1 ... 958 959 960 961 962 ... 2016
KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) UltimaDork
4/30/19 10:14 a.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:

In reply to KyAllroad (Jeremy) :

Dude, bad, bad situation.  She stays with him, it's a losing situation.  He goes to prison, she resents everyone involved.  

Here's hoping if it comes to it, he shoots first, and misses.  

Heavy sarcasm font:

But he's a convicted felon, therefore he can't possess a firearm.

End heavy sarcasm font.


In no way intended as a flounder, just pointing out how useless some laws are in a real world setting.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
4/30/19 10:23 a.m.

In reply to KyAllroad (Jeremy) :

Kentucky Conditions of release for Parole and Probation

I've never heard of unsupervised parole/probation release before, but I see several things on the list of conditions he's in violation of, including a fun disclaimer that no warrant will be needed for search and seizure. Maybe his number appearing in bathrooms around town as a drug connection would be the "reasonable suspicion" required for a search by LEO, which could just as easily be attributed to a dumbass customer or an angry friend/wife. "call snowman at 867-5309" or whatever he's peddling. 

I've got no advice for dealing with the child though, but I'm paying attention, because while I think chain her to the house is a good idea, I've been told that it's not "good parenting" and I suspect I'll be heading down this road in a few years because that's just how karma plays out for me. 

volvoclearinghouse PowerDork
4/30/19 11:26 a.m.

In reply to RevRico :

I have a daughter who's nearly 5.

I also own a shotgun.

Here's hoping I never need to use the latter due to the former.  

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/30/19 12:22 p.m.

In reply to volvoclearinghouse :

Some advice I got years ago that seems helpful here.  The hole should be deeper than you think, plenty of lime, and when you fill it leave a large dog a third of the way down.  


Karacticus GRM+ Memberand Dork
4/30/19 12:26 p.m.

In reply to Datsun310Guy :

State made them deactivate the cameras on the interstate.  

I believe they claimed the budget hit was going to be somewhere between $2-3 million. 

Automated toll collectors. Signs and equipment are still up. 

JohnInKansas SuperDork
4/30/19 12:26 p.m.

In reply to Wally :

A cadaver search dog lives in my household. 

That won't work. smiley

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/30/19 12:37 p.m.

In reply to JohnInKansas :

It depends how hard anyone wants to look for them. 

logdog GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
4/30/19 5:57 p.m.

After years of searching, I finally found the worst Pad Thai in the US.  There is a certain low end of the spectrum that everybody, even places in rural Nebraska, can meet.  But the takeout joint close to my hotel in Bensalem PA has truly lowered the bar.  I think it had ketchup in it.   

Appleseed MegaDork
4/30/19 7:45 p.m.

Tomorrow is a day off.

Time to get sick enough to start chugging Tussin.

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/30/19 7:50 p.m.
logdog said:

After years of searching, I finally found the worst Pad Thai in the US.  There is a certain low end of the spectrum that everybody, even places in rural Nebraska, can meet.  But the takeout joint close to my hotel in Bensalem PA has truly lowered the bar.  I think it had ketchup in it.   

That doesn't sound like a very good superlative to search for.


(And why did we always go to a little Greek restaurant any time we were in Tulsa?)


(because it was called Batman's and it was really close to TRP, that's why)

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/30/19 7:52 p.m.

Rant:  I wish the Rallycross National Championships went to Tulsa again, because I can still clearly remember the interior layout of Batman's.  Also, there were good yet cheap motels within walking distance of the site.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
5/1/19 9:11 a.m.

One of my favorite games to play on my aged iPad Mini 2 has been crashing up a storm for a while now making it much less enjoyable to play. Given it was also having problems with the battery running down faster than it should have, I wondered if the problems could be related- so spent a few hours last night replacing the battery in it. After doing the recommended battery cycle, fired it up this morning and... the game still crashes all the same. At least the battery should last a good bit longer...

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/1/19 9:25 a.m.

The wife has discovered the bottomless pit that is Jeep dress-up bits.  From the looks of what she’s sent me this morning there’s some kind of Barbie/Dakar mashup community out there somewhere.

kazoospec UltraDork
5/1/19 11:40 a.m.

I guess this isn't a "minor" rant, but I'm afraid to make it a stand alone topic for fear of where it might go.  Last night, I was waiting up for my son to get home from work before turning in.   I started channel surfing and landed on a Frontline special about Holocaust survivors.  One particular portion of the show covered a survivor and his daughter visiting one of the camps.  Confronted by the horror of what she saw, she burst into tears.  Her father was completely stoic.  Finally, she asked him why he didn't cry.  He responded, "They killed my mother, my father, my grandparents and my brothers and sisters.  The only reason I was kept alive is they thought me strong enough to work.  I learned to cry only on the inside." 

Today, a friend of mine who is on a trip with a Jewish friend posted this photo after they stopped to pay respects at the Majdanek Death Camp.  Apparently, the Nazi's, at least at certain camps, kept the shoes of their victims.  Let this sink in for a moment:

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
5/1/19 5:12 p.m.

Polite requests have been ignored. Do I just invite the neighbor with the annoying rooster over for chicken dinner, or setup an air horn somewhere in his house on a random timed servo?

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/1/19 6:04 p.m.



Woke up earlier than I wanted because the rest of humanity is awake during my sleep cycle because night shift. I'm tired and irritable.

