1 ... 944 945 946 947 948 ... 2016
mtn MegaDork
4/3/19 9:36 a.m.

No, it is an honest question, not a rant despite the thread. There is really no one that you (a) don't know personally, but (b) has impacted your life so beneficially that you wouldn't be sad when they passed? 

Maybe I'm seeing it differently, because music is such an enormous part of my life. Hell, by your logic you would never cry when Old Yeller dies (or while reading any book or movie)

wae SuperDork
4/3/19 9:46 a.m.

Yesterday I was really ticked off at the moron that snipped the trailer brake harness connector off of the Big Ugly Truck for Towing.  I returned the adapter harness I bought and hard connected the controller to the wires that had been snipped.  Strange thing is that the brake controller still didn't work.

Today I am really ticked off at the moron that was looking in the wrong place for the trailer brake harness connector yesterday.  Off to the FLAPS to re-buy the adapter...

volvoclearinghouse PowerDork
4/3/19 9:48 a.m.
mtn said:

No, it is an honest question, not a rant despite the thread. There is really no one that you (a) don't know personally, but (b) has impacted your life so beneficially that you wouldn't be sad when they passed? 

Maybe I'm seeing it differently, because music is such an enormous part of my life. Hell, by your logic you would never cry when Old Yeller dies (or while reading any book or movie)

Dogs are different.  Spiders, too (I cried at the end of Charlotte's Web).  Hell I even cry at the end of "The Giving Tree" even though it's a horrible story of abuse and exploitation.  

Music impacts my life, too.  I love music.  But I can honestly say there isn't a single performer, no matter how mch their music meant to me, that I would cry over their passing.  I guess I just separate the art from the person, if that makes sense.

Meanwhile, here in Baltimore, the mayor is being indicted in a half-million dollar corruption scandal.  But we're sitting here crying about dead singers.  Yep, priorities.  

nutherjrfan UltraDork
4/3/19 9:55 a.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:
STM317 said:

In reply to volvoclearinghouse :

Same thing that happens anytime a celeb dies. People care way too much about famous strangers.

My general rule of thumb is reciprocity.  Would this person care (or even know) if something happened to me?  If the answer is 'no', move along, nothing to see here.  

Judging by the fellows self confessed past I'd imagine he possibly got a little more reciprocity than he would have liked. indecision

nutherjrfan UltraDork
4/3/19 9:57 a.m.

In reply to volvoclearinghouse :

hey she gave back about $100k.  That's sainthood in corruption.  laugh

84FSP SuperDork
4/3/19 9:59 a.m.

I was feeling really good about my Rabbit fueling fix.  I made the mistake of trusting it to make it to and from work.  It made it to work but...

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
4/3/19 10:05 a.m.
mtn said:

No, it is an honest question, not a rant despite the thread. There is really no one that you (a) don't know personally, but (b) has impacted your life so beneficially that you wouldn't be sad when they passed? 

Maybe I'm seeing it differently, because music is such an enormous part of my life. Hell, by your logic you would never cry when Old Yeller dies (or while reading any book or movie)

The music will live on. Listening to Guy Clark the other day, sure there was a bit of "I'll never get to see him play", but it hasn't changed the music.

Although to be fair to that second part, I prefer animals to people by a lot. Like a lot a lot. Animals steal your food, but they just want to make you happy. Humans just want to make themselves happy. 

Scottah Dork
4/3/19 10:30 a.m.

Anxiety level is super high today for no good reason. I’m usually like this once a month or so. I just don’t know what triggers it and why I feel like crap.  Tomorrow I’ll be fine and back to normal (relatively normal, that is). 

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/3/19 10:40 a.m.

I’ve never heard of Nipsey Hustle but I like the play on Nipsey Russell and now I want to hear some of Russell’s poems set to rap.

mtn MegaDork
4/3/19 11:13 a.m.
RevRico said:
mtn said:

No, it is an honest question, not a rant despite the thread. There is really no one that you (a) don't know personally, but (b) has impacted your life so beneficially that you wouldn't be sad when they passed? 

