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SilverFleet UltraDork
12/22/15 6:07 a.m.

I just saw this last night with the wife. I loved every minute of it! To my surprise, they didn't screw it up!

They knew exactly how to play on the nostalgia of the old films, and I will be honest, there were moments where I got damn near emotional. I was lucky enough not to hear any spoilers before going to see it, but it was easy to predict the outcome of the bridge fight, so when that happened, I was ready.

I think they did a great job of reintroducing all of the old characters to a new generation. And the new ones, well, they are a welcome addition to the rest.

I am definitely going to go see it again. Next time, I am going with my nephews, who I got into Star Wars at a very young age. They both have already seen it, and growing up with the prequels, they both said that the new one is on another level.

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
12/22/15 9:10 a.m.

Daniel Craig

Despite vehemently denying past rumors, Craig did appear in The Force Awakens as a Storm Trooper, specifically the Storm Trooper Rey Jedi mind-tricks into releasing her from Kylo Ren's torture chair.

Jerry SuperDork
12/22/15 9:19 a.m.
Flight Service wrote: Daniel Craig Despite vehemently denying past rumors, Craig did appear in The Force Awakens as a Storm Trooper, specifically the Storm Trooper Rey Jedi mind-tricks into releasing her from Kylo Ren's torture chair.

I read about this just before I went to see it, and kept looking for him in background shots, like villagers or rebels. Figures, completely masked.

XLR99 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
12/22/15 10:00 a.m.

Gah, must....not....read....spoiler thread...

Going to see it today for daughter's birthday. I can't wait!!

GSmith HalfDork
12/22/15 10:23 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: I'm thinking Rey is related to Luke. What was with the trailer's voice over of Luke saying, "I have it. My sister has it. And you have it" I don't remember hearing it said in the movie.

Dude... Max Max had more lines than Luke. ;)

Appleseed MegaDork
12/22/15 10:32 a.m.

Not hard when Luke says...nothing.

Brian MegaDork
12/22/15 11:11 a.m.

This hasn't been mentioned yet, but I was disappointed with captain phasma. Almost a new Bobba Fett. All this hype about the chrome storm trooper, and no real action scenes.

sobe_death HalfDork
12/22/15 11:29 a.m.
GSmith wrote:
Appleseed wrote: I'm thinking Rey is related to Luke. What was with the trailer's voice over of Luke saying, "I have it. My sister has it. And you have it" I don't remember hearing it said in the movie.
Dude... Max Max had more lines than Luke. ;)

It's a voiceover from ROTJ, where he said it to Leia on Endor.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/22/15 11:33 a.m.

Phasma is probably going to be a major character in the next couple of movies, but man did she roll over easy and give up the base. Especially when being threatened by someone she knew didn't have what it takes for combat.

RealMiniParker UltraDork
12/22/15 11:45 a.m.
sobe_death wrote:
GSmith wrote:
Appleseed wrote: I'm thinking Rey is related to Luke. What was with the trailer's voice over of Luke saying, "I have it. My sister has it. And you have it" I don't remember hearing it said in the movie.
Dude... Max Max had more lines than Luke. ;)
It's a voiceover from ROTJ, where he said it to Leia on Endor.

Are you saying Luke has more than one sister, then?

rob_lewis SuperDork
12/22/15 1:55 p.m.

Saw it this morning. Yeah, I'm going to break my own request that we wait until first of the year, but since this thread was specifically created for discussion.....

1) I really liked the movie. I'm jaded with the originals. Where Lucas was never 100% sure there would be follow up movies, he had to wrap things up a bit. J.J. and Disney KNOW there will be sequels, so they could leave things more open. That left me wanting more, which was the point, but disappointed that there was so much open.

2) There were some cool new things but I really wasn't surprised about any of the major plot lines. Kylo being Han and Lea's kid, Rey having Jedi skills, blowing up another "death star", etc. Heck, I was about 99.999% sure Han was going to die. I HOPED he wouldn't, but Harrison Ford bitches about Star Wars too much and figured his agreement to be in the new one was based on them killing him off..... (which pisses me off)

3) Looks like the Star Killer was built into a planet v. built from scratch. I'm OK with it being another of the same simply because in the future, it's probably a design that should work, so they keep improving it. I was disappointed it was destroyed in this one, however. Would have preferred it be destroyed in 8 or 9.

4) I'll admit a couple of emotional moments, but I think that's because I've seen them all. I think someone coming in fresh and just watching this one wouldn't get the feels as much or at all.

5) For a moment, I though R2-D2 re-awoke because Rey was around him. Indicating that she's related to Luke.

