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Brian MegaDork
6/13/18 12:38 p.m.

That’s great. 

Patrick GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/13/18 12:40 p.m.

You have no idea how relieved i am, i was sick last week for you.  It’s dusty in here

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/13/18 12:41 p.m.

Best news I've heard all day! Good luck to you, your daughter, and the rest of your family with the surgery.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/13/18 12:42 p.m.

Terrific news, hopefully the zombie jaw goes smoothly.

mazdeuce - Seth
mazdeuce - Seth Mod Squad
6/13/18 12:45 p.m.
Patrick said:

You have no idea how relieved i am, i was sick last week for you.  It’s dusty in here

Yea, sorry about that. I was very conflicted on how much and what to say. I mostly didn't want to screw up your summer by sitting on my hands. 

I was always going to tell all of you guys, you're my friends, but group worry wasn't going to help any of us. Now we can all cheer about major surgery! Yay!

Tony Sestito
Tony Sestito PowerDork
6/13/18 1:25 p.m.

Man, that's a relief! I know it's still awful, but it could be a lot worse. 

I had a VERY similar health scare about 7 years back. I had some intense mouth pain start during a really stressful day at work. I went to a dentist, and they did an X-Ray. They couldn't see 100% what was going on, but there was something happening above the roof of my mouth. I had to go to an orthodontist to get better imaging. They found a cyst between my mouth and nasal cavity that was the result of prior dental trauma. About 23 years before then, I was in Italy with my family in my dad's hometown for a few weeks, and I had a freak accident in a bumper car. Back then, they had zero padding on the wheels or dashes, and the car didn't have a working seat belt. I got whiplash from a couple hard hits and my mouth hit the steering wheel and broke my front teeth. That impact caused the cyst to grow and it got too big and ruptured after that bad day at work.  

Yeah, gross... 

But after about a week of indescribable pain and the strange drugs they gave me for said pain, I had it removed. It came back negative for cancerous cells, and I've been ok ever since. 

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

Stampie GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
6/13/18 1:57 p.m.

Great news. Glad they found it early. 

Dusterbd13 MegaDork
6/13/18 2:07 p.m.

I'll still be keeping y'all in my prayers 

thedoc GRM+ Memberand New Reader
6/13/18 2:10 p.m.

Wow, thank God for that news!  I am sure you are numb from the initial shock.  It is the worse thing when our kids are ill, but a cancer scare?  It takes ten years off your life.  So glad for the good news.


paranoid_android UltraDork
6/13/18 2:11 p.m.

I'm glad the prognosis went in the direction it did.

Thoughts and prayers from here too!

Dirtydog GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/13/18 2:33 p.m.

Godspeed on her journey.  Good news.  My family's thoughts and prayers are with yours.   Early detection always helps with a better outcome.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
6/13/18 2:45 p.m.

Wow, glad to hear it wasn't cancer. Hope she heals up quickly from the surgeries!

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/13/18 3:47 p.m.

That is great news. 

imgon Reader
6/13/18 3:59 p.m.

Man that had to be scary, glad to hear it's not cancer.  Our family sends prayers for you and your daughter for a successful outcome from the surgery.  

dj06482 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/13/18 4:23 p.m.

So thankful it was not cancer!  Best of luck with the upcoming surgery!


Slippery GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/13/18 5:15 p.m.

Great news!

Let me know if you need me to machine you a custom tooth!! laugh

stroker UltraDork
6/13/18 6:44 p.m.

Prayers and good wishes inbound...


Trans_Maro PowerDork
6/13/18 7:32 p.m.

Glad to hear it's good news!


FWIW, it sounds like a very similar thing to the bone cyst I have in my jaw.

 Went through the same issues and had it carved out when I was around 8 years old. Doc said "This is interesting. I've never seen anything like it but I've read about it in textbooks." Even called his cohort in to poke at me. Yay! I'm interesting! 

By the time I was 16 it had grown back and the doc said something akin to "we'd better not mess with it again or it might turn cancerous". I think my exact words were "stop f-ing poking at it then!"

I'm 39 now, it's still there, I can feel it but nobody can tell from the outside. It's pushed two of my bottom teeth around a bit but hasn't gotten any bigger since I was 16.

I'm not pretty enough to worry about it anymore.


Chesterfield New Reader
6/13/18 8:16 p.m.

That is great news, and getting past the cancer scare is a great relief. I will keep your daughter and the whole family in my prayers thru the upcoming surgery and recovery.

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
6/14/18 12:23 a.m.

I am very happy for you, my friend.  This is a path that no parent wants to go down.

mazdeuce - Seth
mazdeuce - Seth Mod Squad
6/14/18 9:35 a.m.

Thanks again to everyone. I'll have more news after the appointment on Friday and we can all learn how to fix a face together. 


In reply to Trans_Maro :

I've talked to a bunch of people in the last week who have had or know someone who has had similar experiences. It sounds like they're pretty good and dealing with rebuilding faces. 

In reply to Slippery :

Deucekid#3 says she's onboard with the cyborg tooth!

sleepyhead GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/14/18 9:49 a.m.

man, I've been preoccupied with other stuff... and boom

glad to hear things aren't the worst, and wishing the best luck with the next steps

conesare2seconds Dork
6/14/18 7:47 p.m.

Great!  Hope the surgery goes easy for her. 

Don49 HalfDork
6/15/18 8:22 a.m.

Definitely want to see a build thread on this. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

mazdeuce - Seth
mazdeuce - Seth Mod Squad
6/15/18 8:30 p.m.

Looks like there won't be much of a build thread. Consensus is that removal of the cyst should allow the body to fix itself. Hopefully. Kid#3's canine tooth is somewhere up next to her nose, and it needs to drop down a lot closer to her mouth. Word is the bone is pretty darn good at filling in where it needs to go and the biggest hitch could be that the bone will fill in before the tooth drops down all the way and they'll have to go back in and drag it down. The oral surgeon and the orthodontist have worked in tandem to fix some pretty gnarly smiles in the past so they're looking at this like an interesting challenge more than anything and they're pretty confident they can pull it off. 

Surgery is next week, another week for a follow up to make sure it's all healing properly and we should get the ok to head north for the summer. 

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