1 ... 939 940 941 942 943 ... 2016
Streetwiseguy MegaDork
3/23/19 10:26 p.m.

In reply to Wally :

All you can do is...E36 M3, I don't know.  Let her know you will do your best, and provide an ear and a shoulder.

Good luck, man.  I'm sitting in my own home watching the golf channel 130 hours after having a quadruple bypass.  Doctors can be almost magic these days.

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/23/19 10:43 p.m.
Wally said:

I knew the crying was coming.  I wish I could say something to make it better.  We meet with the oncologist Thursday to find out the pathology results and what to do next but that doesn’t help her today.  I hate days like this. 

Sometimes the crying helps, it can help bring the emotions to the surface and wash them away.

I know that doesnt make you feel any better though

Appleseed MegaDork
3/23/19 11:55 p.m.

Ear wax? I've been living in a muddy world of hearing loss for 40 years because of ear wax? 

No, shiny happy person, my ears are broken. God built me with spare parts. And you don't remember the countless time I've told you how you have to talk to me for the words to have half a chance of being understood. It's exhausting.

I don't give it much thought. I've always had it. I'm used to it, but every once in a while, I have to listen to bullE36 M3. 

Its like living Wheel of Fortune. There are bits and clues as to what's said. It's up to you to guess and fill in the rest. About 1/3 of everything I've ever heard in my entire life has been wrong. 

Imagine what that must feel like?

Hearing aids are not like glasses. There is a crispness to corrected vision. Aides amplifiy E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. The conversation, the traffic, the goddamn refrigerator.  

Even so often I'm reminded I'm broken, and there is no fix. 


berkeley you.

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/24/19 6:03 a.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

The rant of every person with a major life problem and then some chuckleberk comes along who has no experience and offers a one-sentence solution.


I look on with disdain at anybody who claims a simple solution for a complex problem.  If a simple solution exists, it would have been done already.


My favorite:  A family member was having some severe problems with panic attacks and other anxiety stress.  Her shiny happy person boyfriend said "Why not just snap out of it?"

eastsideTim UberDork
3/24/19 6:50 a.m.

In reply to Wally :

Hoping the results turn out well, keeping you all in my thoughts.

Datsun310Guy UltimaDork
3/24/19 7:23 a.m.
mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/24/19 8:38 a.m.
Wally said:

I knew the crying was coming.  I wish I could say something to make it better.  We meet with the oncologist Thursday to find out the pathology results and what to do next but that doesn’t help her today.  I hate days like this. 

The crying is gone, it washes away the anguish, the hate, the sadness, and the apprehension. Now the two of you can approach the future clear headed and decide on the best course of action. I can only wish you the best of luck in doing so. Everyone here is like family, we have waited with bated breath on the results, we cry with the anguish, and cheer with the joy. Know that we are with you through all this.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/24/19 3:11 p.m.

Thanks again everyone for giving me a place to vent.  It’s been a long year for everyone and we were hoping things were starting to improve.

volvoclearinghouse UberDork
3/25/19 6:16 a.m.

There's no water here at work.  None.  Water main break.  They brought in Spotty Potties for everyone to use (because it's a balmy 50 degrees here) and, more tragically, there's no coffee.  


No ETA yet for when we'll have water.  Could be a couple of days.  Thanks, Baltimore!

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
3/25/19 6:55 a.m.

Passengers side load bag is leaking air at an extreme rate. Not good when i have to go to ohio and get a big block chevy friday.....

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
3/25/19 7:12 a.m.

Nobody has been fired yet. How the berkeley has no one been fired yet? This is just disgraceful. 

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) UltimaDork
3/25/19 8:29 a.m.

The Civic Type-R is classed wrong.  By a freaking mile.  Put that ridiculous thing is AS where it belongs!

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/25/19 8:36 a.m.

The wife’s sister was supposed to stay with her tonight until Wednesday when their mother came home so I could go back to work. She fell off a step ladder this morning and broke her ankle.  My poor mother in law will never take another vacation now.

PMRacing GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/25/19 8:46 a.m.

