Any interesting NY resolutions amongst The Hive? Gonna try and drop 30 by the end of the year but generally I'm going to try and clean out the house so can start rebuilding the garage into an actual workshop where I can get things done.. My two year resolution is to establish the foundation for some sort of career to carry me through to retirement.
I resolved years ago for no further resolutions
One more pushup than yesterday. Every day.
Drink at least equal quantities of water and mountain dew, erring on the side of water whenever possible.
Reduce project/ major work needed cars in fleet down to single digits...
Crush my enemies
See them driven before me
Hear the lamentations of their women.
Get my rx7 track car put mostly back together, so I can sell it and the accompanying pile of parts and wheels that are gathering dust.
Gain another 15lb's of muscle, do at least three muscle-ups by the end of the year. Take at least three weeks off for vacation and get out of country at least two time.
GRM goal.
Build 40-60's Harley for around town use, get the fleet down to three cars and keep it that way.
I think mine are still 1280x720.
Overall goal is to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year. I've changed my diet completely, introducing veggies and no sodas. I'm easing into working out, I've started with some core exercising and walking. Jogging and weights are coming this week. Slow and steady...
I'm already doing everything perfectly.