I would like to find a photo hosting site that the is not blocked on the company network. I can not get to any socal networking or photo hosting sites. Does anyone have any ideas. I am thinking there must be a pay site out there that is not blocked.
I would like to find a photo hosting site that the is not blocked on the company network. I can not get to any socal networking or photo hosting sites. Does anyone have any ideas. I am thinking there must be a pay site out there that is not blocked.
A down and dirty way would be to email the pictures to a friend and have a flickr account setup for you, by them, and they can post for you.
Maybe a free webpage place or blogspot or something where you can up load anything...
Can you access a free blog or website platform to use? Like blogspot?
Alternatively, since you can obviously access GRM, is to create a Reader's Ride called "Afghanistan" and load your pics there. Then you can hotlink to the updates!
In reply to Javelin:
Winner! Every other image hosting service is blocked on my corporate network. Even my godaddy blog is blocked. I can hotlink from my readers ride all day long
That's crazy, you think about running a proxy? 9 times out of 10 that's the easiest way to access most blocked websites.
DirtyBird222 wrote: That's crazy, you think about running a proxy? 9 times out of 10 that's the easiest way to access most blocked websites.
Ya, getting caught would mean loosing a great paying job. Granted the working conditions suck, but I am not ready to be sent home yet. I did not think of just putting the pics in Reader’s Rides. I needed to start a Reader’s Rides any way. Thanks guys!
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