6) I don't think Finn is related to anyone. I DO think, however, that he's important because it'll show that the First Order/Empire will most likely collapse from within. I was confused that he mentioned being taken from his family to be a Stormtrooper because I thought they were all clones based on Jengo Fett.

7) I think Snoke is a combination of all the dead dark side forces. Hence his size and transparent image.

8) The Falcon could have only been down for a couple of years. Plus, when they mentioned the compressor added to it and the guy she stole it from saying it was his, could indicate that it's still in use. Her "piece of junk" statement could easily apply to age and condition, not that it was junked. Plus, it was referred to as a freight ship, so the new owner could have been using it to offload the junk he bought to other planets.

On one hand, I was a little disappointed that there were so many similarties to A New Hope (robot carries a message, person with the force stuck on a desert planet, giant planet space ship, light saber fight where someone dies while someone who cares for them watches, etc.) On the other hand, I'm ok with the suggestion that history repeats itself and that you'll see the same basic challenges regardless of the time frame. If you look, Phatom Menace had similar parallels. (Kid on a desert planet with force powers, he was building a companion robot, Qui-Gon getting killed, etc)


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/22/15 2:05 p.m.
rob_lewis wrote: 6) I don't think Finn is related to anyone. I DO think, however, that he's important because it'll show that the First Order/Empire will most likely collapse from within. I was confused that he mentioned being taken from his family to be a Stormtrooper because I thought they were all clones based on Jengo Fett.

Apparently they stopped having clones made and started "recruiting" by other means somewhere between Ep3 & 4 - although that's completely inconsequential to the movies until Ep7.

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
12/22/15 2:15 p.m.

In reply to rob_lewis:

The Snoke that we saw was a hologram, similar to how we first saw the Emperor in ESB. The Empire finally upgraded from analog to digital.

RealMiniParker UltraDork
12/22/15 2:19 p.m.

rob_lewis SuperDork
12/22/15 2:29 p.m.
ThunderCougarFalconGoat wrote: In reply to rob_lewis: The Snoke that we saw was a hologram, similar to how we first saw the Emperor in ESB. The Empire finally upgraded from analog to digital.

Hadn't thought of it that way. I still wonder, however, if he's an amalgamation of all the dark side baddies (Palpatine/Emperor, Darth Maul, etc) or if Palpatine/Emperor didn't actually die. It would explain the crack on his head and hole in his cheek.

Now that I mention that, I wonder why Kylo Ren worships Darth Vader? I always thought that at the end of Jedi, he had returned to the Light Side. You would think the Dark Side would know that. Or, is he part of the Dark Side again?

I like the Kylo character the more I think about him. He seems to be the first one to have chosen the Dark Side as opposed to being pulled or coerced into it. What happened to him and Luke during training? Did he think he couldn't meet up to Luke's standards (only being a half Jedi) and decided to show his uncle up by joining the Dark?

t25torx Dork
12/22/15 2:29 p.m.
rob_lewis wrote: On one hand, I was a little disappointed that there were so many similarities to A New Hope (robot carries a message, person with the force stuck on a desert planet, giant planet space ship, light saber fight where someone dies while someone who cares for them watches, etc.) -Rob

Went and saw this Sunday with my kid, and this was my biggest issue with it. It's pretty much a complete rehash of a New Hope.

You have the unknown Jedi from the desert planet meeting up with a robot who happens to be carrying secret data, again. They escape this desert planet in the Millenium Falcon, again. Then there's another cantina scene with lots of crazy aliens, AGAIN. The Princess er, Rey gets captured to find out where those plans for the Deathstar.. I mean the map to Skywalker are. Han and Luke.. umm Finn go to rescue her all the while the rebels attack the Deathstar even so much as flying down a trench to get to the main target. Ending with Obiwon, I mean Han getting killed by the young Sith.

I don't feel they covered any new ground in this flick, in many ways it reminded me of Star Trek - Into the Darkness where they rehashed the Kahn story, and lots of plot points from the Original Kahn flick.

