1 ... 961 962 963 964 965 ... 2016
SnowMongoose SuperDork
5/4/19 4:11 p.m.

Being bad at most of my hobbies is getting really berkeleying old.


MrSmokey Reader
5/4/19 10:31 p.m.
Knurled. said:

"The neighbor said my tire is flat when I got home, can you look at it?"


Sure.  Is the light on on the dash?


"Yeah, it's been on for a while."



Cotton PowerDork
5/4/19 11:16 p.m.
NickD said:
Antihero said:
NickD said:
Furious_E said:
Appleseed said:

And I shouldn't like my FR-S because only 200hp. Numbers don't always equal out. To each his own is my point. 

There are some cars that look impressive on a spec sheet and make perfect bench racers. Other cars you have to actually drive to get what they're about.

I think the Solstice GXP/Sky Red Line are perfect examples of this. On paper a 260hp, 2900lb RWD roadster with suspension developed on the Nurburgring should be a dream car to drive. In reality they kind of suck. 

Thats disappointing to hear, ive been intrigued by them but they rarely pop up in my area

I just don't find the drivetrain to be that exciting, it really doesn't thrill me that much, and the shifter is decidedly meh. I hear they make silly power with minor tweaking. I also find the interior to be pretty low rent and it somehow has less room than a Miata despite the car itself being larger. Same with the trunk. And the top is kind of fiddly. They also got some E36 M3 autocross classing.

We owned a gxp vert and coupe and really liked them.  I liked the coupe better though....kind of regret selling that one.

Brett_Murphy GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
5/5/19 3:21 p.m.

It seems to rain every weekend. It rains during the week, too. I have a long list of things I want or need to do when it is not raining or, even worse, kind of dry.

There is also a bumper crop of poison ivy happening on the fringes of my yard. I'm using a shovel to dig them up and piling them all in one spot to dry out a bit. I'm really not sure how I'm going to get rid of them.


NickD PowerDork
5/5/19 3:52 p.m.
SnowMongoose said:

Being bad at most of my hobbies is getting really berkeleying old.


A-berkeleying-men, brother

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/5/19 4:23 p.m.

'71-73 Mustangs are no longer worthless.


Of course, they're my favorite generation.

Appleseed MegaDork
5/5/19 4:46 p.m.

SWMBO doesn't seem to realize that just because we qualify for a $225,000 home loan, we are not buying a berkeleying $225,000 home.

Do you want to eat only bread and walk to work for the next 30 years? Because that's how you end up eating only bread and walking to work for 30 years. 

I'm trying to save you from you. 

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/5/19 5:29 p.m.
Brett_Murphy said:

It seems to rain every weekend. It rains during the week, too. I have a long list of things I want or need to do when it is not raining or, even worse, kind of dry.

Tell me about it. We need a few dry days so we can redo the shop roof and actually move stuff in there.

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/5/19 5:51 p.m.

I'm getting a text every 15 seconds on my phone.  I have a pay as you go phone, because it normally costs like $40 for three months at the rate I use it.  The people I work with all have iPhones or something, and they included me in some sort of group text thing, which my phone doesn't "get".  So if I get a text from them, it comes up without a name.


So I need to burn .3 minutes to retrieve the text to see who sent it.


Then, since it is data and not MMS (SMS?), I need to separately retrieve the text, which burns another FIVE minutes.


People wonder why I don't get picture texts from them.  I delete them instead of retrieving them, unless I'm expecting something.


I probably just deleted $20 worth of bullE36 M3 about how the fridge still isn't working so we shouldn't pack lunches on Monday.  Probably.  If there was something actually important... oh well, I'll find out on Monday.

kazoospec UltraDork
5/5/19 7:14 p.m.

The roads around here are so incredibly awful this spring that it's almost no fun to drive the Miata.  Even on a stock suspension, it's punishing just to take it on a quick trip to the store.  