Maybe I'm seeing it differently, because music is such an enormous part of my life. Hell, by your logic you would never cry when Old Yeller dies (or while reading any book or movie)

The music will live on. Listening to Guy Clark the other day, sure there was a bit of "I'll never get to see him play", but it hasn't changed the music.


Actually, that was the exact one I was thinking of. When I heard he'd passed, I started to tear up.  

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
4/3/19 12:05 p.m.

Just spilled Mountain Dew all over my crotch. Damn it.

volvoclearinghouse PowerDork
4/3/19 12:41 p.m.
Furious_E said:

Just spilled Mountain Dew all over my crotch. Damn it.

Well, if you weren't impotent before...

NickD PowerDork
4/3/19 2:08 p.m.

We are having to replace bumpers on 2019 Chevy trucks as part of a recall because GM thought it was a good idea to chrome the steel first and then bend it into shape, and that caused all sorts of micro-fractures in the chrome and the bumpers are developing serious rust on the lot. Who the berkeley thought that system was a good idea? I got handed 4 trucks with the recall, and 3 of the 4 require a new bumper that are likely manufactured the same way

SaltyDog HalfDork
4/3/19 2:51 p.m.
mtn said:
RevRico said:
mtn said:

No, it is an honest question, not a rant despite the thread. There is really no one that you (a) don't know personally, but (b) has impacted your life so beneficially that you wouldn't be sad when they passed? 

Maybe I'm seeing it differently, because music is such an enormous part of my life. Hell, by your logic you would never cry when Old Yeller dies (or while reading any book or movie)

The music will live on. Listening to Guy Clark the other day, sure there was a bit of "I'll never get to see him play", but it hasn't changed the music.


Actually, that was the exact one I was thinking of. When I heard he'd passed, I started to tear up.  

I've had Guy's "Better Days" CD in my truck's player for about 6 months now.

Wish I'd gotten to see him live.

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
4/3/19 3:28 p.m.

Why do people insist on leaving vague voicemails when asking for help? Is it too much to clearly state the problem, and ask for a return call? That way i can return the call with some sort of answer instead of making E36 M3 up as i go. 

Appleseed MegaDork
4/3/19 3:30 p.m.

In reply to NickD :

Because they stopped using real chrome for bumpers in the 90s. They forgot how to do it.

NickD PowerDork
4/3/19 3:51 p.m.
Appleseed said:

In reply to NickD :

Because they stopped using real chrome for bumpers in the 90s. They forgot how to do it.

I think it's more because GM could berkeley up an anvil with a feather. Case in point, used to be when you had a real brainbuster of an issue, you could call Technical Assistance Center and speak to a real live GM engineer. Now they changed to an e-mail based system this month, because it's "faster and more efficient". I just waited an hour and a half for an engineer to ask me if the floor mat was hooked on the gas pedal in response to a weird driveability issue. I immediately respond "No" and have now waited another half hour without response. "Faster and more efficient", my muscular buttocks

eastsideTim UberDork
4/3/19 4:13 p.m.

My cat with kidney failure is having more trouble keeping food down.  It’s only been a week and a half since he got some of the heavier duty indigestion drugs, and he’s been on Pepcid daily for the last 3-4 months.  Otherwise, he’s acting normally, but I’m concerned he’s getting bad enough we can’t do more for him at home.  Got a vet appointment tomorrow morning to run bloodwork.  He can’t stand car rides, so if anything requires regular trips to the vet, I’m not sure it’s going to be a solution for him.  He already struggles getting IV fluids from me twice a week.  sad

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) UltimaDork
4/4/19 7:45 a.m.

Today makes 8 days since I deposited a check which still hasn’t cleared.

My sister deposited hers electronically to USAA and it cleared in 36 hours.  What the actual berkeley is my banks’ problem.

(fully aware this is a first world problem but it’s irritating and this is minor rant territory)

wae SuperDork
4/4/19 7:51 a.m.
NickD said:
Appleseed said:

In reply to NickD :

Because they stopped using real chrome for bumpers in the 90s. They forgot how to do it.

