In reply to pilotbraden: Busted radiator hose?
Sorry to leave you hanging, I had the starter solenoid go bad and an aftermarket electrical choke control was wired to it. When I opened the hood u saw glowing wires so I disconnected the battery. I have eliminated the electrical choke, changed the starter and solenoid, now everything works fine. I have been on Chesapeake bay Sat and sun. Did not sail due to lack of wind and fished instead. Planning to sail soon..
In reply to johndej:
Do you have a welder? I need to modify my outboard motors transom mount. My friend Craig, has made some calls , we are waiting for a response.
Fishing is as good as sailing, any time I can spend on or in the water is relaxing, Mood maintenance
pilotbraden wrote: In reply to johndej: Do you have a welder? I need to modify my outboard motors transom mount. My friend Craig, has made some calls , we are waiting for a response.
Damn I do not, hope you found someone to zap it up for you.
Yeah, it is not a problem, the clamps just need to be lower on the transom, and we are going to get it modified tonight thanks for thinking of me
I have been fibbing to myself, this trip is making me feel awful, I continually think" I wish that Carrie could experience this". I am as low as ever. I think that I am ready to go back to Flint. Thanks for all of the good thoughts and tips.
Braden McCredie
In reply to AngryCorvair:
Maybe i am at Virginia Beach, I have a fishing trip scheduled tomorrow, and I really don't want to get up early to go, this is the only time that I have ever felt like this
Hey Braden - Are you feeling any better today? These ups and downs are to be expected. You've suffered a horrific loss and while I'm sure it feels like an eternity to you it really hasn't been that long.
How was the fishing? I've had bad luck most of the year. Going for a week on Green Bay starting tomorrow.
Hey Braden, It can take time to really adjust. I lost my father 7 months ago and my FIL three months ago, and it seems like every day I experience something they would enjoy or just makes me think of them. It has gotten better, but I still miss them both. I do not think there is any timetable for moving on or that you ever stop missing/thinking of them. I have gradually learned to live with the difference, and realize that they would want me to make the best of each day because that was how they were when they were alive. I really hope the words of encouragement from this community helps you day by day.
I am better, the fishing was great. The boat went out 70 miles to the edge of the continental shelf. We went aboard at 0230 and docked at 2205 , it was a long time to be on a fishing boat. The sea was glass smooth all of the way out. We got into a mess'o blueline tilefish , I landed one at 18#6oz, second largest on the boat. I got 5 smaller fish, 5#-8#
I never want to forget Carrie, yet it seems as if that's the only thing that will make me not miserable and that hurts me Horribly. I would give up everything for 2 minutes of life with her. I just want to be able to look her in the eyes, hold her hand and say goodbye.
Today, my friend Craig is going to sail the Hobie cat with me off Cape Henry VA, in the Atlantic ocean. This will be the first time that I have skipped a boat on the ocean. I am truly excited about this. Carrie and I talked of this every time that we sailed and many other times. She will be with me in my mind and soul
Sounds like fishing and sailing will bring some healing. Keep taking it one day at a time and remember the good times you shared. Carrie will always have a special place in your heart and your friends will help carry you through the difficult times. Hope you have a great day sailing.
Just to let you know, one more person rooting for you. If you come near Gettysburg on your way home, let me know and I'll be glad to show you around.
Don't try to forget. That will come with time. Then you remember certain things or times, then you laugh or cry. You have cried, right ?
In reply to TRoglodyte:
I was in Richmond, on Cary st , parked in front of the Chop Suey used book store standing on the tool box in the bed of the truck. Pretty damn neat view
How was the ocean sail? Nothing like leaving the beach and heading through a set of breakers. Bows straight up! Just make sure you have enough speed.
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