Hey guys,
I don't want to turn this into a political thread as I am not a political person. So please just offer advice or help if you can,and leave your opinions of unions,and union workers to yourself.
I will start out by saying I worked as a non-union electrician for many years after high school and earned my hours required to get my journeyman's electrician license. I then had an opportunity to take a job with what was at the time Nynex/Bell Atlantic. I had just become licensed about a year before,and was quite happy with the company,position,and pay I was receiving. My wife and I had just bought our first house,and I couldn't have been happier with my lot in life. I had passed the exam to get into the phone company,and was offered the job in an installation department. I wasn't going to take it as it was a cut in pay even with getting a 2 step up in pay to start due to my license. We hadn't even made the first mortgage payment on the new house,and I was scared. My family and friends talked me into taking the job,and I am very grateful that they did.
Now 14 years into this career,and in a new department after 7 years of installing network equipment in the central offices I am in a maintenance department. It is a very rewarding career as I work on maintaining standby generators,rectifiers,switch gear,batteries and almost anything related to power in the network central office. I get to sort of make my own schedule for any given day/week,and I can bring my van home which is a great benefit. Sometime the job isn't the best when I get a call at oh my god:30 to drive an hour or two for a trouble,but at the end of the day I love my job. I know in my mind that the work I do almost guarantees that no matter what happens with the power grid I know the consumers phones will work,and the network stays up and running. I maintain 12 buildings of my own as well as help my other three co-workers and three others in the state of RI that are new to the department within the last year.
We are now in week two of a strike that seems like it will last a long time. I was around for a short strike in 2000,but at that time we didn't have kids,and life was simpler. This strike is bothering me in more ways than one. The most of which is the simple fact that I love going to work,and right now I can't do that. Last week which was the first of the strike my wife had a planned camping trip about two hours away from our house. I towed the pop-up camper up there on the Saturday before the strike,and set it up for the family,and then drove two hours home as I had a feeling we would be on strike at midnight and would be picketing at noon. I was right,and got drenched that day from the heavy rains. Fun stuff!! I then didn't see my kids until I surprised them on Wednesday my only day off from picketing all week,and even then it was only a few hours that night,and in the morning before heading back down for picket duty on Thursday and Friday. Did I mention the picketing is no fun?
What is so confusing is the fact that I really have no say in what happens at all,and just have to sit back and hope it works out. I can't even really go look for a new job just yet as it wouldn't be fair to a new employer that I start,and possibly leave quickly if the strike ends soon. I had readied for a possible strike by saving as much money as I could,and I could probably go a few months if need be. I can pick up some side work and will be doing that soon,but I am wondering do I look for a new career/job,or hang tight,and see what happens with the strike? It seems the strikes always end,and we go back to work,but to me this one feels different,and maybe that is just due to the current political,and economical environment,and my current life being a father of two,and sole bread winner in the family.
I understand both sides of the fight in this strike,but can't really see a way to fix it,and even if I did have an answer there isn't anything I can do about it. Very frustrating!!!! I just want to go back to work,but I won't cross the line to do it no matter what!!!
I know some of you are thinking booo-hooo just get your lazy ass back to work,but it is more complicated than that. I know unions are not popular around here,and truth be told I am not really sure what to think of my position as a union member at this point,but I can say I am proud to be a union member,and a hard working middle class person. My wife and I don't live luxuriously in my opinion. She drives a 5 year old mini-van that we bought used and almost have paid off,and I drive a 11 year old Dodge van as a daily driver. Yes I have a fleet of old school Japanese cars and trucks,but to be honest with you I have less than $7k invest in all three. Some people I know pay that much a year in car payments for one car.We don't have a crazy house,but it is nice,and we don't buy the best of everything. Our kids aren't spoiled with the best bikes,and gadgets,but they don't seem to want for much aside from cell phones which I won't be buying for a 9 year old and or a 5 year old(where do they get this notion they need a cellphone,when I don't even have one?). We don't take luxurious vacations as our one week I take in the summer is camping in our old pop-up camper. We don't go to the spa,we don't smoke,drink,or do drugs,and I sure do see myself as the typical union thug. I like to spend my free time with my family,and messing with my car or playing hockey. Oh yeah and I like my job! I wonder when I will get back? For a communications company we sure don't seem like we communicate very well!!
Anything you guys can add as advice or just tell me to berkeley off is fine as well.
Frustrated Telephone Worker/Husband/Dad/Wankel lover