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wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/22/15 4:43 p.m.

How did the weapon work? How did power from a sun go faster than light to get to its target? What planets were blowed up?

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
12/22/15 4:49 p.m.

In reply to t25torx:

I think the rehash/reboot was the point though. Disney/JJ want to bring a whole new fan generation into the Star Wars franchise now that it is mainsteam cool again. But they can't just show A New Hope in theaters again. But they can redo A New Hope for the next generation so those people have the same experience that people in 1977 had.

If they were to drift too far from the source material, it wouldn't be Star Wars. That's why there are Rebels (Resistance). That's why there are X-Wings and TIE fighters and the Millenium Falcon. That's why there is a giant evil super weapon with an emo dude running the show. Same for the desert planet and the coming of age story where your mentor gets killed by the emo guy.

All of that stuff is what makes it Star Wars. If JJ had changed anything, people would complain that he didn't stick to the Star Wars formula (like the backlash from the prequels.)

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
12/22/15 4:51 p.m.

In reply to wvumtnbkr:

The movie said it was the Hosnian system, which was the Republic capital. The weapon works by the power of plot.

mtn MegaDork
12/22/15 4:54 p.m.

One of the nice things about it being a movie is that it doesn't have to follow the rules of science. Remember, it is a galaxy far, far away. Same rules do not apply.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/22/15 5:38 p.m.

I do like the fact that they took out the Senate. All I remember from the Prequels was endless political crap. Blow it up!

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/22/15 6:34 p.m.
rob_lewis wrote: Now that I mention that, I wonder why Kylo Ren worships Darth Vader? I always thought that at the end of Jedi, he had returned to the Light Side. You would think the Dark Side would know that. Or, is he part of the Dark Side again?

Nobody knows that except Luke - and I guess Darth Sidious knew it between being thrown down the shaft and hitting the bottom of the shaft.

I also suspect that Snoke is going to be Yoda-sized. I hope he's some kind of merged force ghost, because he'd just be a generic-looking bargain-bin Voldemort otherwise.

XLR99 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
12/22/15 7:51 p.m.

OK I've seen it, and it was good. I loved all the tie-ins to the originals, and that they kept it lighter and brought back some of the one-liner humor from the originals.
"Oh, you're cold?"

We're currently re-watching the, well, I guess it's the middle trilogy.

My daughter is awesome. She's currently wearing a lightsaber.

Kenny_McCormic UltimaDork
12/22/15 10:02 p.m.

Did anybody else notice the crawl was a little jumpy, like they might have actually done it the old way? I thought I saw it the first time, and just got back from seeing it again and you can definitely see it jump a little a few times.

I really like the heavy avoidance of CGI in this one.

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
12/23/15 7:13 a.m.

My favorite part was Chewy's response to Han dying. You die, you die, you die, you die, oh yeah Sithy boy your ass is shot. berkeley this E36 M3 I don't care if I don't get out. BOOM!!!!

XLR99 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
12/23/15 7:36 a.m.

In reply to Kenny_McCormic:

We noticed that as well. I assumed they did it on purpose for continuity. Kind of like how the ships look in hyperdrive.

Jerry SuperDork
12/23/15 8:37 a.m.
ThunderCougarFalconGoat wrote:
Thinkkker wrote:
Javelin wrote: Why the berk was Luke NOT on Dagobah!???!? He was the only person alive who knew where it was and it hid Yoda's ass for a looooong time!
This is a great point. Did he ever tell anyone he was going there or was there though? Maybe he did and as such, didn't want someone to think "Go, to the Dagobah system"
Who says it wasn't Dagobah? The planet Luke was on was never mentioned by name. Maybe they have finally moved on from the "planets only have one type of biome' trope?

But if I were hiding from, well, the whole universe, I think the last place I would go would be the place I went before. Twice.

aircooled MegaDork
12/23/15 10:50 a.m.

I thought it was good, but I have never been blown away by Starwars movies anyway. Lots of nostalgia characters in it.

It almost seemed like a giant collection of Starwars tropes though. I mean it was almost like they took a collection of themes and scenes from other movies and jumbled them in there (Death star, cantina scene, flying through trenches, another Darth, bridge over abyss to fall in etc. etc.).

I did like some of the nostalgia stuff they kept though. I was especially impressed that they used the SAME super low res graphics for the site on the MF turrets.

The one scene that did bother me though was when the yet-another-fatally-flawed-death-star fired on the federation planets. I am OK with the super light speed shot, but WHY are the planets all withing a few hundred thousand miles of each other? How does that work? And how the hell is all this seen from the planet where the battle is taking place?!?!? Are all the planets in this universe in the same solar system!??!

Also, Leia was a bit hard to watch. You can tell Carrie Fisher is barely holding it together. It's a bit sad. Harrison Ford was very recognizable as Han (same mannerisms) which is pretty good considering his age.

