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HappyAndy SuperDork
10/25/13 4:53 p.m.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
10/25/13 5:03 p.m.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/25/13 5:35 p.m.
Racer1ab wrote: In reply to Swank Force One: Same here. Hell, some of us have gotten sprayed as a condition of employment, so where's my big fat settlement check?

(Raises hand)

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
10/25/13 6:23 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
novaderrik wrote: so using the most non invasive option- the one that causes no permanent damage- is being "violent" now...
If I walked up to you and maced you I'd completely expect to be charged with something - or the possibility that I might need to defend you unloading a magazine into my torso. Saying the "most non-invasive assault" is like saying "only got raped a little".

Except he didn't just walk up to someone and mace them. They were breaking the law and not complying. These kids were non-violent. But that does not mean what they were doing was legal.

If you cuff yourself to the bumper of my car to prevent me from driving away, and I tell you, "Get off the bumper of my car. What you are doing is illegal. Get off my car. If you do not get off the bumper of my car, I will forcibly remove you. I have pepper spray. I will pepper spray you if you do not get off my car. Do you see this pepper spray? I will use it on you if you do not get off my car. Do you see this pepper spray? Do you understand what is about to happen? Okay. The pepper spray is now pointed at your face. This is your last warning to get off my car before I pepper spray you. I am going to pepper spray you now." Yeah... you're going to get pepper sprayed.

Yes, that is roughly how much warning and explanation he gave them.

ronholm HalfDork
10/25/13 6:55 p.m.

Here... Apparently very few people saw what lead up to the idiots getting exactly what they wanted... Or heard them Chanting "berkeley the police"


Problem is the cops this entire time are giving the morons the fight that they wanted...

So the question is... How would you have kicked the kids out of the park... ending what was becoming a center for drug use... Rape... E36 M3ing on the lawn... ect...

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
10/25/13 7:06 p.m.
ronholm wrote: So the question is... How would you have kicked the kids out of the park...

A friend of mine came up with the correct answer: You send in an overwhelming number of officers and multiple paddy wagons. Enough so that when protesters get ornery and non compliant (as they inevitably will), you have enough guys to bodily remove protesters from a human chain one individual at a time.

...that would have required proper planning before everything started from the Chief and Chancellor.

Racer1ab Dork
10/25/13 7:11 p.m.
ronholm wrote: So the question is... How would you have kicked the kids out of the park...

I have it on good authority that hippies hate death metal...

moparman76_69 Dork
10/25/13 7:37 p.m.

In reply to Beer Baron:

I concur, and add that I would make sure everyone of them was booked with trespassing and would try and keep as many as possible from escaping. I'd pull in every campus officer and get local PD to send me as many uniforms as they could, call in all the off duties to work a couple extra hours.

Oh and before anyone chimes in with right to assemble. You have the right to assemble and protest, and I would never want a peaceful protest broken up through even non-violent means, but when all you're doing is camping out and doing illegal activities it's no longer a protest.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
10/25/13 10:32 p.m.

ahutson03 Reader
10/25/13 11:02 p.m.

"The force reasonably necessary to compell compliance" I'll agree with pepper spraying before putting hands on a resistor any day.

fasted58 PowerDork
10/25/13 11:09 p.m.

Water Cannon FTW

Travis_K UltraDork
10/25/13 11:27 p.m.
moparman76_69 wrote: Oh and before anyone chimes in with right to assemble. You have the right to assemble and protest, and I would never want a peaceful protest broken up through even non-violent means, but when all you're doing is camping out and doing illegal activities it's no longer a protest.

Not sure if it had already started before the pepper spray incident, but after they put the tents back up there were a lot of somewhat sketchy people who were not even students there who were part of it too. I also heard the "berkeley the police" chanting in person by some of the same group later. It really was handled poorly though, the protesters pretty much ended up getting what they wanted, and now UC Davis is world famous for this incident.

ronholm HalfDork
10/26/13 1:53 a.m.
Beer Baron wrote:
ronholm wrote: So the question is... How would you have kicked the kids out of the park...
A friend of mine came up with the correct answer: You send in an overwhelming number of officers and multiple paddy wagons. Enough so that when protesters get ornery and non compliant (as they inevitably will), you have enough guys to bodily remove protesters from a human chain one individual at a time. ...that would have required proper planning before everything started from the Chief and Chancellor.

Where you going to come up with that many LEO's... in this incident I don't know how many.. but they didn't just send in a couple...

The trouble with more LEO's in that situation is that one of them is going to have some stupid kid spit on him, kick, bite... whatever.. and somewhere in there one LEO is going to respond like nearly any one of us would... This of course would be unacceptable...

These kids were trying to hold the officers.. Formed a circle around them... Officers who at that point didn't have any weapons save for billy clubs and less than lethal.. Human beings standing there with a mob around them....

Frankly I think in that situation they responded as well as they could to get out of there without anyone getting hurt... Those kids were going to provoke those officers into doing something... So they simply gave the morons what they wanted before it became out of control and necessary for their own safety to do so.

Ain't like you were going to reason with that crowd...

As far as grabbing protestors... Have you ever seen in person what that looks like... These stupid kids would have been lining up to be the poster child for police brutality... Forcing those cops to kick their asses....

The problem here isn't what the police did in this situation... It is that so many people bought the BS spin of the media and those squatters...

ahutson03 Reader
10/26/13 2:08 a.m.


Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
10/26/13 2:28 a.m.

In reply to ronholm:

Yup. Pretty much.

I was being semi-hypothetical. It was not going to happen once everything already got started. Only if the people planning the operation actually... planned it. They'd have needed to coordinate with the local city PD and county Sheriff ahead of time.

novaderrik PowerDork
10/26/13 3:37 a.m.
1988RedT2 wrote:
novaderrik wrote: we are truly a nation of opinionated sportscasters with magnificent hair...
Excellent! +1

thank you very much... i'm here til friday... try the veal... tip your waittresses.

novaderrik PowerDork
10/26/13 3:47 a.m.
Beer Baron wrote:

you need the soundtrack to go along with the hippie drill:


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