Last Friday I had 22 tons of crusher run gravel dropped in my driveway. Crusher run is a mix of #2 rocks and dust, it compacts down like concrete. Half went to a pile so I could tear up and rebuild (re-base) my brick sidewalk, the other half I asked the driver to lay it about 2" deep down the length of my 100 ft. driveway. He counted out links on a chain holding the gate closed, tippped the box back and started driving down the 100 ft.
Oops. It's 4 - 5" deep for 50ft. :evil: That's OK for the truck, Samurai, 914 but a motorcycle is skiddish and no way with a bicycle.
I spent Memorial Weekend moving gravel by shovel and wheelbarrow to fill in a trench for the sidewalk; 4ft. wide, 1ft. deep, 80 ft. long. I'm spent. Without an ATV, with no snow plow, how can I scrape the 4" of gravel farther down the drive to cover more distance with 2" ?
I thought about tying a 6X6" pole to the Samurai in 4-lo, but what keeps the log from rolling over? Two 6X6" hooked together with a 3 ft. spacer between making a platform?
Your thoughts are much appreciated by my back. OR just stop up any old time and shovel some. Look at the bright side, if you move my gravel, you're helping out a fellow human being AND you won't have to do that Jane Fonda tape you've been putting off.
You're welcome. :grin: Dan