MrChaos GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/5/19 7:48 p.m.
kazoospec said:

The roads around here are so incredibly awful this spring that it's almost no fun to drive the Miata.  Even on a stock suspension, it's punishing just to take it on a quick trip to the store.  

all i hear is, it is time for a full offroadster conversion.


EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
5/5/19 9:02 p.m.
Brett_Murphy said:

There is also a bumper crop of poison ivy happening on the fringes of my yard. I'm using a shovel to dig them up and piling them all in one spot to dry out a bit. I'm really not sure how I'm going to get rid of them.


Whatever you do, DON'T burn it. yes Seriously.

Brett_Murphy GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
5/5/19 11:12 p.m.

I wasn't planning on burning it. The current plan is to let it die, then put it in a paper bag in the trash bin. That's the best thing I can think of.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/5/19 11:29 p.m.
Appleseed said:

SWMBO doesn't seem to realize that just because we qualify for a $225,000 home loan, we are not buying a berkeleying $225,000 home.

Do you want to eat only bread and walk to work for the next 30 years? Because that's how you end up eating only bread and walking to work for 30 years. 

I'm trying to save you from you. 

$225,000 doesn't buy a van down by the river in my housing market. frown

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/6/19 10:38 a.m.

This was a first, but apparently it's pretty commonplace. Saturday night I was out in the garage and a cop came through the alley. I don't think he was checking on us specifically, just patrolling through, because all he did was wave, didn't stop. But when he pulled into the alley, he had his lights on the roof on white. Basically the same as blasting a 50" LED light bar. Which, if I had on my car, would need to be covered when on the road because it's "offroad lighting".

Not trying to flounder here, I appreciate and respect police, but seriously? This? I understand that people abuse LED lights bars, but if you only use them in a "high beam" situation, then you're not affecting anyone else. But no. That's illegal for us to do, but police can blast us with their bright LED light bars all they want. That just pisses me off. 

dculberson UltimaDork
5/6/19 10:54 a.m.

I went to replace a broken coil spring in the rear of our Taurus X. I figured it would take about 2 hours, I have "all the tools" and am motivated and sober. SIX HOURS LATER and it's not done. I was up until 1am and had to be at work at 8 and that E36 M3 is clawing at my brain.

The real bitch was my lovely Lisle "universal shock nut tool" that didn't fit. Then I look at the packaging: "Fits all shocks and struts except late model Fords." poaiwejfpasokldjhg;lkn.

I made a shock nut tool by grinding a huge slot in a grade 8 bolt and using my passthrough socket set. It worked to disassemble it but tightening it made the bolt open up. It's ok, I got that tight anyway. Now getting the shock onto the control arm so I can put bottom shock bolt on is the next bear.

The two bolts for the lower front control arm (drag link?) were galled so badly it took all I had for 20 minutes of incredibly noisy wrenching with the 36" breaker bar to get them out. The battery impact wouldn't even budge them.

barefootskater Dork
5/6/19 11:15 a.m.
Javelin said:
Appleseed said:

SWMBO doesn't seem to realize that just because we qualify for a $225,000 home loan, we are not buying a berkeleying $225,000 home.

Do you want to eat only bread and walk to work for the next 30 years? Because that's how you end up eating only bread and walking to work for 30 years. 

I'm trying to save you from you. 

$225,000 doesn't buy a van down by the river in my housing market. frown

Ditto. Which is my current excuse for not owning a house. If the market drops I'll have to think of a new excuse.

Duke MegaDork
5/6/19 12:48 p.m.

Bob protect me from an excitable client and an engineer who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

barefootskater Dork
5/6/19 2:45 p.m.

Both cars came due for registration this month. Gave the state $350. Feels great. Love me some taxes.

AngryCorvair GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/6/19 3:38 p.m.
AWSX1686 said:

This was a first, but apparently it's pretty commonplace. Saturday night I was out in the garage and a cop came through the alley. I don't think he was checking on us specifically, just patrolling through, because all he did was wave, didn't stop. But when he pulled into the alley, he had his lights on the roof on white. Basically the same as blasting a 50" LED light bar. Which, if I had on my car, would need to be covered when on the road because it's "offroad lighting".

