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codrus GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/28/15 10:34 p.m.
WOW Really Paul? wrote: In reply to Ian F: No idea, Luke's second light saber from the RoJ is of a different design(I'm nerd raging a bit here, but bear with me) The one in Episode VII is of the exact design of Anakin's in Episode III

The one that Obiwan gave to Luke and Luke lost at Bespin was Anakin's. The implication is that someone recovered it from the depths of the cloud city and somehow it wound up in a box in Ireland.

WOW Really Paul?
WOW Really Paul? MegaDork
12/29/15 12:36 p.m.

In reply to codrus:

Ahh, I missed the back story, but knew from appearances and flashback it was Anakin's.

madmallard Dork
12/29/15 2:19 p.m.

i'd like to talk about the sound effects work.

the theatre i saw it in had tiny subs. :(

but the soung engineer and foley arts should be given big nods. Certain sounds that just have major literal and emotional resonance were very well placed.

The Tie Fighter engine noise, Han's blaster, the awesome thud noise they re-assigned the Falcon's turret...

...and did anyone else notice BB getting hit on the big ball came back with the noise of those red rubber bouncing dodgeballs? what a perfect subtle undertone to invoke a childishness to the character. bravo.

the only thing for sound I actually didn't like was the light sabers themselves. I didn't get the impression that they were throbbing, and roasting the air around them like I did from the original.

KyAllroad SuperDork
12/29/15 2:41 p.m.

What kind of metal do they build Corelian freighters out of anyway? The MF banged into the ground repeatedly while dogfighting the tie fighter, then crashed through a small forest at speed on the DSXXXL before skidding to a stop on the cliff edge. All the while never even springing a leak or losing hyperdrive capability (something it had done repeatedly 20-30 years earlier).

codrus GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/29/15 4:16 p.m.
KyAllroad wrote: What kind of metal do they build Corelian freighters out of anyway? The MF banged into the ground repeatedly while dogfighting the tie fighter, then crashed through a small forest at speed on the DSXXXL before skidding to a stop on the cliff edge. All the while never even springing a leak or losing hyperdrive capability (something it had done repeatedly 20-30 years earlier).

One can probably hand wave this by saying that the shields were up and took the hits...

The sound in the theater I saw it in was disappointing, yeah. I saw the non-3d version, I suspect that the theaters have started making the "good sound" theaters the 3d ones, which is disappointing :(

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
12/29/15 5:57 p.m.

In reply to KyAllroad:

If it can take laser blasts from TIE fighters and Star Destroyers, a little bit of sand, snow, and trees is nothing.

RealMiniParker UltraDork
12/29/15 8:03 p.m.
madmallard wrote: ...and did anyone else notice BB getting hit on the big ball came back with the noise of those red rubber bouncing dodgeballs? what a perfect subtle undertone to invoke a childishness to the character. bravo.

Yes! I love the sound BB-8 makes, when he hits the floor!

Jerry SuperDork
12/30/15 7:00 a.m.

Seeing it for the 2nd time this afternoon finally (still having to buy tickets ahead), so much to watch for the 2nd time around.

And I've seen enough articles that say Harrison Ford is coming back. I remember even at the moment he fell off, I was like "if they don't show a dead body, this means nothing".

mazdeuce PowerDork
12/31/15 1:59 p.m.

The end, Luke is standing in the flat spot. It really really looks like a thin headstone in front of him in at least one shot. Is it? If someone is buried there, who?

Brian MegaDork
12/31/15 2:58 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote: The end, Luke is standing in the flat spot. It really really looks like a thin headstone in front of him in at least one shot. Is it? If someone is buried there, who?

I didn't notice that, but if that was the case, my guess's would be Rey's mother(assuming she is Luke lost daughter) or the other apprentices that Ren killed.

Kenny_McCormic UltimaDork
12/31/15 3:37 p.m.

In reply to Jerry:

Some think he was put in the cast list of the next movie for spoiler prevention, and won't actually appear. Or will only be a quick flashback or force ghost voice or something to that effect.

Kinda hard to survive getting stabbed through the chest by a bigass laser beam, followed by a long fall of unknown height, followed by the planet you're on melting.

wheelsmithy GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
1/2/16 7:29 p.m.

To geek out for a minute, I hope Luke isn't Rey's dad-jedis never knowing love in their monk-like force worship, and all that (sexy time was dad's downfall, after all).

I give it the thumbs up, and feel they are trying their best to honor the legacy-while raking in more cash than previously seemed imaginable. Don't care. 2 hours and change flew by.

I love the light saber temper tantrums. Much more believable than Anakin's whining.

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
1/3/16 12:50 p.m.

I really enjoyed it. Love the new girl, the reformed storm trooper is cool, and it just made me happy to see Han and the Milennium Falcon out there again. I was sad, although not surprised at the bridge scene...and I think the only place we will see Harrison again is in a scene with a bunch of ghosts like the end of #6.

The only two complaints I have are minor. #1, would you geek fanbois quit whining about the science. Its called science fiction for a reason. I don't let the speed at which people flit from one side of the galaxy to the other bother me- it doesn't matter, and having to watch a guy in suspended animation for a few thousand years doesn't carry the plot forward very well. I just presume there are different physical laws in place in that galaxy far, far away. We don't talk about how the acceleration of the ships would leave the human occupants smashed against the rear bulkheads in a red paste, do we?

