Presenting the TSF, time speed food rally. Competitors start at a fast food location with the establishments monthly sales flyer. They purchase an item for consumption and drive to the next location of said chain and repeat the process until they've purchased and consumed every item from that chain's sales flyer. The last item is to be purchased and consumed at the same location as the initial item, all other items are to be purchased at different locations throughout the event. Only two persons per a vehicle/team.

Where do I sign up? I imagine the champion will be crowned after the grueling White Castle event.
Also, can the last stage be a special with a closed course and end in a bathroom? Targa Poofoundland.
Where do I sign up? And are there bonus points for pooping in a bucket?
Wow. Cold blooded to include the breakfast items, that will take some actual planning.
ultraclyde said:
Wow. Cold blooded to include the breakfast items, that will take some actual planning.
All day breakfast at alot of places now.
Are you disqualified if you puke?
This is incredibly stupid. I'm down.
I love the way the entire event is summed up in the thread title.
8/30/18 7:22 p.m.
True story time:
I once vomited repeatedly out of the passenger window of a friends new neon rt throughout the night during a tsd outside Philly. My mistake was to quickly down some fast food in the parking lot before the rally start. Somewhere I still have the plaque we were awarded for Dead Last, But Finished!
20 years later and I am now just about ready to repeat a mistake.
I'm not sure what would be more epic, doing this in a big city where there are many such franchises, or the middle of nowhere where you have to drive for HOURS between them. Where I live, there are 4 McD's in the city. The next closest is nearly 4 hours away (one east and one west). And so on...
Like an Iron Butt Rally only more like Iron Gut.
This sounds horrible. And awesome.
I had a longstanding idea crafted with a few of my roommates that could be incorporated into this: The $20 taco bell challenge. You have to spend $20 at taco bell, and consume it all. Part eating competition, part crafty math/planning skills.
8/30/18 7:35 p.m.
Hell of an idea. I’d be in!
Dusterbd13 said:
Where do I sign up? And are there bonus points for pooping in a bucket?
If the bucket has a lid, no.
as somebody with intestinal issues.. I tend to need a bathroom directly after eating.. so I am out unless I can replace the driver's seat with a commode
Using a sheet with TWO of the BOGO big breakfast coupons? What kind of monster are you?
Do we get to pick the restaurant from a stack of coupon fliers or stuck with McDonald's?
How does the partnership work? One drive one eat, split, or both must eat?
Perhaps each coupon should be assigned a point value based on the approx. calories in the meal. Then you could do say 5 restaurants and its team choice which coupons to go for at each stop. Conservative route for minimal intestinal distress? Or go for the gold, underwear be damned?
Just so you know, if I show up and it's "Taco Bell Night", I'm getting back in the car and going home.
I should actually do this for real
9/3/18 2:40 p.m.
Extra points awarded for Michael Moore mockumentary action...
In reply to RevRico :
Food consumption can be divided as the team decides. Every team must start and finish at the same establishment and eat the same items, thusly from an organizational standpoint, staying with a single chain is easier and will likely result in longer distances being traveled, as outside of the initial restaurant also being the finishing point, no other restaurant can be visited twice.
ProDarwin said:
This sounds horrible. And awesome.
I had a longstanding idea crafted with a few of my roommates that could be incorporated into this: The $20 taco bell challenge. You have to spend $20 at taco bell, and consume it all. Part eating competition, part crafty math/planning skills.
Not sure if I could finish it, but here is what I would try...