Ok so I got to be honest I have never dealt with CDs so I really don't know anything about them. I was wondering if I get one set up with some money that would be in my emergency fund. If something did happen and I needed the money what kind of penalty would I be facing for closing it or is it completely locked in there. Then I am trying to figure out if it is really worth it since the Credit Union I bank with list their CDs at .65 APR, isn't that kinda crappy?
You will make more money by keeping your money in your mattress over ANY CD at this time. When the Jimmy-era comes back, that will be the time to have CD's again.
8/2/12 4:56 p.m.
There should be penalty information from whoever you are looking at the CD's with. Expect 30-365 days interest penalty depending on length of time it has been held and length of time it is for. You should be able to find that info in the disclosures for the CD.
At .65% I would just start up an account with ING or any of the other online "high interest" banks and put your money there for now (.80% APY currently)
I've got some locked up in CD's for near 2% for 60 months since I don't think rates are headed higher anytime soon. And I came of age during the Carter administration when passbook savings was paying 5% and CD rates ventured way up into double digits. Or you could buy a "best of class" REIT or a good solid dividend-paying stock.
8/2/12 6:39 p.m.
I'm starting to listen to more vinyl.
I am thinking I would rather just keep my money flexible for the time being,,,
93EXCivic wrote:
I am thinking I would rather just keep my money flexible for the time being,,,
Best to go with the mattress, then. 
8/2/12 8:51 p.m.
How much you got? I will pay you 3%
8/3/12 7:17 a.m.
Old technology- downloadable MP3's are the way of the future anymore.
Oh, wait, not that kind of CD.... 
(sorry, I have no experience in Certificates of Deposit, just wanted to post a funny)
I would not put your money in a CD, they tend to degrade after a few years and the value of bitcoins fluctuates wildly 
Less than 1%? Why bother tying up your money for that?
8/3/12 11:12 a.m.
I use CD's for aerial target practice.....High interest savings account > CD
If an account of ANY sort isn't outpacing inflation, you are losing money.