What kind of crap car do you drive that does not have an ashtray? Why not put it in the ashtray?
What kind of tard are you? Putting it in the ashtray would stink up the car, everyone knows that if you drive with the window down the smoke smell never gets in the car, and besides it would have to be cleaned out at some time. You're trying to make more work for me. Mind your own business and BTW cows fart so and that's grosser than my ciggies.
10/1/11 9:46 a.m.
I once had a tossed butt land in my eye while I was riding my bike, better believe that hurt.
Lots of new cars don't have ass trays. The crap car I've personally seen is a Navigator.
Yea, big pet peeve of mine, smokers in general. Killing themselves faster (which I don't care about, it's a free country), killing me faster with secondhand smoke (but not that free of a country), sucking up health insurance money (which they should be flat denied), and generally causing a lot of roadside litter. And fires. And air pollution. I don't think we should outlaw it, but they shouldn't be allowed any health insurance, and thankfully my state has banned it in public buildings, so that issue is taken care of at least.
Twin_Cam wrote:
Yea, big pet peeve of mine, smokers in general. Killing themselves faster (which I don't care about, it's a free country), killing me faster with secondhand smoke (but not that free of a country), sucking up health insurance money (which they should be flat denied), and generally causing a lot of roadside litter. And fires. And air pollution. I don't think we should outlaw it, but they shouldn't be allowed any health insurance, and thankfully my state has banned it in public buildings, so that issue is taken care of at least.
Bull E36 M3. I don't smoke anymore, but when I did, I paid 2.5 times what I would've paid for insurance had I been a non-smoker. Meanwhile, Bessy the 300 lb. McDonalds guzzling cow, and Joe alcoholic pay what everybody else pays.
Never littered?
To be honest, I have. What do I throw out of my car? Banana peels and apple cores. I rarely eat in my car, and it shows, unfortunately. I'm considerate enough to wait til I get to a rest stop/convienence store trash can before I dump my garbage. And if worse comes to worse? It stays in the car til I get home to my own trash can.
poopshovel wrote:
Twin_Cam wrote:
Yea, big pet peeve of mine, smokers in general. Killing themselves faster (which I don't care about, it's a free country), killing me faster with secondhand smoke (but not that free of a country), sucking up health insurance money (which they should be flat denied), and generally causing a lot of roadside litter. And fires. And air pollution. I don't think we should outlaw it, but they shouldn't be allowed any health insurance, and thankfully my state has banned it in public buildings, so that issue is taken care of at least.
Bull E36 M3. I don't smoke anymore, but when I did, I paid 2.5 times what I would've paid for insurance had I been a non-smoker. Meanwhile, Bessy the 300 lb. McDonalds guzzling cow, and Joe alcoholic pay what everybody else pays.
The health insurance deal is false, anyway. Its much cheaper to die at 60 from a nice clean heart attack, or cancer, than it is to suck up health care for decades as you gradually replace or repair every part of your body.
I'm gonna throw this into the argument, as well. My Dad smoked his entire life, which ended in 1969 when he was 56. My Mom, who never smoked, lived with him for 25 years, and rode in the car with him while he smoked. She is now 96. While I do believe second hand smoke is not good for you, amd some people are seriously sensitive to it, its gonna take some pretty serious science to convince me there is no difference between drawing 200 degree smoke deep into your lungs vs. room temperature ambient smoke.
10/1/11 4:36 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
I know you high & mighty types would love to dump 4,000 cigarette butts on my lawn. I encourage you to do so. Pu$$ies.
I want to do that anyway. Not because you're a smoker. Just because.
Heck, it would be funny to just dump 4,000 cigarette butts into anyone's lawn.