Not trying to flounder here, I appreciate and respect police, but seriously? This? I understand that people abuse LED lights bars, but if you only use them in a "high beam" situation, then you're not affecting anyone else. But no. That's illegal for us to do, but police can blast us with their bright LED light bars all they want. That just pisses me off. 

change "me" to "junkie breaking in to steal my tools" and all of a sudden this post is found in the Minor Win thread and you're telling us how great your local cops are.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
5/6/19 3:53 p.m.

Over the weekend I had to do some trimming on the large branch that the Dancer wants to use as a chandelier for the cabin using the chainsaw and ended up burning the tip of my ring finger on my left hand on the muffler. This should almost be in the 'minor win' thread though as I burned my finger putting the chain & bar back on the chainsaw after the bolt holding them on (there are supposed to be- and are now again- two, the other had already worked its way off...) worked its way loose and the whole thing just fell apart, which could have been a LOT more painful than a small bad burn on a fingertip...

Got to work this morning to find that the entire network was down- as near as the local IT could determine everything on AT&T's backbone downtown was down, leading them to think one of the construction projects downtown had hit a fiber line. Did what little I could offline at the office until after lunch before packing up the laptop and hauling it home- on the bicycle so I could actually check email and do real work for a few hours.

Meanwhile, in the ever-continuing-saga of the cabin... We went out yesterday to check up on the progress and to put up a few carpenter bee traps to try and get ahead of the fat bastards swiss-cheesing the wood. The good news: the majority of the metal is FINALLY on the roof. The bad- that's only one of like three things that was supposed to get done this week- building the loft and having the windows and doors delivered so they could start being installed. We are now FOUR DAYS away from this build having been under construction for a YEAR. Oh, and related to that- despite promising to get it to us last week, the bank still has not gotten us the paperwork to sign to renew the construction loan, which at the moment technically needs to be paid off in full on Friday which with the cabin still not done we are NOT prepared to do.

chandler PowerDork
5/6/19 6:01 p.m.
Ashyukun (Robert) said:

Got to work this morning to find that the entire network was down- as near as the local IT could determine everything on AT&T's backbone downtown was down, leading them to think one of the construction projects downtown had hit a fiber line. Did what little I could offline at the office until after lunch before packing up the laptop and hauling it home....

20 years or so ago I took out a bundle of fiber in Hyde Park; it had been Julie’d so we drilled a 36” bit 48” deep and these two bundles popped out with the spoils. Needless to say AT&T were there in ten minutes with a backhoe and a team to fix it. That could have bankrupt my entire business if it hadn’t been signed off on. They said it shut down everything from the lake to Michigan Ave. What a mess

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
5/6/19 6:06 p.m.

I lost my 12" 1/4"extension. I left it in the impact when I was done using it last so I could find it again, but it's not there. Or anywhere in the shop, on the workbench, the kitchen table, or the porch, or either set of tool boxes.

I'm beginning to suspect it fell off in the yard, and if that's the case, I need to spend another $10 on another just to put in 6 screws. 

dculberson UltimaDork
5/6/19 8:58 p.m.
chandler said:

20 years or so ago I took out a bundle of fiber in Hyde Park; it had been Julie’d so we drilled a 36” bit 48” deep and these two bundles popped out with the spoils.

Astonishing how un-dramatic it is on the actual dig end, isn't it? Totally unlike hitting a gas line. "Oh, look, there's some colorful spaghetti coming up with my backhoe. OH NO."

Antihero GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/6/19 10:49 p.m.
barefootskater said:

Both cars came due for registration this month. Gave the state $350. Feels great. Love me some taxes.

Holy crap, 2 of mine are up and i believe its gonna be 96 for both

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