I think it's more because GM could berkeley up an anvil with a feather. Case in point, used to be when you had a real brainbuster of an issue, you could call Technical Assistance Center and speak to a real live GM engineer. Now they changed to an e-mail based system this month, because it's "faster and more efficient". I just waited an hour and a half for an engineer to ask me if the floor mat was hooked on the gas pedal in response to a weird driveability issue. I immediately respond "No" and have now waited another half hour without response. "Faster and more efficient", my muscular buttocks

Well, let's see...  they only need one guy to come in once in a while and bang out an email and since all the unread emails will just sit there he can do one or two and then head to lunch without the worry that the phone will ring and slow him down.  Sounds faster and more efficient to me!  Your mistake is that you thought they meant it would be a benefit to you! laugh

PMRacing GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
4/4/19 7:57 a.m.

Analysis paralysis.  Been staring at data looking for the cause of an issue for a few days now.  My brain hurts. Need to step away but this is a somewhat urgent matter. 

NickD PowerDork
4/4/19 8:08 a.m.
wae said:
NickD said:
Appleseed said:

In reply to NickD :

Because they stopped using real chrome for bumpers in the 90s. They forgot how to do it.

I think it's more because GM could berkeley up an anvil with a feather. Case in point, used to be when you had a real brainbuster of an issue, you could call Technical Assistance Center and speak to a real live GM engineer. Now they changed to an e-mail based system this month, because it's "faster and more efficient". I just waited an hour and a half for an engineer to ask me if the floor mat was hooked on the gas pedal in response to a weird driveability issue. I immediately respond "No" and have now waited another half hour without response. "Faster and more efficient", my muscular buttocks

Well, let's see...  they only need one guy to come in once in a while and bang out an email and since all the unread emails will just sit there he can do one or two and then head to lunch without the worry that the phone will ring and slow him down.  Sounds faster and more efficient to me!  Your mistake is that you thought they meant it would be a benefit to you! laugh

You're right. I was just looking at it from the wrong end. Silly me

dinger Reader
4/4/19 8:26 a.m.
Dusterbd13-michael said:

Why do people insist on leaving vague voicemails when asking for help? Is it too much to clearly state the problem, and ask for a return call? That way i can return the call with some sort of answer instead of making E36 M3 up as i go. 

Vague emails are even worse.  I used to (thankfully no longer) work with a gentleman who, no E36 M3, once sent me an email about a very complex software product he used, that read:


I think there may be something wrong with *****.


That was it.  I wanted to go beat him with his keyboard. 

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/4/19 10:17 a.m.

My sister seems hell bent on killing herself. Not in the classic suicide method, but in refusing to believe she may have the same intestinal issues as my Father and I. She just turned 40 today and is down to 90 pounds. She was in the hospital two days ago feeling like utter drek because her potassium levels were way below the safe levels. She's losing weight and if you try to broach the idea she may also have Crohn's she goes from zero to anger in less than a second. She WILL rip your head off for even suggesting it.

Right now she and my mom are not talking due to this.

I know I should love her because she is my sis, but she alienated me a long time ago with her anger issues. It just sucks to sit back and watch her medically self destruct because she thinks she knows more than the Doctors. If I knew who her doctor was, I would call him up and let him know the family history, but she is three hours away and I do not know a thing.

Stefan GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/4/19 11:55 a.m.
eastsideTim said:

My cat with kidney failure is having more trouble keeping food down.  It’s only been a week and a half since he got some of the heavier duty indigestion drugs, and he’s been on Pepcid daily for the last 3-4 months.  Otherwise, he’s acting normally, but I’m concerned he’s getting bad enough we can’t do more for him at home.  Got a vet appointment tomorrow morning to run bloodwork.  He can’t stand car rides, so if anything requires regular trips to the vet, I’m not sure it’s going to be a solution for him.  He already struggles getting IV fluids from me twice a week.  sad

Sorry to hear that, went through this with our cat a while ago.  Once we got to regular IV treatments at home, it went downhill quickly.  We found an in-home service to help us when it was time to say goodbye.

At some point you just have to enjoy the time that is left and keep them as happy and comfortable as possible.  My condolences

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