I feel that they could really go places with this new series but they need to get a better script writer, and a new story to tell.

rob_lewis SuperDork
12/22/15 2:33 p.m.
t25torx wrote:
rob_lewis wrote: On one hand, I was a little disappointed that there were so many similarities to A New Hope (robot carries a message, person with the force stuck on a desert planet, giant planet space ship, light saber fight where someone dies while someone who cares for them watches, etc.) -Rob
Went and saw this Sunday with my kid, and this was my biggest issue with it. It's pretty much a complete rehash of a New Hope. You have the unknown Jedi from the desert planet meeting up with a robot who happens to be carrying secret data, again. They escape this desert planet in the Millenium Falcon, again. Then there's another cantina scene with lots of crazy aliens, AGAIN. The Princess er, Rey gets captured to find out where those plans for the Deathstar.. I mean the map to Skywalker are. Han and Luke.. umm Finn go to rescue her all the while the rebels attack the Deathstar even so much as flying down a trench to get to the main target. Ending with Obiwon, I mean Han getting killed by the young Sith. I don't feel they covered any new ground in this flick, in many ways it reminded me of Star Trek - Into the Darkness where they rehashed the Kahn story, and lots of plot points from the Original Kahn flick. I feel that they could really go places with this new series but they need to get a better script writer, and a new story to tell.

I know I'm going to sound like a fanboi, and maybe I am a bit.....

Phatom Menace had a similar storyline too, but went a different direction than A New Hope did. Yeah, it's a rehash, but I'm wondering if it'll go in a third direction this time. Anakin was plucked and went bad, Luke was plucked and went good. Ren is plucked, but which way will she go?

OOOOH, just thought of this!! She takes BOTH light and dark and finally combines them into the cohesive balanced Force?


Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/22/15 2:54 p.m.
rob_lewis wrote: Now that I mention that, I wonder why Kylo Ren worships Darth Vader? I always thought that at the end of Jedi, he had returned to the Light Side. You would think the Dark Side would know that. Or, is he part of the Dark Side again?

You've seen it in marketing. The Dark Side is cool now. It's like a lifestyle choice, it's not giving in to hatred and having your soul taken away. We're much more accepting of the Dark Side vs the "Light" - even that terminology is fluffier than good vs evil, although that's exactly what it is.

So Kylo Ren - which sounds a bit like Solo, Ben, when I think about it - simply thinks that grandpa Vader was a bit of a badass who could do cool stuff.

MCarp22 Dork
12/22/15 3:21 p.m.


1 - Snoke is going to be like 3 feet tall when we see it in person.

2 - I'm ok with the plot being a Star Wars mashup, since they're soft-rebooting the franchise.

3 - Chewie was too well groomed.

4 - I'm glad they gave Kylo Ren an actual Character instead of a cool lightsaber in place of one.

5 - It was good to see HF didn't just phone it in.

Thinkkker UltraDork
12/22/15 3:46 p.m.
Javelin wrote: Why the berk was Luke NOT on Dagobah!???!? He was the only person alive who knew where it was and it hid Yoda's ass for a looooong time!

This is a great point. Did he ever tell anyone he was going there or was there though? Maybe he did and as such, didn't want someone to think "Go, to the Dagobah system"

Appleseed MegaDork
12/22/15 4:14 p.m.

Ren's still a kid, too. Liking things he's not supposed to like, whinny, angsty. Hasnt figured things out yet. Yeah...he's a teenager.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/22/15 4:20 p.m.
Thinkkker wrote:
Javelin wrote: Why the berk was Luke NOT on Dagobah!???!? He was the only person alive who knew where it was and it hid Yoda's ass for a looooong time!
This is a great point. Did he ever tell anyone he was going there or was there though? Maybe he did and as such, didn't want someone to think "Go, to the Dagobah system"

Or he just doesn't like swamps.

Duke MegaDork
12/22/15 4:20 p.m.
Javelin wrote: Why the berk was Luke NOT on Dagobah!???!? He was the only person alive who knew where it was and it hid Yoda's ass for a looooong time!

Because Dagobah sucks! Seriously, if you had a choice between a swamp and living in Middle Zealand, where would you go?

RealMiniParker UltraDork
12/22/15 4:26 p.m.
Duke wrote:
Javelin wrote: Why the berk was Luke NOT on Dagobah!???!? He was the only person alive who knew where it was and it hid Yoda's ass for a looooong time!
Because Dagobah *sucks!* Seriously, if you had a choice between a swamp and living in Middle Zealand, where would *you* go?

No E36 M3.

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
12/22/15 4:38 p.m.
Thinkkker wrote:
Javelin wrote: Why the berk was Luke NOT on Dagobah!???!? He was the only person alive who knew where it was and it hid Yoda's ass for a looooong time!
This is a great point. Did he ever tell anyone he was going there or was there though? Maybe he did and as such, didn't want someone to think "Go, to the Dagobah system"

Who says it wasn't Dagobah? The planet Luke was on was never mentioned by name. Maybe they have finally moved on from the "planets only have one type of biome' trope?

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