Waiting to find out if I will have a job in a week sucks.  Next round of restructuring has begun and we've been getting email blasts about the new organization charts starting from the top. Ther round of "early retirements" has started. Then involuntary retirement and workforce reductions. No idea how many or what groups are affected. I need a new car due to the crash but am holding off until I know where I stand. Luckily I have a rental for another couple of weeks if needed, but will need to pull the trigger on something fast once I know what is going on.  I've been trying to put a spending freeze on our budget but SWMBO is not sticking to it as well as she should. And I have some medical stuff that is coming (nothing major at least) adding to the stress and uncertainty of everything.  I also haven't started prepping the Miata for track season due to this stuff so I'll be rushing to get it ready if I am able.  Hope I know more in a week so I can relax a bit and my BP can drop.  

NickD UberDork
3/25/19 9:24 a.m.

I swear, this service writer at work couldn't sell crack to a crackhead if they were dying for one last fix.

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand UberDork
3/25/19 9:31 a.m.

I had 3 interviews with the same company.


The last one went extremely well with a fairly highly placed individual.


He said I would hear something that day or early next week.  That was 2 Fridays ago...



Nick Comstock
Nick Comstock MegaDork
3/25/19 9:33 a.m.

Got home from an out of town wedding to find water all over the kitchen floor. 

 Guess who got to spend his 40th birthday refrigerator shopping?

This guy!

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
3/25/19 9:56 a.m.

It is now 46 days until the ONE YEAR construction loan to build our cabin (originally quoted as taking 90 days to build...) expires. And, given the performance up to the present, with every passing day it seems more and more likely that the builder will not finish the build in time for it to be able to be inspected and insured and a mortgage secured to pay off the construction loan once matures in 46 days.

How the BERK is this remotely possible? I've watched massive apartment buildings go up in less time than it's taken to roughly half-build a 800 square-foot cabin. Hell, my MIL thinks that the builder is intentionally sandbagging the build so that we'll either default on the loan or get fed up with it and someone else can buy the land from us cheap. We don't think that's the case- but it's not an impossibility either. We just think he's lazy and has no drive to finish it.

The only -good- news is that in talking with our loan officer at the bank that we should be able to get an extension on the loan for a few more months if necessary. Not telling the builder this up front of course to keep the pressure on to finish it before the original loan drop-dead date (which is a FULL NINE MONTHS AFTER THE ORIGINAL QUOTED COMPLETION DATE of course).

The Dancer's new computer- a brand-new Mac Mini bought on clearance last fall after they updated the line- is driving her nuts, and I can't totally fault her for it. It's ridiculous that it takes as long as it does to just open up Finder or anything else. I'm working on setting up to see if booting and running from an external SSD will help things (vs. its slow internal HDD) since it's likely swapping a hell of a lot with only having 4GB of RAM. If that helps a modest bit, I'm sorely tempted to pick up a slighlty older model someone has up on CL that has an internal SDD, faster CPU, and 4x the memory for about 2/3 what her new one cost and sell the 'new' one (wish I could just return it to Best Buy, but I doubt I have the receipt and it's been about 5 months). What I'd REALLY like to do would be to give her my iMac, which is solidly old but still blazing fast given what it was originally bought and updated over the years to do, and buy myself a new iMac (or Mac Pro) to do video/graphics work on- but we can't begin to spare that much money with things so uncertain with the cabin...


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/25/19 2:56 p.m.
Knurled. said:

So, with the mention of a "conference call", I assume that this means that there has collectively been thousands of dollars spent to justify/work around hiring a luser at $10/hour instead of someone marginally less incompetent at $10.50/hour...

Oh I don't think anyone on that call was making anywhere close to $10/hr, certainly not at this company...but you're generally correct, some people who actually have some idea what they're doing are going to have to spend a lot of their time to accommodate this one bargain-basement employee.

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/25/19 3:06 p.m.
wheelsmithy said:
BoxheadTim said:
BoxheadTim said:

Woke up yesterday with my left foot feeling like the coyote dropped a full size ACME anvil on it. No explanation as to what happened, nothing appears to be broken but it feels sprained and potentially inflamed.

Hobbling around the house doing my best capt'n peg leg impression while I watch the to do list grow. Grrrrrr.

