1 ... 952 953 954 955 956 ... 2016
Appleseed MegaDork
4/21/19 11:49 a.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo :

Are we having a Poopshovel flashback? 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
4/21/19 11:53 a.m.
KyAllroad (Jeremy) said:

On our way to my mothers’ house for Easter lunch.  Let’s take the Jag kids!

Nope, just a gross grinding sound as the starter fails to engage.  Add one more thing to my list of things to fix.  

We’re taking the sons’ Fiesta instead.

Gotta admit.....watching your posts about the x type as the wife wants one and im leary of Jags.

NickD PowerDork
4/21/19 12:17 p.m.

I hate holidays. I'm no longer celebrating them from here on out. I may have blown up about my family and holidays in front of my family

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/21/19 12:20 p.m.
KyAllroad (Jeremy) said:

On our way to my mothers’ house for Easter lunch.  Let’s take the Jag kids!

Nope, just a gross grinding sound as the starter fails to engage.


"Maybe it's humid."

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
4/21/19 12:55 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

I'm sure there's some crossover in fire related permitting incidents among GRM members, but I was referring to the low-ball craigslist lawnmower incident. 

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
4/21/19 1:31 p.m.
Knurled. said:
KyAllroad (Jeremy) said:

On our way to my mothers’ house for Easter lunch.  Let’s take the Jag kids!

Nope, just a gross grinding sound as the starter fails to engage.


"Maybe it's humid."

"England is a humid country."

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/21/19 1:43 p.m.

In reply to Streetwiseguy :


Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
4/21/19 2:07 p.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo :

At this point, id video tape it and use the YouTube proceeds to pay the fine.


logdog GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
4/21/19 2:09 p.m.

I have a little project I am working on that needs a normally open push button momentary mini switch.  Ordered a bag of ten and installed one.  Tested and found it was normally closed.  Checked all the others, they were all normally closed.  Bag says they are supposed to be normally open as does the invoice.  Truely a minor rant!

Appleseed MegaDork
4/21/19 3:11 p.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo :

Almost certain Poopy lit a junk car on fire at a birthday party. Or maybe he did it in a Walmarx parking lot. On a Tuesday. My memory is kind of hazy.

Mike GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
4/21/19 4:45 p.m.

I remember seeing the Vanderhall Laguna and thinking it looked to be something of a dog's breakfast with odd proportions that all seem to end a little too early. None of the lines go anywhere. It's all "shave and a haircut..." without the two bits.

I happened to go in a three-wheeler tear on YouTube this weekend, and holy hell, the new Vanderhall Venice Speedster is drop dead gorgeous. At $27k brand new, it's mighty dang compelling. Tons of cargo room too. Optional factory trailer hitch, so I could pull a little motorcycle trailer and go camping.

The rant?

I have no kids, and there still isn't room in my life to practically own a single-seat car. They have a two seater for three grand more, that looks worse.







johndej HalfDork
4/21/19 8:18 p.m.

Impersonating an officer???

Running back down 95 to RVA I got into a strangely slow bit of traffic. Took me a bit to work my way to the front. Once I got there I found the cause....

A damn white dodge charger decked out to look everything but a cop car. All white, spot light, big antenna on the back, blacked out windows, and a black push bar. He even had some sort of holographic thing on his sun visors that would give  you a double take. Basically the car below.

He was doing right at the speed limit (70 at that point). If you passed him quickly, he'd jump behind you real quick and keep pace, if you got over, he'd keep tailing.

Saw him do it to like 2 or 3 cars before I slipped by and didn't slow down. Couple guys just laughing away.





eastsideTim UberDork
4/21/19 8:59 p.m.

In reply to johndej :

If you see them again, try to get their plate number.  The police don’t take to kindly to these types. Especially if there’s a chance they’ll escalate their behavior.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/21/19 9:09 p.m.

whenever somebody at work gets "punished" for something.. we all suffer. The one guy on our crew who actually likes getting up at the ass-crack of dawn got into a shouting match with the boss about emailing him the status on any and all "projects". Because of this, he got shifted to evening work, which he hates with a passion. As that is generally my shift, guess who has to go to work everyday for the next two weeks at 5am? Yes, this guy

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/21/19 9:20 p.m.

Today reinforced my belief that people who advertise motorcycles did better in creative writing courses than people advertising cars. Fortunately I found one seller whose idea of honesty matched mine.

FBS, a bike that looks like Stevie Wonder’s guide dog resprayed it at night wearing sunglasses is not in “great condition”. Especially if you forgot to mention the berkeleying paintwork, the damaged fairing and the fact that the rear drive was pissing oil.

Ah well, bought an old Goldwing instead that was clean enough to prep food on and eat it afterwards. And it was in “dire” shape compared to the guy’s home built tractor that he built for tractor pulls.


mtn MegaDork
4/22/19 7:27 a.m.

Reffed a huge hockey tournament this weekend in town, all high level hockey (or as high level hockey as there is in April). I likely saw at least 1 future NHLer. Very nice paycheck. 

This was not a tournament sanctioned by the organization that sanctions basically all hockey in the US. I could, theoretically, get in "trouble" for reffing in this tournament. There were a lot of refs who won't do non-sanctioned games, which means that for this tournament you're limiting yourself to those who will do these games, which is basically folks who need the money (like me), or people who don't ref a lot of games or only do low-level games. So while I'm the highest ranking official that there is (4 levels, I'm level 4), many if not most of the other refs in this tournament rarely do games of this caliber. 

