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geomiata Reader
7/3/09 3:10 p.m.

I am on here and at Teamswift. This is one of 5 websites i frequent. GRM Teamswift Gamespot Wikipedia Facebook. In that order. So much for being a teenager.

Salanis SuperDork
7/3/09 3:48 p.m.

I can post make-specific technical questions on the main board, and get better answers faster than if I post the same question on a make-specific board.

The off-topic section constantly entertains, and has helped to introduce me to cool new things, like great musicians I wouldn't have discovered otherwise.

M030 Reader
7/3/09 8:58 p.m.
tuna55 wrote: But there is nothing like this. Nothing.


Jensenman SuperDork
7/3/09 9:05 p.m.

Yeah, I have noticed that: make specific stuff is quickly and accurately answered on this board.

A few other notable folks:

Wheels 777. Brilliant man and a real nice guy to boot. His explanation of equal length headers left my head hurting but you cannot argue with results. You should have heard his '06 Challenge SBC powered 260Z which had that Ferrari 'ripping canvas' sound. Amazing. And a fine family to back him up as well.

Lesley: my Gawd you should see some of her artwork. I miss the days when she would rotate her pictures in her sig. You never knew what would be next but you'd have to stop and stare for a few.

Doc Hess: a fount of Toyota and MegaSquirt wisdom. And about as far right as me.

The Sanyarco guys. Real nice folks, I can forgive them for their VW fixations.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/3/09 9:11 p.m.
Jensenman wrote: Yeah, I have noticed that: make specific stuff is quickly and accurately answered on this board.

That's because all you OLD guys just know everything.

cb New Reader
7/3/09 10:56 p.m.

this place is full of great people with great ideas.. never realized how certian ideas for one car can reap many benefits on many different types of rigs out there...

gamby SuperDork
7/4/09 12:04 a.m.

THIS board rocks:

(top of my skateboard)

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/4/09 12:34 a.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote: ...but the Mk2 board has a lot of whatever you call German car "ricers".


Lesley SuperDork
7/4/09 2:36 a.m.

OK, I can die happy now. I'm a notable person to GRMers. Everything else pales.

Per Schroeder
Per Schroeder Technical Editor/Advertising Director
7/4/09 6:18 a.m.
ddavidv wrote: Margie is Tim's wife and will bury your body under her patio if you piss her off. Per really enjoys it when I make fun of him, in spite of what he may post in reply.

Not quite. I dig the holes, Margie mixes the Quikcrete.

Jensenman SuperDork
7/4/09 6:22 a.m.

Y'all do use lime, right?

wherethefmi Dork
7/4/09 6:23 a.m.

I knew that's what you were going to say.

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
7/4/09 9:31 a.m.
Jensenman wrote: Y'all do use lime, right?

Duh, concrete mix already has lime in it, making it the perfect, uh, patio "solution."


Jensenman SuperDork
7/4/09 10:23 a.m.

You have progressed far, grasshopper.

4cylndrfury Dork
7/5/09 9:26 a.m.
tuna55 wrote: There is nothing like this. Nothing. Where else would you get a list of recommended cars that includes cop cars, Miatas and Yugos at the same time, for the same application!? Where else will people actually entertain your thoughts of slapping a FWD drivetrain into a Fiero? That one is going to be fantastic, by the way! Where else can you post something ridiculously obvious and not have the first 3,000 posts be "search first" before you get banned? Nowhere else, that's where. And that's why this forum (and GRM in general) rocks! -Brian

you forgot bacon...you caught everything else important...just dont forget the bacon again...EVER

93celicaGT2 Dork
7/5/09 10:21 a.m.

I was very disappointed to see that Bacon hadn't been mentioned yet. Or at least potatoes, cheese, or beer..... come on guys!

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/5/09 11:06 a.m.

Mmmm potatoes stuffed with cheese and bacon with a beer on the side. Mmmmm Must be lunch time....

Edited cause I can't spell

4cylndrfury Dork
7/5/09 11:10 a.m.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/5/09 11:18 a.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:

YES!!!! + a number so high I can't even say it!!

NYG95GA SuperDork
7/5/09 11:38 a.m.

Nice menu; best if consumed while sitting in a MIata.

4cylndrfury Dork
7/5/09 11:43 a.m.
NYG95GA wrote: Nice menu; best if consumed while wrenching on a MIata.

fixed...because fried potato grease on your steering wheel makes your cone count increase drastically

griffin729 New Reader
7/6/09 2:15 a.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Jensenman wrote: Y'all do use lime, right?
Duh, concrete mix already has lime in it, making it the perfect, uh, patio "solution." Margie

Sorry to say it, but you do still need the lime. Cause the chemical reaction involved in the concrete setting kills the odor control of the lime.

+tons to all the above Beer, bacon, and potatoes mmm yummy This is the only board I even visit anymore. You all truly rock, thank you.

maroon92 SuperDork
7/6/09 8:15 a.m.

I visit GRM first, then my SCCA region's forum, Autoblog, E-mail, Facebooks, with Pandora playing in the background.

oh, and you forgot the dorkiest of all the dorks...King Dork John...honestly, I am not sure how he gets his post count so high...has he ever provided vital information?

4cylndrfury Dork
7/6/09 8:33 a.m.
maroon92 wrote: oh, and you forgot the dorkiest of all the dorks...King Dork John...honestly, I am not sure how he gets his post count so high...has he ever provided vital information?

joey48442 SuperDork
7/6/09 9:50 a.m.
gamby wrote: THIS board rocks: (top of my skateboard)

I dunno. That skate board doesnt so much rock as make catchy pop jingles that make the girls swoon.


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