I have an etiquette, protocol question: If you cancel an engagement all gifts are returned. If you get divorced within a short time of a wedding, gifts go back to the senders. What is that time frame?
I understand the happy couple received mega cash; are they violating some code of honor by not returning it? What if they marry someone else right away? This could be a career.
What would Emily Post say?
WTF. I am disapointed in everybody, including myself, that read / posted in this thread.
OJ Simpson Trial :283 days
One season of Idol is 126 days
The time between the first day of the Wartburg build, and its first drive was 225 days
Boston Bibb Lettuce takes 90 days to grow
James Garfield - 20th American President for 199 days
P90X - 90 days
Hell, the marriage only lasted 3 days longer than those Chilean miners were trapped
Who was this chick even married to?
I have posts longer than their marriage.