In reply to pheller :
Changing your mind regarding a home is a really expensive change.
The cost of doing so approaches 10% of what the house sells for.
There is real estate listing costs, closing costs, moving costs and making the new house work costs, The later seems optional or shouldn’t really count. But it does. If your couch is too big or the wrong color, doesn’t work with the carpet or drapes, you can pretend it’s not really part of the cost of moving, but you’re only fooling yourself.
It doesn’t have to be the couch, it’s the drapes or kitchen appliances, bedroom set, whatever..
So the $260,000 house you just bought cost you $26,000 which most people just roll into the payment on the new one. Now you’ve got to add 30 years of interest to that $26,000. And with refinancing and home equity loans, etc can easily add another $30-40,000 to the original $26,000.
Suddenly you’ll be staring retirement in the face and like the average American today have only $12,000 in their retirement funds.
The solution is to not be impatient, take your time. Realize the house itself doesn’t count that much in the big scheme. Things can be fixed, updates, changed. What matters is the old Real estate saw, LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!!!
Your neighbors can and will change. Bad ones will go, good ones too !! Who you get is a giant crap shoot. If someone bothers you, ask if they are worth the $26,000 it’s going to cost you to move. ( more over the life of the mortgage ) and realize that if you move to the perfect neighborhood. That too will change!