So today I went outside to do some work on the 'rolla. I don't have a garage and there are three possible weather conditions (also possible in combination): Too Hot, Too Dark and Too Wet. It was sort of in-between the three and that's about as good as it gets.
So I'm trying to chase down an oil leak, I suspect it's the seal between the distributor and the head. To mark the position between the distributor and head I clean the area a little with some brake cleaner and use some aluminum tape because I can't find any masking tape even though I have at least 4 rolls that nobody can put back where they found it. So I remove the cap, remove the two bolts that hold on the distributor. The second one is in a pit between the distributor itself and the thermostat housing, where you can't see it, only feel it with your fingertips. I undo it and sure enough it falls somewhere. Just then, the tape that I made sure was stuck on decently blows off and the rain starts to pour into the engine bay.
I'm pretty sure I can get the distributor position back. So the rain is at a medium drizzle and isn't going to lighten because it's rainclouds from horizon to horizon, I go back out looking for the fallen bolt. I find it in a very hard to reach crevice in between the clutch slave and bellhousing. I'm sticking my fingers in there trying to nudge it towards somewhere easier to reach and then I hear shink - and now it's berkeleying stuck in there somehow. I can touch it but it won't berkeleying move.
I have to drive this thing to work tomorrow.