The French team is collapsing quickly. First they send Anelka home and now this.,249880
The French team is collapsing quickly. First they send Anelka home and now this.,249880
Dear France,
You know all the jokes people make about you. There's a reason people still do. You're not helping your case.
Sincerely, America
Well the french really don't have any wars to lose at the moment (not like they even have a role in A-stan), so this is all the surrender monkeys have left. My boss' daughter was just over there for a week and they HATE us Americans, so this makes all of us feel that much better.
It satisfies me enough to know that the French would be speaking German without us. Wouldn't phase me a bit.
Its just the bad MOJO of tha "Hand of Frog" coming right straight bad to where it belongs
the hand of frog on you-tube
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