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Curmudgeon MegaDork
10/25/13 10:38 a.m.
Beer Baron wrote: In reply to Travis_K: The guy was screwed no matter what. He was either going to get fired for failing to do his job, or fired for doing his job. He probably wishes now he made the opposite choice, but he had no way of knowing at the time which choice was the more-wrong one.

This. It's easy for the higher ups to use him to cover up for their failings. Typical.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
10/25/13 10:38 a.m.

...and the foam is just a filler anyway.

yamaha PowerDork
10/25/13 10:39 a.m.

In reply to N Sperlo:

its harder to get off, that stuff still isn't "That hot"

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
10/25/13 10:40 a.m.
Josh wrote: I will admit I didn't read this thread because I didn't want to get unnecessarily pissed off at people, but this guy did NOT get $38,000 for pepper spraying some people. He got $38,000 for getting vilified by the press and potentially eliminated from a lot of future job prospects despite probably doing exactly what he was told or trained to do in that situation. When you look at it that way, would you trade places with the guy?

Not to get all serious... but we hung a lot of folks for doing what they were told to do instead of what they should have done. The fact that he isn't in prison for 20 counts of assault ought to be enough of a gift.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
10/25/13 10:45 a.m.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
10/25/13 10:54 a.m.

This one is what I was talking about.


Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
10/25/13 11:11 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: Not to get all serious... but we hung a lot of folks for doing what they were told to do instead of what they should have done. The fact that he isn't in prison for 20 counts of assault ought to be enough of a gift.

Big BIG difference between the orders this guy followed and the ones you mentioned. He did not kill anyone. He did not permanently injure anyone. He used the control tool that pretty much all police forces in the U.S. would say to use in a similar situation.

The story is far more complicated than an image of a single moment, or even a video of only 3 minutes can convey. The kids weren't "just sitting there", they were sitting surrounding squad cars because the police had people in the back they arrested for fighting with them while they tried to remove tents. The protesters were holding the cars hostage and demanding the officers release people they had legally arrested.

yamaha PowerDork
10/25/13 11:12 a.m.

dculberson UltraDork
10/25/13 12:09 p.m.
N Sperlo wrote: In reply to Josh: Yep. We recently had an officer get in trouble for spraying someone who was cuffed to a bench. The mayor is still trying to fire him and the chief is backing him. He cam into my store a few weeks back, for guess what?! PEPPER SPRAY! Nice guy. I saw the video. I back him up. The mayor is inches from getting pulled anyway.

Just curious, what is the justification for pepper spraying someone that's subdued and fully restrained?

yamaha PowerDork
10/25/13 1:44 p.m.

In reply to dculberson:

My guess would have been attempting to spit at the officer.

I have never understood the whole "I HAVE ASTHMA, don't spray me"......OC opens sinuses.

FWIW, we pepperballed inmates in their cells for attempting to get any bodily fluid on us.....

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
10/25/13 1:47 p.m.

Basically what yamaha said. Who knows what diseases that lady had?

yamaha PowerDork
10/25/13 1:51 p.m.

In reply to N Sperlo:

She could have been a danger to herself to get that.....

novaderrik PowerDork
10/25/13 2:40 p.m.
Xceler8x wrote: The officer could've said "No." and did the moral thing instead of the thing he was told to. Then he wouldn't have needed to sue for anything. He also could've gone home secure in the knowledge that he wasn't violent against non-violent students. A moral stand, who would've thunk it? Btw - where are the tort reform guys for this? Shouldn't they be screaming their heads off about ridiculous lawsuits?

so using the most non invasive option- the one that causes no permanent damage- is being "violent" now...

we are truly a nation of opinionated sportscasters with magnificent hair...

1988RedT2 UberDork
10/25/13 2:42 p.m.
novaderrik wrote: we are truly a nation of opinionated sportscasters with magnificent hair...



yamaha PowerDork
10/25/13 3:40 p.m.

1988RedT2 UberDork
10/25/13 3:47 p.m.
yamaha wrote:

Best one yet!

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
10/25/13 3:49 p.m.
novaderrik wrote: so using the most non invasive option- the one that causes no permanent damage- is being "violent" now...

If I walked up to you and maced you I'd completely expect to be charged with something - or the possibility that I might need to defend you unloading a magazine into my torso. Saying the "most non-invasive assault" is like saying "only got raped a little".

Racer1ab Dork
10/25/13 4:26 p.m.

So everyone's mad that the cop received a settlement for losing his job, but no one cares that three dozen shiny happy person protesters received thirty thousand dollar settlements EACH for this little stunt?

This is why America is berkeleyed.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/25/13 4:37 p.m.

In reply to Racer1ab:

No, I'm pissed about that, too.

HiTempguy UltraDork
10/25/13 4:38 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: is like saying "only got raped a little".

Something you'd like to tell us GPS? :p

I have nothing else to add to this thread besides the witty remark. ;)

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
10/25/13 4:42 p.m.

If i'm going to get paid $30k to be pepper sprayed, i'll just do that twice a year from now on, thanks.

HappyAndy SuperDork
10/25/13 4:46 p.m.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
10/25/13 4:47 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote: If i'm going to get paid $30k to be pepper sprayed, i'll just do that twice a year from now on, thanks.

E36 M3, sign me up too.

Racer1ab Dork
10/25/13 4:48 p.m.

In reply to Swank Force One:

Same here. Hell, some of us have gotten sprayed as a condition of employment, so where's my big fat settlement check?

HappyAndy SuperDork
10/25/13 4:51 p.m.

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