The HalfDork
10/2/15 9:19 p.m.

the subdivision has sent the owner a letter, people have talked to him, I think he don't care....I never knew a dog could bark 24/7. I am not going to go bitch at him cause we have a beagle that howls when she is out, which is like 10 min a his dog stays outside 24/7.

Woody GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/2/15 9:22 p.m.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/2/15 9:23 p.m.

Most cities and towns have a noise ordinance that goes into effect at 10pm. If it's after 10, call the cops. A couple of hefty fines might encourage him to shut it up.

KyAllroad SuperDork
10/2/15 9:37 p.m.

Dognapping. Take the dog to the pound yourself. If the owner cares he'll realize he needs to be a better owner. If he doesn't then maybe the dog will have better luck next time.

Driven5 Dork
10/2/15 10:16 p.m.

Directional speakers, playing death-metal, pointed at his living room and bedroom windows?

...Yeah, simply calling in noise ordinance complaints is probably the better option.

impulsive Reader
10/2/15 10:17 p.m.

laxative pills pressed into hot dog chunks? shouldn't cause any real harm to the dog and hopefully it'll splatter paint the inside of the inconsiderate shiny happy person owners house.

j/k, sorta

Unfortunately I've had to repeatedly deal with the excessive barking dog scenario the entire time I've lived in the Phoenix area. Even moving into a more wealthy area did not change anything, hardly anyone takes responsibility for their dog or has basic consideration for those around them.

I've always loved animals but can't help but hate dogs now. I know it's not the animals fault, really they should be adopted out to someone who will give them the time & attention they need and the neglectful POS former owners should all be put to sleep.

bgkast GRM+ Memberand UberDork
10/2/15 10:19 p.m.


For the owner.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/2/15 10:38 p.m.

too many people "own" dogs.. not too many people "have" dogs. There is a difference.

Appleseed MegaDork
10/2/15 11:02 p.m.

Know anyone that hunts? Scraps of venison fed to a dog used to store bought food will make it E36 M3 like a goose.

RealMiniParker UltraDork
10/3/15 2:53 a.m.
Toyman01 wrote: Most cities and towns have a noise ordinance that goes into effect at 10pm. If it's after 10, call the cops. A couple of hefty fines might encourage him to shut it up.

This. Absolutely this. But you don't need to wait until after 10pm.

I had a neighbor with a barking dog. One fine, first beautiful Spring evening of the season, "Buddy" was outside, barking. The owner just happened to be out, as well. My (now ex-)wife went out to talk to him, too politely ask him to do something about the barking. "Kiss my ass," was his response. I heard him, from across the street, and hollered back, not to talk to my wife like that. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Call the cops?" By this time, other neighbors had started popping their heads outside, to see what the commotion was. "Yeah, I'll call the police, right now." He saw me dialing, and took "Buddy" inside. Some other neighbors had come out to talk with wife, so a few of us were there when Officer Hotblonde showed up. She talked with us, four different homeowners, for a while, then went to knock on the offender's door. Ten minutes later, she came back to inform us that he had received a ticket for $227. She said she came to that decision, instead of a warning, because he was a dick.

So, yeah, call the authorities. Don't waste your time, trying to reason with a shiny happy neighbor.

Ian F
Ian F MegaDork
10/3/15 7:46 a.m.

I have a similar issue with the house behind me. Absolutely beautiful young shepard. Most of the time, he's quiet except when the owners are home. Then he paces, whines and barks in his fence/cage. The poor thing just can't understand why he's not inside with everyone. It's really sad. However, the house is rented... and since I'm often not home, they could make my life REALLY miserable, so I just look on and sigh...

I just don't get it... I'm not really a dog person, but I don't even have a cat (despite really wanting a couple) because I'm not home enough to really care for a pet properly.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/3/15 7:53 a.m.

Do not under circumstances do anything to the poor dog. Dogs bark like that because they are not being properly cared for...he/she is scared, bored, neglected or angry. Whatever the case, it is the fault of the owner not the dog. It is a type of abuse, and the owner should be reported. And not once, do it as often as you can. Only repeated calls make it a nuisance and will get the authorities to actually do something.

Sine_Qua_Non Dork
10/3/15 8:13 a.m.

Poor dog.

vwcorvette GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/3/15 8:36 a.m.
Sine_Qua_Non wrote: Poor dog.


But would add, stupid owner. No dog should have to spend 24/7 outdoors. Why the hell get one in a neighborhood then?

Lesley PowerDork
10/3/15 9:22 a.m.

