Can we get GRM and Classic shirts in any colour other than white? I was putting on clothes to work on my wife’s car this morning knowing I would need to go to Sprawl mart for oil. All my GRM and Classic shirts are stained. While I don’t think Srawly world requires the utmost in fashionable clothes I don’t want my picture on the people of Wal-Mart web site.
Alternately any suggestions for removing oil and grease and Georgia red clay stains?
8/30/09 8:44 p.m.
Yup... brake cleaner. I kid you not. Detailers use it for interiors.
porksboy wrote:
Alternately any suggestions for removing oil and grease and Georgia red clay stains?
One year back when the Runoffs were in Atlanta, the Corner Worker "goodie bag" included cakes of home-made lye soap. The stuff works, but the garment will start to dissolve about two weeks later.
8/30/09 8:51 p.m.
Lesley wrote:
Yup... brake cleaner. I kid you not. Detailers use it for interiors.
M'lady, you do not know the omnipotent power of Georgia red clay.
Personal experience suggests clay stains should be worn as a badge of honor, used as work-only clothes, or rags.
I have a T-shirt that was dyed with GA. red clay at the factory. GA. red clay was also used as furniture/wood stain back in the days of The War of Northern Aggression.
I will try the brake cleaner.
I too would like GRM shirts in other than white. The Oregon Region Porsche Club had a few shirts this year, one for the Spring Breakout that's Bright Red with White stripes down the sleeves (long sleeved). My favorite is the one from the Duel at the Mill, it's Gulf Blue with Orange lettering.
A dark red GRM t-shirt would be sweet, I'd even settle for "ash gray".
Oooh race car colors, how cool, BRG and gold
BRE red, white, and blue, please.
8/31/09 5:17 p.m.
Gulf colors? I think so.
I also think Sunoco colors should take their rightful place at the new Gulf colors in the pantheon of cool/reproduced paint jobs. Just saying.
Back to the original question - I'm pretty sure I saw ash grey GRM shirts at the Mitty.
I thought about getting some dye and throw my worst one in the washing machine when She Who Must Be Obeyed is not around.
Are there any other size small guys out there, or am I the only one? I'm used to being underrepresented on clothing racks, so it's not that big of a deal.
Ash Grey FTW. And I like really really cheap thin cotton shirts. There's just something about how soft they are.
And if you want to dye clothes just use a 5 gal bucket. It's a lot cheaper than a hospital stay. 
The challenge shirts are grey. Also, we made them white so you could bleach them.
oldsaw wrote:
Lesley wrote:
Yup... brake cleaner. I kid you not. Detailers use it for interiors.
M'lady, you do not know the omnipotent power of Georgia red clay.
Personal experience suggests clay stains should be worn as a badge of honor, used as work-only clothes, or rags.
Back when the Atlanta Region SCCA Corner Workers used to travel, we'd arrive at Mid-Ohio, or wherever...and the locals would always say, "oh, you're from Atlanta Region!" This mystified us until the guys at the Detroit CART race (they'd been to Atlanta for the Runoffs back then) told us it was because we all had these big orange "bands" on our uniform trouser cuffs..
8/31/09 10:35 p.m.
Road Atlanta red clay stains should be considered badges of honor, or territorial identification. No, they will never come out.
I have a couple of those GRM white T-shirts, or at least I used to. My girlfriend has, uh, "appropriated" them for her own use. Now I never get to wear them, but I do have the cool hat...
8/31/09 11:39 p.m.
I wore a white t-shirt when attending my first dirt track race (Senoia, GA). My friends (more savvy about the better places to spectate) had us close to the fence.
The dirt-clod impacts never came out, and that shirt was, indeed, a badge of honor.
resurrected for the sake of colored shirt lovers everywhere
My favorite T-shirt is black, and the back reads:
"My Neon's daddy is a Hemi Road Runner. Your Honda's daddy is a Trail 90."
I still haven't been able to pry my GRM T-shirts away from my girlfriend...
I hide mine from the wife 
I still haven't got mine that comes with the subscription. I think I may need to call the office on Tuesday.
Considering the place GRM holds in the history of SEDIV SCCA, I'd like to see "Road Atlanta Clay" orange, "Robeling Road Sand" brown, and "Sebring Suntan" bright red. 
Any color is eligible for the various Lake Lloyd wet T-shirt contests.
We have discussed other shirt colors again but keep going back with white. For one, they're much less expensive, and most GRM T-shirts are freebees. White also matches anything, and our logo looks good on it. I'll bring it up during our next talk about GRM wear. It's almost time to order our fall collection.
White also allows the shirt to tell a story with all of its unique stains. Other colors would simply obscure these, and that's not any good.
Don't give the coloreds out as freebees, you could charge for them an I bet some people with the "gotta collect them all" mentality would buy them.