Went to install the new shift cable bushings that showed up today in my Kia commuting weapon. Of course I destroyed the old bushings getting them out because nothing is ever easy. And of course the new delrin bushings kind of fit. I can't get the circlip in the groove and I can't get the cotter pin in with the washer on top. So Berk it. It's got just the cotter pin holding the bushing in. I might die. Meh.

Oh and noticed oil on the engine undertray. Great. I just changed the oil on Saturday. The drain plug had a very suspect, oversized aluminum washer on it. It wasn't leaking before so I just cleaned it and reused it. Berk.

Oh yeah, it's also my birthday today. 38 years on this Earth. Yay? I'm noticing more grey, pants are shrinking and I have less patience for bullE36 M3.

I need some bourbon angry


imgon HalfDork
5/1/19 7:03 p.m.

In reply to stanger_missle :

Happy Birthday,  I hope you  get to enjoy some of your day and some of your favorite bourbon. With any luck with the shifter bushings and oil leak will be an easy fix when you are feeling better. 

MrChaos GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/1/19 7:11 p.m.

So texted a seller about a cheap volvo 240 yesterday. Seller says he will be gone Wednesday to next Wednesday and then is leaving that Friday and will be gone for 3 weeks. Like why even list the car.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/1/19 7:36 p.m.

SO after three weeks of working early mornings (5am till 1p) I am now less than a week from vacation. What does my boss do for the last two days before I leave.. 4p till midnight. I can almost guarentee he will hit me with more 5ams on the first couple of days back

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/1/19 9:24 p.m.
stanger_missle said:



Woke up earlier than I wanted because the rest of humanity is awake during my sleep cycle because night shift. I'm tired and irritable.

Went to install the new shift cable bushings that showed up today in my Kia commuting weapon. Of course I destroyed the old bushings getting them out because nothing is ever easy. And of course the new delrin bushings kind of fit. I can't get the circlip in the groove and I can't get the cotter pin in with the washer on top. So Berk it. It's got just the cotter pin holding the bushing in. I might die. Meh.

Oh and noticed oil on the engine undertray. Great. I just changed the oil on Saturday. The drain plug had a very suspect, oversized aluminum washer on it. It wasn't leaking before so I just cleaned it and reused it. Berk.

Oh yeah, it's also my birthday today. 38 years on this Earth. Yay? I'm noticing more grey, pants are shrinking and I have less patience for bullE36 M3.

I need some bourbon angry


Happy birthday, go buy yourself some of your favorite bourbon. 

Although i find a good Islay scotch is more my favorite weapon at helping me deal with bullE36 M3

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/1/19 9:27 p.m.
RevRico said:

Polite requests have been ignored. Do I just invite the neighbor with the annoying rooster over for chicken dinner, or setup an air horn somewhere in his house on a random timed servo?

Once when my neighbor, who is a literal half mile away, was playing Titanic so loudly outside that i could follow the dialogue inside my house with the windows closed....at 2 am so i got him back

I dimed my half stack, pointed it in his direction and leaned my guitar up to it for a half hour. A half hour of endless feedback at sweet-baby-jesus-thats-loud volume.I never had a problem with him again, and its been like 8 years

Stefan GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/2/19 12:19 a.m.

Yes, I know your electric wok was pretty banged up by your Aunt because she used the hell out of it while she’s been here, especially with metal tools and high temps.

However, as I’ve said over and over, don’t store it with the lid inverted.  The damned knob digs into the surface and it’s how the original scratch was formed.  Yet you still do it every time you wash it and put it aside to dry.

Needless to say the next one won’t be Teflon coated and will hopefully be cast iron or similar.

Appleseed MegaDork
5/2/19 12:46 a.m.

My entire life is calculated risk. But, Jesus Christ man, why does it always have to be so close?

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/2/19 5:14 a.m.
Antihero said:
RevRico said:

Polite requests have been ignored. Do I just invite the neighbor with the annoying rooster over for chicken dinner, or setup an air horn somewhere in his house on a random timed servo?

Once when my neighbor, who is a literal half mile away, was playing Titanic so loudly outside that i could follow the dialogue inside my house with the windows closed....at 2 am so i got him back

I dimed my half stack, pointed it in his direction and leaned my guitar up to it for a half hour. A half hour of endless feedback at sweet-baby-jesus-thats-loud volume.I never had a problem with him again, and its been like 8 years

This reminds me of one of the things that my mom did when I was a kid that was truly, truly awesome.


Think of that one aria from Mozart's "Magic Flute", with very loud, slightly off-key vocal accompaniment, with... improvised words.  And all knobs turned to 11, including mental ones.  She even moved the stereo's speaker stacks up to the window for full effect.


"Lo! I have a lot of gas in my intestine!

Tums, and Mylanta!  Tums and Mylanta do not seem to work!

Pop, pop fiz fizz! I do think I need some Alka-Selzer...."


Mom is awesome.   And the people in the apartment across the way stopped playing loud music.

volvoclearinghouse PowerDork
5/2/19 7:06 a.m.

In college, some guys down the hall were playing rap "music" very loud, and very late.  The guy across the hall and I both had the same Stone Temple Pilots CD, so one day while the rap was going on we cued up "Dead and Bloated", cranked the volumes, pointed our speakers at the door, and hit the "PLAY" button simultaneously. 

Well, almost.  

If you've never heard STP in time-delayed quadrophonic, you're really missing out.  

1 ... 958 959 960 961 962 ... 2016

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