Not a hater though. Good movie. Worth a watch. Not going to be one of my favorite movies though.

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
12/23/15 1:39 p.m.

Appleseed MegaDork
12/23/15 6:19 p.m.

That's perfect.

T.J. UltimaDork
12/23/15 6:51 p.m.

Luke, I am your nephew.

Is Scientology the real world dark side of the force? Is that why they picked some non-threatening Vinnie Barbarino look a like to play the bad guy?

TRoglodyte SuperDork
12/23/15 7:17 p.m.

Yoda I miss.

T.J. UltimaDork
12/23/15 7:39 p.m.
TRoglodyte wrote: Yoda I miss.

Yoda wasn't in Star Wars (New Hope), so he couldn't be the Force Awakens since it is essentially a reboot. Maybe he (or a new version of him) will appear in the next movie since he entered into the scene in Empire Strikes Back. Perhaps Rey will go to a swampy planet to study the ways of the force in the next one.

ncjay Dork
12/23/15 7:50 p.m.

You guys have gotten me thinking that Supreme Leader Snoke is the same size as Yoda in real life. If General/Princess Leia is Vader's daughter and Luke's sister, shouldn't she have at least some force abilities? Did Luke not teach her anything?

slantvaliant UltraDork
12/24/15 9:06 a.m.
ncjay wrote: You guys have gotten me thinking that Supreme Leader Snoke is the same size as Yoda in real life. If General/Princess Leia is Vader's daughter and Luke's sister, shouldn't she have at least some force abilities? Did Luke not teach her anything?

Ever try to teach your sister anything?

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
12/24/15 9:16 a.m.

In reply to ncjay:

She felt Han die

Ian F
Ian F MegaDork
12/24/15 9:16 a.m.

Finally saw it last night. I enjoyed it, although I agree it was more than a little predictable. About the only surprise for me was how Han and Chewie got the MF back.

There are almost too many plot inconsistencies to count... but it's Star Wars ...and a movie... so whatever. I watch movies like this to turn off my engineer brain that has to explain everything and simply enjoy.

It was rumored some time ago one of Ford's wishes in a new movie was that Solo dies, so that wasn't surprising in the least.

It's amusing that Mark Hammill did so much promotion for a film he's not really in...

It was never really explained how the original Death Stars were capable of moving from system to system. One could assume the builders of DSXXL had worked out a way to move the entire planet once the host sun was used up.

Let's face it, the "how does all of this stuff work?" aspect has always been categorically ignored in Star Wars movies. It's the definition of "movie magic", laws of physics be damned.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/24/15 9:25 a.m.
Ian F wrote: Let's face it, the "how does all of this stuff work?" aspect has always been categorically ignored in Star Wars movies. It's the definition of "movie magic", laws of physics be damned.

One scene gives you a little hint of how the spaceships work that wasn't seen before. Obviously they all fly like planes instead of spaceships, no matter what they're flying through or how brick-shaped the vehicle is. Well it looks like the device that gives the Star Wars spaceships "traction" is tied to engine power. Rey cut the MF's engines out and it handled like the big non-aerodynamic chunk of metal that it was for a second - which she used to do a tight loop - and then when the engines were switched back on it "got traction" and flew like a plane again.

"S-foils" have been mentioned before. I think these are the "traction" devices. If you played any of the Rogue Squadron games, you'll know that the X-wings are faster but less maneuverable with the wings closed. I think this cuts power to the foils on the inner wing surfaces and diverts them to forward thrust. So at least there's a little soft sci-fi to how the spaceships work and it's not just magic.

RealMiniParker UltraDork
12/24/15 9:52 a.m.
slantvaliant wrote:
ncjay wrote: You guys have gotten me thinking that Supreme Leader Snoke is the same size as Yoda in real life. If General/Princess Leia is Vader's daughter and Luke's sister, shouldn't she have at least some force abilities? Did Luke not teach her anything?
Ever try to teach your sister anything?

It's a damn good thing I just finished my coffee, before getting to this post!

stroker SuperDork
12/24/15 7:16 p.m.
ncjay wrote: Another thing that I couldn't get off my mind today is the fact that all these years after the Rebels kicked Darth Vader's butt, and supposedly crushed the Empire, they are still hiding in caves and on the run from the First Order. At what point does the victor start building some nice bases, equipment, and stop running like a little bitch? First Order gets all the nice, new, kick ass stuff to work with while it appears the Rebels are working out of someone's basement. If you did just crush the Empire, why would you let the First Order get that powerful to begin with? Or am I just over thinking all of this nonsense?

Ever hear the phrase "peace dividend"?

I agree with all your complaints and compliments. Seen it before, but felt fun to watch.

Brian MegaDork
12/25/15 1:21 a.m.

Went my second time tonight. It didn't look like Kylo Ren lost any bits in the fight. Conversations with snoke has me thinking that we may see other "Knights of Ren" in Ep. 8.

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