Yes, this x1000. Taking revenge on the dog makes you worse than the neglectful owner.

pinchvalve wrote: Do not under circumstances do anything to the poor dog. Dogs bark like that because they are not being properly cared for...he/she is scared, bored, neglected or angry. Whatever the case, it is the fault of the owner not the dog. It is a type of abuse, and the owner should be reported. And not once, do it as often as you can. Only repeated calls make it a nuisance and will get the authorities to actually do something.
Tactical Penguin
Tactical Penguin Dork
10/3/15 10:25 a.m.

In reply to The:

I have an older neighbor who will go around and ask people if they need help maintaining their yard if it becomes an eyesore to him. It typically shames people into getting off their ass and getting their house in order.

So, I tried using the same tactic with our neighbor across the street who constantly tied their new beagle puppy up and let it roo outside for hours.

I introduced myself while walking our dogs, and noted how awesome their new pup was and how often he barked. Then I made of point of mentioning that a puppy has a ton of energy, and may be restless and bored if he's left alone for awhile. I offered to take their pup for an additional walk whenever I was out and about with ours, but was politely turned down. I see them out a bit more now, and the dog is very rarely left unattended on the porch and rarely barks.

Everyone wins.

joey48442 UberDork
10/3/15 10:41 a.m.
Tactical Penguin wrote: In reply to The: I have an older neighbor who will go around and ask people if they need help maintaining their yard if it becomes an eyesore to him. It typically shames people into getting off their ass and getting their house in order. So, I tried using the same tactic with our neighbor across the street who constantly tied their new beagle puppy up and let it roo outside for hours. I introduced myself while walking our dogs, and noted how awesome their new pup was and how often he barked. Then I made of point of mentioning that a puppy has a ton of energy, and may be restless and bored if he's left alone for awhile. I offered to take their pup for an additional walk whenever I was out and about with ours, but was politely turned down. I see them out a bit more now, and the dog is very rarely left unattended on the porch and rarely barks. Everyone wins.

I tried the same thing, but with poops. I was like "hey, I noticed your dog takes tremendous man sized dumps in my backyard all the time. Mind if I take a poop on your lawn?"

Actually I didn't do that. But it would have been awesome if I had.


Slippery GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/3/15 10:47 a.m.
Tactical Penguin wrote: In reply to The: I have an older neighbor who will go around and ask people if they need help maintaining their yard if it becomes an eyesore to him. It typically shames people into getting off their ass and getting their house in order.

I wish I was neighbors with him. He'd be mowing my lawn while I watch TV, LOL.

Tactical Penguin
Tactical Penguin Dork
10/3/15 10:53 a.m.

In reply to joey48442:

Any chance you're a Rhode Island state trooper? (Apparently work won't allow me to post the "newspaper" scene you reminded me of.)

asoduk Reader
10/3/15 10:59 a.m.

I have a similar situation with my neighbors' dogs. They are aware and felt bad of the situation. Every time I am in my side yard, the two little dogs bark at me. Sweet dogs though. We solved the problem with dog whistles. For a few weeks, we used them when the dogs would bark. They don't bark anymore. I also put a couple biscuits in my pockets when I'm working in the yard.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/3/15 10:15 p.m.
vwcorvette wrote:
Sine_Qua_Non wrote: Poor dog.
Agreed. But would add, stupid owner. No dog should have to spend 24/7 outdoors. Why the hell get one in a neighborhood then?

Define outdoors... when we had our Siberian huskies.. they spent 24/7 outside of the house. They had their "runs" and houses, but never came into ours. We were also outside even in the worst of the year, at least 5 times a day to let them out and clean up their messes. In the warmer months, there was almost somebody always out with them

nepa03focus HalfDork
10/3/15 11:53 p.m.
joey48442 wrote:
Tactical Penguin wrote: In reply to The: I have an older neighbor who will go around and ask people if they need help maintaining their yard if it becomes an eyesore to him. It typically shames people into getting off their ass and getting their house in order. So, I tried using the same tactic with our neighbor across the street who constantly tied their new beagle puppy up and let it roo outside for hours. I introduced myself while walking our dogs, and noted how awesome their new pup was and how often he barked. Then I made of point of mentioning that a puppy has a ton of energy, and may be restless and bored if he's left alone for awhile. I offered to take their pup for an additional walk whenever I was out and about with ours, but was politely turned down. I see them out a bit more now, and the dog is very rarely left unattended on the porch and rarely barks. Everyone wins.
I tried the same thing, but with poops. I was like "hey, I noticed your dog takes tremendous man sized dumps in my backyard all the time. Mind if I take a poop on your lawn?" Actually I didn't do that. But it would have been awesome if I had. Joey

I had to put up a sign asking people to clean up after their dog on the little strip of grass between the road and my hedges. I know who it was too because like toy said there is only one neighbor with a big German Sheppard and these were huge human size poops.

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