So, we have a tournament where the pool of referees is much smaller than normal. It is using a scheduling system that not  many refs use. And, the talent in said pool of refs is generally "mens league". So tell me, coaches, why you're getting pissy with ME over my partners bad/missed calls or their being out of position? You get what you pay for. You can either choose to pay another $50-$100 a game to get another ref out there on the ice instead of the 2 man system, or you can pay another couple hundred per player to make it a USA hockey tournament, which means you'll have the normal pool of refs. 


Oh, and also don't get pissy with me when you don't know the rules. Go read the damn rulebook before you tell me that I don't know the rules. Because I've read it front to back 15 times, 3 times for this version. Crimeny. Your player jumped the bench to assault a kid. Take it up with the tournament director if you think I made a wrong call. 



EDIT: Additional minor rant: "Call it both ways". Uhhh... Coach? You've had three separate 5-3 power plays. What more do you want? And no, I'm not calling those "slashes", because this is goddamned AAA hockey, and I wouldn't call those slashes in a house league game. They're not slashes. Grow a damn pair. 

Daylan C
Daylan C UltraDork
4/22/19 7:34 a.m.

I've spent entirely too much time wondering why "9 to 5" is such a cliche. I've never known anybody that's worked that schedule. I've never worked that schedule. I know a young woman that literally worked at a bank until a couple months ago and she worked 8-5 so don't tell me "bankers' hours".

NickD PowerDork
4/22/19 7:52 a.m.

I have to replace a steering rack in a GMC Envoy. What a berkeleying automotive abortion the Envoy/Trailblazer is. I once called them "GM's failed attempt at a Grand Cherokee" much to a few of my ex-Chrysler coworkers' amusement. I still stand by that 

(not) WilD (Matt)
(not) WilD (Matt) Dork
4/22/19 8:13 a.m.

My internet has been down much of thwe weekend, and I missed the new episode of Game of Thrones last night as a result.  I will be living in fear of spoilers until the internet is fixed.

Daylan C
Daylan C UltraDork
4/22/19 8:22 a.m.

In reply to NickD :

Do you hate the Atlas 4200 as much as my good friend and former Chevy dealer tech does?

NickD PowerDork
4/22/19 8:35 a.m.
Daylan C said:

In reply to NickD :

Do you hate the Atlas 4200 as much as my good friend and former Chevy dealer tech does?

Yeah, but the rest of the vehicle sucks too. This is a vehicle that the was deigned from the ground up to use an engine designed specifically for this application and the engineers were too berkeleying stupid to leave room for the front axle so they had to stick it through the oil pan.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
4/22/19 9:43 a.m.

After a pretty good weekend overall, this week is not off to the best of starts.

I had to drive in today because the Dancer's non-profit has a fundraiser on the other side of town that I have to be at to help that starts 15 minutes before I typically get off from work, necessitating my leaving roughly an hour early due to traffic and not being able to ride my bike because it would take... well, OK, since I could largely ignore traffic it would only take a bit longer, but it's still not worth it. 

So, I think, "I have to drive anyway- I may as well make it a bit more fun and get some road-time for the Rampage with its For Sale sign in hopes of finally selling the thing."

I should have given up last night when I realized I'd not unhooked the battery the last time I drove it, meaning I had to charge up the battery overnight. But, that's not too much of a hassle and I'm used to it happening. Do so and head out this morning in it. Since I knew the last time I drove it I only put a few gallons of gas in it and the fuel gauge doesn't work, I stop at the gas station to put a few more in to ensure I don't run out of fuel. Put in a few gallons, fire it back up and pull up to the road to turn out from the gas station- and it just unceremoniously dies. Not the spectacular 'everything stops working' dies it did when there was the short in the ignition system- the engine just shuts off, but the blinker and radio stay on.

Push it back into a parking space and pop the hood. Spend 10 minute checking things... have fuel pressure, can hear the pump priming when I turn the ignition on, don't see any melted wires. Not the park/neutral switch since the starter is turning the engine over fine- it's just not every trying to turn over. Finally all of a sudden it decides that it wants to fire over- so I drove it the mile back home and parked it and drove the ever-reliable Infiniti instead (though it does probably need a new front wheel bearing and likely front struts too).

Oh, and when I stepped onto the scale this morning found that I'm now at the highest weight I can remember being, which is both frustrating (since both the Dancer and I were trying to eat better last week) and unsurprising (given we did anything but over the weekend...).


Jumper K Balls (Trent)
Jumper K Balls (Trent) PowerDork
4/22/19 11:01 a.m.

I still really hate the drop down menu on the top of this forum.

4 times in the last few days as I jump from tab to tab to hotlink I accidentally hit the "Features" menu while attempting to hit the image or link button thus wiping out the body of text I just typed. I end up just giving up and not posting

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/22/19 11:30 a.m.
NickD said:

I have to replace a steering rack in a GMC Envoy. What a berkeleying automotive abortion the Envoy/Trailblazer is. I once called them "GM's failed attempt at a Grand Cherokee" much to a few of my ex-Chrysler coworkers' amusement. I still stand by that 

My record is 1 hour 15 minutes.  Go.


At least they give you lots of opportunity for practice.


I don't know what the procedure calls for, but if it calls for disassembling the suspension so you can pull the axles, I have always just sneaked a deepwell socket past the CV joint and held it with Vise-Grips.  Cheaters never perspire wink

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
4/22/19 11:38 a.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo :

Damn it, now I have Doritos chunks in my nose from laughing too hard cheeky

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