Number 2, I'm a little pissed at the writers of #1,2,3, partly because they all kinda sucked, but specifically because the provenance of the light sabres is ruined. They were getting chopped up, thrown down holes, and otherwise tossed around like baseballs. They should have been treated more like Harry Potters wand in the books. Reys flashback scene was retroactively ruined when I watched them.

Finally, I presume Mark Hamill will have an episode 8 role the size of Harrison Fords in this movie. I hope he can pull it off...

oldopelguy SuperDork
1/3/16 5:23 p.m.

I got a kick out of the blaster strapped Solo-style on new girl while she pulled the saber out of her bag at the end. I think she's already chosen hanging out with a Wookie over a Yoda?

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/3/16 7:39 p.m.

Poor Chewie, always a copilot. Even the new kid gets the left seat.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/3/16 7:50 p.m.

Went to see it again last night with my wife, she hadn't seen it yet. When I think about it, the last first-run movie I saw in the theatre twice was...Star Wars. It was fun to see again, and I got to spot things like R2-KT at the Rebel base and the 501st flag outside the watering hole.

I think the Super Duper Death Star was partly Darth Emo's way of trying to emulate Vader again. Grandpa wore a mask, so Emo wears a mask. Grandpa built a couple of Death Stars, so Emo wants a Death Star. But he kinda forgot to learn the lesson that Death Stars don't work

Jerry SuperDork
1/4/16 7:07 a.m.
mazdeuce wrote: The end, Luke is standing in the flat spot. It really really looks like a thin headstone in front of him in at least one shot. Is it? If someone is buried there, who?

That was one of the things I knew to watch for the 2nd time. It is a headstone, now I'm thinking it's his wife/partner and Rey is his kid.

MadScientistMatt UberDork
1/4/16 11:55 a.m.

I suspect that after the Emperor died, chances are the Rebellion would have claimed control of the whole galaxy, but in practice would only have control over a faction of it. The rest would have been in control of various Imperial governors and warlords, who would still have been in control over substantial fleets and armies. So, the Rebellion's rebranded itself as two (supposedly different) entities, "the Republic" that is supposed to be a successor to the entity the Empire destroyed, and "the Resistance," a guerrilla group that the Republic is slipping money and intel to under the table.

On the opposite side, it would make sense for Snoke to have simply been some general or governor under the Empire who has pulled together the First Order by either conquering or co-opting various factions. He's adopted a lot of the trappings of the Empire, such as using a ginormous hologram of himself to give orders, which makes me think he used to work for the Empire. And he doesn't point to any claims of connection to Palpatine or the Sith to give his rule legitimacy. It just seems to be the "might makes right" approach a warlord would take.

Or it could just be that Voldemort's misuse of the Elder Wand blew him back in time and into a galaxy far, far away.

Kylo Ren is an interesting villain. It almost seems like somebody had been thinking, "Well, I don't want people to just think the villain is a wannabe Darth Vader," then realizing, "Hey, wait, the idea that somebody really does want to be Darth Vader could be extremely disturbing if I play it right."

Regarding building another Death Star - I think they got the design right with the Mk II version. The Starkiller Base idea got carried away with making the base bigger to the point they couldn't defend it adequately. Maybe they'll learn in the next one.

Jerry SuperDork
1/5/16 10:41 a.m.

Geeking out with coworkers that finally saw it over the holiday break, there was a thought.... could the tombstone Luke is standing over be a monument for Vader? Ren got the mask somehow, Luke was teaching him, Ren idolized Vader and left after berkeleying Luke over.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/5/16 11:21 a.m.

I'm not convinced that's a tombstone. I think it's just a rock sticking out of the dirt, as there is no shortage of rocks there and it's not well maintained or even well planted. I am curious about the piles of stuff Rei passes on her climb.

ncjay Dork
1/5/16 11:36 a.m.

I admit, the only thing I was thinking during the final scene was "How many cameras did they use for this, and how many different takes did they do?" For two people on what appears to be a small island, there was a bunch of effort into filming just that scene alone.

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
1/5/16 11:40 a.m.

In reply to Keith Tanner:

I just assumed that was Luke's campsite, looked like a a canteen and travel bag to me.

WildScotsRacing Reader
1/5/16 11:41 a.m.

Where was the Wilhelm Scream??? It's been in all six movies so far. Saw it Saturday, actually tried to listen for it, never heard it. So, did anybody hear it and if so, which scene?

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
1/5/16 11:48 a.m.

When Poe and Finn were escaping in the TIE fighter blasting the crap out of the hanger bay.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/5/16 11:51 a.m.
WildScotsRacing wrote: Where was the Wilhelm Scream??? It's been in all six movies so far. Saw it Saturday, actually tried to listen for it, never heard it. So, did anybody hear it and if so, which scene?

Yes, the whole movie is hilariously peppered with them, but most are in the background. IIRC one of the most noticeable is in the scenes where the X-wings are strafing the stormtroopers.

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