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poopshovel UltimaDork
1/7/13 9:00 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote: Not a big football follower, so let me look at the current bracket. Let's see... I hope the Colts take Baltimore out because I am obliged to hate Baltimore. I hope The Patriots take out the Chargers because San Diego will still have decent weather. Da' Bears over Seattle because I hate Coffee and love Chicago. Saints over Philly because I love NOLA and, well, Michael Vick. Then the Bears over the Saints because I really love the City of Chicago and the Colts over the Pats because my highschool football team was also the Colts. That puts the Colts VS the Bears, and I think a Grizzly would beat a horse, so I guess it goes to Chicago.

Not sure what year your bracket is from, but it ain't this one, Beavis.

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/7/13 11:30 a.m.
poopshovel wrote:
Chris_V wrote:
Anti-stance wrote: You mean double murder Ray.
You mean aquitted and charges dropped when he was just out of college Ray. Back in 2000 was the last time it mattered. Talk about holding a grudge. What he's done for the community and what he does for other players around the league means much more than an accusation 13-15 years ago. Let it berkleying go already. That goes for you, too, poopshovel.
We got Rapelisburgher, you got Stabbin Ray and Dribble Lip. HTFU, Nancy. It's the AFC North, not San Fran Sissy.

psteav GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
1/7/13 7:44 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
pinchvalve wrote: Not a big football follower, so let me look at the current bracket. Let's see... I hope the Colts take Baltimore out because I am obliged to hate Baltimore. I hope The Patriots take out the Chargers because San Diego will still have decent weather. Da' Bears over Seattle because I hate Coffee and love Chicago. Saints over Philly because I love NOLA and, well, Michael Vick. Then the Bears over the Saints because I really love the City of Chicago and the Colts over the Pats because my highschool football team was also the Colts. That puts the Colts VS the Bears, and I think a Grizzly would beat a horse, so I guess it goes to Chicago.
Not sure what year your bracket is from, but it ain't this one, Beavis.

Preeeeettty sure that's 2006.

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/11/13 7:21 p.m.

Poopy predictions. Wins:

Fudge Bay. Denver. Cheatriots. Chickenhawks berkeleying destroy mudbirds.

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/11/13 7:48 p.m.

I hope the Ravens die in a fire.

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/11/13 7:53 p.m.

I have:

Broncos over Ravens
Patriots over Texans(hope I am wrong)
49ers over Packers
Seahawks over Falcons(hope I am wrong)

stroker Dork
1/11/13 8:18 p.m.

As long as the NFC Championship game is played at Lambeau Field I don't care.

RealMiniDriver SuperDork
1/11/13 8:34 p.m.
stroker wrote: As long as the NFC Championship game is played at Lambeau Field I don't care.


FSP_ZX2 Dork
1/11/13 8:49 p.m.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
stroker wrote: As long as the NFC Championship game is played at Lambeau Field I don't care.

werd werd

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/12/13 3:41 p.m.

Go sit back down on the bench Ray.

T.J. PowerDork
1/12/13 5:10 p.m.

I'm a bit torn on who to root against today. Ray Lewis or the potato-headed Manning. Is there an option where both teams lose?

Clearly, the fix is in for the Broncos. Somehow all the calls and non-calls are going their way.

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/12/13 6:07 p.m.

Damn. Good game. Stop berkeleyin it up, manhole!

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/12/13 6:40 p.m.

Dear malnourished 6 pound 11 oz. baby Jesus. Please let that missed tackle that cost the Ravens the game be the last play of Stabbin' Ray's career....

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/12/13 6:43 p.m.

In reply to poopshovel:

I like the way you think.

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/12/13 6:57 p.m.

Holy E36 M3, Flacco looks like he wants to go home. No way they pull this one off.

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/12/13 7:01 p.m.

H-O-L-Y E36 M3!

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/12/13 7:02 p.m.

Wow. Execute the bronk-hoes secondary. Unreal.

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/12/13 7:04 p.m.

Manning takes a berkeleying knee?????? What the berkeley????

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/12/13 7:48 p.m.

Looks like Manhole lost the game for them. Damn good game though.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/12/13 7:49 p.m.


Tebow has a better playoff record as a broncos QB than Manning does :D

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/12/13 7:56 p.m.

In reply to Keith Tanner:

JG Pasterjak
JG Pasterjak Production/Art Director
1/12/13 8:07 p.m.

That was insane. For most of the game it was like watching one of those track bicycle match sprint races, where it looks like neither guy wants to win and they just park it on the banking and balance and dare the other guy to do something stupid.

I gotta admit, I was pulling for the Broncos a bit, but that was an absolutely gutsy win by Baltimore.

And the first 10 minutes of GB/SF are shaping up to be another nail biter.

I stand by my opinion that Divisional weekend is the best two-day stretch of professional sports there is.


poopshovel UltimaDork
1/12/13 8:18 p.m.

Agreed. Good watchin. Unfortunately the wife has voted down "Battle for gaytard supremecy" in favor of lego LOTR. C'mon San Fran Sissy!

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/12/13 9:04 p.m.
Datsun1500 wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote: I hope the Ravens turn it on and beat Denver. Mainly because everyone is saying they won't
I'll just leave that here.

I still hope there's a Stiller fan with nothing to lose flying the plane back to Baltimore. Shrug.

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/12/13 9:12 p.m.

In reply to poopshovel:


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