C'mon I joined in '08.....
New Reader? Really?
Slow reader? Maybe.
I think I read a lot....
Maybe I keep my mouth shut and don't post just to 'see myself type'', but ' New Reader?'
C'mon I joined in '08.....
New Reader? Really?
Slow reader? Maybe.
I think I read a lot....
Maybe I keep my mouth shut and don't post just to 'see myself type'', but ' New Reader?'
Maybe they should change it to "slow poster?" Or better yet, hit some of the post whore threads like Ignore and build up your post count.
Tralfaz wrote: C'mon I joined in '08.....
You might be an old timer if....
...you know who the "Unintended Victim" is/was.
JohnRW1621 wrote: You might be an old timer if... ...you know that Noel (Noelle) is not just a holiday greeting
I couldn't love GRM the magazine or the website more, and believe me, I don't like to be the P.C police or anything or the guy who has a problem with everything thing, but I do have a problem with this... I find it a bit offensive that you use terms like "Old Timer", "New Reader" etc etc... for your little descriptions or whatever in the land of cyberspace. I myself do not have old time, nor am I an internet stud like Dave Hardy, but I feel sensitivity for people with special needs as I am especially needy, and my Girlfriend is pursuing her masters in the field. These terms although I'm pretty sure are not even real words, are obviously meant to resemble the words used to describe people with too much free time and internet access, and it appears that they are used on these boards in a joking sense which, as I view it, makes light of people who actually know the original GRM Ninja Babe. It just dosen't seem right to me, thats all. I know that it's not my message board, and that no one forces me to post here, but all the same, some things are wrong when they really don't need to be.
Mental wrote:JohnRW1621 wrote: You might be an old timer if... ...you know that Noel (Noelle) is not just a holiday greetingI couldn't love GRM the magazine or the website more, and believe me, I don't like to be the P.C police or anything or the guy who has a problem with everything thing, but I do have a problem with this... I find it a bit offensive that you use terms like "Old Timer", "New Reader" etc etc... for your little descriptions or whatever in the land of cyberspace. I myself do not have old time, nor am I an internet stud like Dave Hardy, but I feel sensitivity for people with special needs as I am especially needy, and my Girlfriend is pursuing her masters in the field. These terms although I'm pretty sure are not even real words, are obviously meant to resemble the words used to describe people with too much free time and internet access, and it appears that they are used on these boards in a joking sense which, as I view it, makes light of people who actually know the original GRM Ninja Babe. It just dosen't seem right to me, thats all. I know that yay it's not my message board, and that no one forces me to post here, but all the same, some things are wrong when they really don't need to be.
I was a tard if I recall.
Tralfaz wrote: C'mon I joined in '08..... New Reader? Really? Slow reader? Maybe. I think I read a lot.... Maybe I keep my mouth shut and don't post just to 'see myself type'', but ' New Reader?' Nah.... T
just 20 more posts ...
wbjones wrote: just 20 more posts ...
ignore. (I think all my posts should be there....everybody ignores what I say, anyway. )
wbjones wrote: just 20 more posts ...
I'm not doing it.
What's the reward?
'Reader' ?
Sounds lamer than 'New Reader' as my nameless friend above can attest
Tralfaz wrote: I'm not doing it. What's the reward? 'Reader' ? Seriously? Sounds lamer than 'New Reader' as my nameless friend above can attest T
Meh, it is only a word and I can think of worse words than 'Reader'
I am only a 'Reader' myself but am prepping for my 4th Challenge appearance and have been in the Magazine about half a dozen times.
Post count only matters if you let it...
You'll need to log in to post.