Just realized I'm missing a prybar. I think I left it at the junkyard yesterday. Should I go back in hopes its still lying there? It would be under a car. Hour and a half round trip, but I'd hate to not have my full set anymore. It's not a name brand tool...
5/19/13 2:08 p.m.
Use this as a chance up upgrade to an even better prybar!
Junkyard guys won't buy your story. They'll sell it to you.
It sounds like you learned a valuable lesson for the low, low cost of a cheap prybar.
The only lesson I've learned is simply to stay in the couch
anything else leads to spending money, frustration, and drinking
lost a set of duckbill pliers this way a couple years ago too.
geez i suck.....
I lost a whole toolbox once. I used to do a bi-weekly yard(s) run Saturday mornings to get cores. One day I did my run, got a pile of cores, went to unload the next morning and my box wasn't there. No idea if I left it behind, somebody took it out of the back of my truck when I wasn't paying attention, or what happened to it. Ever since then, I do a quick inventory before I leave the yard.
I left a screwdriver on a car once at the yard. I remembered as I was walking to the exit. When I got back to the car it was gone, no more than 10-15 minutes.
The propane guy left the screwdriver in my neighbors hand. I've been meaning to stop by and give it back.
If I see (clearly abandoned) tools laying around the yard, they're mine.
I was in a yard in va a couple off months ago and there was a bmw 5 series and i opened the trunk and to my surprise there was a full set of factory tools in it and they went right in my tool bucket 
I have scored a 1/4 socket extension and a box holding $50 in change over the years, so I guess it's a wash.
5/20/13 12:11 a.m.
I left a nice 1 / 2 inch breaker bar one time. But I have found all kinds great sockets and ratchets over the years. Even name brand stuff which I had to return for new ones.
The best though was my phone. Took it out of my pocket and set it on top of the car like I would at home. Hey it was the same color, make ect. Anyway. I walked away for maybe 5 minutes before figuring out I left it. I call it from the office. It is on but no answer. Call the wife and have her text it offering a reward. Nothing. Later that night the guy starts sending creepy text messages. Ok.
So we get online and figure out how to set it up as a kid's line so we can track the gps. Much to my satisfaction the gps is running an accuracy in distances less than 10 ft. Got it. My wife works in a jail. A couple phone calls later we are headed to the phone. About that time it pops up he tries to call a number in Mexico. That fails and he calls a friend in town. We call her first and get the' no habla routine. Ok. So we get to the house. We can see on the website we are matters of feet from the phone. Still no answer to our calls. So why not try the friend again. We circle the block while calling the friend who is the only completed call from my phone from a PD phone line. Of course no habla until officer such and such mentions trouble. LOL. Ok english comes out and all the sudden she is helpful. While on the phone with her we track the phone moving. So we whip back around behind the car where the guy is now sitting. He calls us. Explaining very adamantly he doesn't want trouble. Ok. Then get out of the car and give us the. phone. He was totally freaked out to find we were the ones right behind him.
What great fun that was.