Keep in mind 30 days is a spin dry, not a magic wand/bullet.
It's a start, it's up to you where it leads you. Hopefully it will help clear the fog and serve as a lever to break habitual behavior.
During 15 years of abstaining I learned I did not have to hurt myself to have fun. Moderation in all aspects of life is needed, too much of anything leads to disaster. Balance needs to be found some good to outweigh the bad, some decent food so you have the fuel to function, some intimacy to ward off loneliness, work so you can play, etc. Exercise and nutrition are both positive factors. Get medical help for any chemical imbalances, Thyroid or pituitary you can't walk off those problems and they contribute to a poor emotional state. You also need normal un-medicated sleep, many complain they cant sleep but then stay in bed late because they are "tired". This puts you out of a natural rhythm that feeds on it's self you stay up later and stay in bed later. GET UP EARLY you will be tired earlier and go to sleep easier.
Up and down with the sun is what works for me I need lots of sun light or I suffer. I noticed long ago a pattern to my behavior by looking at my work history. I was changing jobs every year around the same time. I originally blamed the holidays, but later came to realize it was a lack of sunlight that was weighing on my emotional state.
Depression and anxiety are feelings experienced daily by everyone, thank you 2020 for exceeding all acceptable levels there! You need positive things happening so these areas do not seem so monumental. Daily activities that keep you busy and move you forward, rather than falling back and dwelling on the negative.
What matters is how you react to those feelings, do you dig a deeper hole or fill that hole in and move on? Self medicating is digging a deeper hole, you then ignore the hole instead of filling it in, you now have a trap that you may fall in and there you are, back in the hole shovel in hand. Self medication leads to habitual behavior, an automatic response, it's a trap.
It's best to work on your life, choose a path that leads to better circumstances and you will be rewarded. Clean up the mess (fill in that hole) and things start looking much brighter, make choices that lead to a better existence. Start small, clean your room, clean your car, hang out with like minded positive influences. Pretty soon those dark clouds don't look so dark.