopefully they won't start a grassroots campaign to undermine what what needs to be done.

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/6/19 10:13 a.m.
Sonic said:
NickD said:
stanger_missle said:

Why the hell is there a core charge on a tail light? Not only that, the part itself is about $65. The core charge is $80!




Because Ford, thats why frown.

GM has that too now. At first it seemed like it was just on the LED taillamps, which made sense. But also, the 2014+ trucks have them on the regular old non-LED taillights

Because they are trying to stop the taillight remanufacturers from having anything to work with and therefore drive up their own parts business. More and more OEMs are putting trademarked logos as visible design elements in lamps which rules out aftermarket exact replacements, and then the core charges, they are trying to corner the market on insurance paid crash replacement lamps.  

I mean, I get it. They are trying to protect the market for themselves. But an $80 core charge for a 6x2" inch piece of plastic thats unlit? Thats berkeleying ridiculous.

I didn't think the market is that big for a relatively overlooked Euro imported van frown

4cylndrfury MegaDork
3/6/19 12:58 p.m.

Ive decided that if you live in the Cincinnati area and drive a:

  1. PT Cruiser
  2. Hyundai SUV of any flavor
  3. Prius/CMax

You can GDIAF...the entire lot of em are entitled jackwagons who couldnt be less self aware if their lives depended on it (wait, its driving a car, so your life kinda does depend on it), and they can berk right the berk off

Subscriber-unavailabile Reader
3/6/19 6:28 p.m.

Found out 3 weeks ago I’m getting laid off , Thankfully last week I got approved to transfer to different branch. But I’ve lived in same small town for almost 30 years now and where I’m going is muchh bigger. Thankfully got a week off to make the transition, but just found out my new house won’t be ready until 2 days before I start work.

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/7/19 2:16 a.m.

Trying to sell my wifes 02 explorer has turned into a massive hassle. Its a flaming pile of poo....but its got some parts in it plus damn near new studded tires on it. One would think $650 or trade me just about anything this would be a doable same right?

berkeley no, no way. Ive mentioned in the ad its basically undrivable as is...someone wanted to drive it 800 miles. Ive had 8 seperate people totally bail on the deal for incredibly stupid reasons. One i went to meet, was already 40min late and never even bothered to figure out where the place we were meeting was.....he didnt start looking it up til 20min after we were to meet. Copped an attitude when i told him we were done, im not waiting any longer too. 


The car is paid off and costing me nothing right now...i may make an offroad track on my acreage and rallybash the screaming berkeleyballs out of it til it dies.

mtn MegaDork
3/7/19 8:37 a.m.
Antihero said:

Trying to sell my wifes 02 explorer has turned into a massive hassle. Its a flaming pile of poo....but its got some parts in it plus damn near new studded tires on it. One would think $650 or trade me just about anything this would be a doable same right?

berkeley no, no way. Ive mentioned in the ad its basically undrivable as is...someone wanted to drive it 800 miles. Ive had 8 seperate people totally bail on the deal for incredibly stupid reasons. One i went to meet, was already 40min late and never even bothered to figure out where the place we were meeting was.....he didnt start looking it up til 20min after we were to meet. Copped an attitude when i told him we were done, im not waiting any longer too. 


The car is paid off and costing me nothing right now...i may make an offroad track on my acreage and rallybash the screaming berkeleyballs out of it til it dies.

I'd sell the wheel/tire combo, grab a bunch of easy stuff from it to throw on Ebay (might I suggest the hinges for the rear glass, those were stupidly expensive when I needed to replace them on the Escape), and call the salvage yard. "Bye Felicia"

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/7/19 9:38 a.m.

In reply to mtn :

I could do that but was hoping for the easy effort of letting someone else go thru that lol.


And the thought of rallying it to death feels oddly...... satisfying. Others that have worked on an 02 explorer probably understand 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/7/19 9:42 a.m.

And funnily enough.....the local salvage yard doesn't really want it, handed me off to another smaller yard who basically told me they would take it for about the same price as towing it to their location.


At that point.....RallyDeath

Stefan GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/7/19 9:55 a.m.

Is there a donation place in the area that accepts vehicles?  You may not get cash in your pocket right now, but they might take it with less hassle and you can have something for your taxes next year.

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