Yay, and it's getting worse. I'm barely managing to get around the house today, after it got better yesterday. Time to try to see a doctor, methinks.

And that's on top of having to take almost three days off work last week thanks to a migraine.

Sounds like Gout. I have it, and have had identical symptoms. Drink lots of unsweetened cherry juice. That brings dihhareah, but relieves gout. Google it.

And, by all means, see a doctor.

Hang in there.


I've since seen the doctor and had a blood test done. It does indeed look like gout, topped with a damaged bone and a little bone splinter floating around my foot.

On top of that, I had a rather nasty reaction to the first medication they gave me just add a little further delay to the whole thing. At least the new medication now seems to be doing its job after I mostly go the side effects from the first one.

The real rant part? It looks like I'll have to give up beer . As I'm German, you know that it's serious when I have to consider giving up beer.

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/25/19 3:31 p.m.
BoxheadTim said:
wheelsmithy said:
BoxheadTim said:
BoxheadTim said:

Woke up yesterday with my left foot feeling like the coyote dropped a full size ACME anvil on it. No explanation as to what happened, nothing appears to be broken but it feels sprained and potentially inflamed.

Hobbling around the house doing my best capt'n peg leg impression while I watch the to do list grow. Grrrrrr.

Yay, and it's getting worse. I'm barely managing to get around the house today, after it got better yesterday. Time to try to see a doctor, methinks.

And that's on top of having to take almost three days off work last week thanks to a migraine.

Sounds like Gout. I have it, and have had identical symptoms. Drink lots of unsweetened cherry juice. That brings dihhareah, but relieves gout. Google it.

And, by all means, see a doctor.

Hang in there.


I've since seen the doctor and had a blood test done. It does indeed look like gout, topped with a damaged bone and a little bone splinter floating around my foot.

On top of that, I had a rather nasty reaction to the first medication they gave me just add a little further delay to the whole thing. At least the new medication now seems to be doing its job after I mostly go the side effects from the first one.

The real rant part? It looks like I'll have to give up beer . As I'm German, you know that it's serious when I have to consider giving up beer.

My half german wife feels your pain, she had to go gluten free this year. We met at a beer festival so this really sucks for her.


She has found some decent gluten free beers and ciders though.

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/25/19 3:33 p.m.
GameboyRMH said:
Knurled. said:

So, with the mention of a "conference call", I assume that this means that there has collectively been thousands of dollars spent to justify/work around hiring a luser at $10/hour instead of someone marginally less incompetent at $10.50/hour...

Oh I don't think anyone on that call was making anywhere close to $10/hr, certainly not at this company...but you're generally correct, some people who actually have some idea what they're doing are going to have to spend a lot of their time to accommodate this one bargain-basement employee.

Ive tried for years to explain that you cant replace one good worker with one bad worker. Since washington has a minimum wage of $12, any amount you pay a good worker under $24 is a bargain.....but apparently i cant get thru

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
3/26/19 7:19 a.m.

In a foul mood. Everything and everyone is pissing me off today. 

wlkelley3 UltraDork
3/26/19 12:28 p.m.

In reply to BoxheadTim :

Ouch!! I spent most of the winter recovering from Plantar Fasciitis. Hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks, especially walking. Had to get special insoles for all my shoes. PT and special exercises along with this special "Straussberg" sock to wear when I sleep. It goes up to below my knee and has a velcro strap fastening kinda loose but tighter than the calf so it doesn't pull down and another strap going from the toes to the top of the sock restricting foot movement. Keeping the foot level or pointed slightly up towards the knee. Apparently pointing toes down stretches the Plantar Fascia muscle in the bottom of your foot. If I don't use the special insoles my foot will hurt fairly quickly. If I overdo it my foot will ache a bit. The physical therapist told me this is a from now on forever thing.

Gout is much worse but can be controlled. Have friends that have had it. Too bad about beer. sad Excuse to go the the hard stuff now? devil

slantvaliant UltraDork
3/26/19 1:14 p.m.
Dusterbd13-michael said:

In a foul mood. Everything and everyone is pissing me off today. 

I usually wait for that mood to hit me, so I can do my taxes.

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