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pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/29/10 8:57 p.m.

Wow, cute puppies! We have a neighbor with a Greyhound rescue named "Chase". I think that's cute.

Timely thread, as i just expanded the family this weekend myself. Meet Cole:

In keeping with my theme of complete mutant mixed breeds, I rescued a Whippet/Pit Bull mix. I know you think I am kidding, but how else do you explain the massive Pit head on the skinny little racer body? He runs like a Greyhound too! He was described as a 1yr old Lab/Pit mix, but I think he is younger and has something else in there.

MrJoshua SuperDork
3/29/10 9:13 p.m.

In reply to MrMook:

Holyyyyyyyyyyyy crap those dogs are fast! Ive seen one run in person and it made my very very very fit, car chasing Shepard, seem like a snail. My Shepard actually stopped because he was surprised about the speed.

ddavidv SuperDork
3/30/10 5:38 a.m.

"Lab mix". This is the term used by shelters to describe any dog of unknown origin with short black hair.

"Terrier mix" is any dog with wiry hair.

"Shepherd mix" generally describes whatever is left over.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/31/10 3:35 p.m.
ddavidv wrote: "Lab mix". This is the term used by shelters to describe any dog of unknown origin with short black hair. "Terrier mix" is any dog with wiry hair. "Shepherd mix" generally describes whatever is left over.

LOL! I have heard BBD or Big Black Dog. (They are the toughest to get adopted, or at least they were before Pit Bulls and Beagles stole the crown.) We are sticking with Lab Mix rather than Pit Bull because the public still has issues with Pits.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/31/10 3:40 p.m.

yea, friend had whippets.... amazingly fast dogs. Not only would they catch frisbies out of the air.. but oftentimes not long after you released.

16vCorey SuperDork
3/31/10 4:33 p.m.

In reply to pinchvalve:

I've got a 4y/o black Lab/pit bull mix, and she looks a lot like that. Now that she's a little older, the brindle is starting to come through a little more. She has a giant pit head, giant webbed lab feet, and is super fast. She once caught a squirrel that she happened to see across the street when she was off her leash. She came from a pit bull rescue in virginia. I'll have to find some pics.

gamby SuperDork
3/31/10 7:22 p.m.

In reply to MrMook:

Greyhounds are possibly the most wonderful dogs on the planet. A friend of mine has had a few and they are just fantastic.

I'm pro-rescue as well. Plenty of great animals out there already. No need for breeders in this day and age.

I have two shelter cats, but I won't post them in this dog thread.

keethrax Reader
3/31/10 7:51 p.m.
gamby wrote: I have two shelter cats, but I won't post them in this dog thread.

The wife's more a cat person than dog. But I'm dreadfully allergic to cats while only being marginally allergic to dogs.

gamby SuperDork
3/31/10 9:00 p.m.

I was more of a dog person (never had one, though) but these two fell into our home as shrapnel from my cousin's divorce.

Now they're my girls (and my wife's girls) and we're nuts about them. One is awesome and one is a cat.

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