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Nick_Comstock PowerDork
3/3/15 9:59 a.m.

In reply to Trans_Maro:

It's a thing right? I mean people have sidecars and ride many thousands of miles. I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to do it. It's too late for this year anyway. But I have plenty time for learning a new skill before next winter.

Trans_Maro UberDork
3/3/15 10:03 a.m.

By all means got for it if you want to.

Just remember, you're going to take your fun motorcycle and make it not very good at doing motorcycle things.

It will be slower, corner badly and take up almost as much space as a car.

You can find a ratty Dodge Colt that does the same things, costs about $1000 and doesn't make your motorcycle suck.

You like upgrades, right? Adding a hack is a downgrade.

yamaha MegaDork
3/3/15 10:49 a.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: It will be slower, corner badly and take up almost as much space as a car.

Its an 883...... if it were any slower it would constantly appear to be in super slow motion.

SVreX MegaDork
3/3/15 10:55 a.m.

I am kind of with Trans_Maro on this.

Sidecars are totally cool. And I absolutely hate driving them.

They take everything bad about a motorcycle and combine it with everything bad about a car. They drive like E36 M3.

Flynlow Reader
3/3/15 11:40 a.m.

How has this generated several pages of discussion on marital strife and whether to buy a beater?

Seriously, just go rent a car from enterprise. A two week rental is probably under $300 for a little hatchback. You'd spend more than that titling, plating, and insuring a beater, plus get the inevitable lecture when it breaks down. This way is no stress, no haggling, and no maintenance. Should be a ten second conversation with the wife:

"Honey, the current conditions aren't safe to be riding. I'm renting a car for a week until the ice is gone"

"Ok, thanks for letting me know."

volvoclearinghouse Dork
3/3/15 11:49 a.m.

Married 4 years here, this October. Have 1 child- she's 9 months old.

Last Saturday Mrs VCH and I sat down after the little girl had gone to bed and had a "State of the Union" discussion together. With computers and the internet this is so easy. We pulled up all of our accounts- credit cards, banks, retirement, etc- and saw where we are, and our track with our current saving and spending and paying off debts.

Next we made a spreadsheet with things we have to spend money on, and things we want to spend money on. Now, having a child to provide for has really put things in perspective for us. But we're still not just parents. She likes to garden, wants chickens, and has other projects she wants to work on. I want to renovate the garage, work on project cars, and race.

Money sucks, yes, but it's really not tough, at least not to understand. Money coming in > Money going out, for a successful marriage, family, household, and life. Until they figure out a better way, this is how it works.

When we got married there was an adjustment period of figuring out the "we". After 2 or 3 years, it got easier. "Her" student loans and "My" credit card balance became "Our" debt to pay down. On December of 2014 we made our last credit card payment. In a few years, the student loans should be gone, too. Once we started looking at our debts as goals to overcome and not the shortcomings of the other person, joining together to vanquish them came easier.

Most marriages that fail, fail because of communication. Even when they fail (ostensibly) because of money, the real cause is lack of communication.

On your question: since it's for such a brief period, rent a car to get you through it. Don't try to rush and buy something just to have a car. Then after you're back to where you can ride everywhere, talk with her about your situation and figure out how to address it. You no longer have a company vehicle, so you need to start looking for something. You will likely need it, sooner or later, and she will understand that, as your situation has changed. Talk about it and figure out what you want to do.

skierd SuperDork
3/3/15 1:02 p.m.

Seriously, why cant you just drive her to work or have her drive you to work?

bmwbav Reader
3/3/15 1:50 p.m.

Yes, rent a car, or don't. What is the root of her problem with the car thing? Is it a money thing? If you won the lottery, would this not be an issue anymore? If so, then make more money. concentrate on that and I'll bet she'll be happier and this issue will fall away. Most women like money and will put up with all sorts of crap they don't like in exchange for more of it.

volvoclearinghouse Dork
3/3/15 2:02 p.m.
bmwbav wrote: Most women like money and will put up with all sorts of crap they don't like in exchange for more of it.

That's the most jaded thing I've read all day. I'm glad Mrs. VCH is not a "most women".

mazdeuce PowerDork
3/3/15 3:02 p.m.
volvoclearinghouse wrote:
bmwbav wrote: Most women like money and will put up with all sorts of crap they don't like in exchange for more of it.
That's the most jaded thing I've read all day. I'm glad Mrs. VCH is not a "most women".

If you exchange "people" for "women" then you're just talking about employment for about 95% of the population. Nothing about that thought is even a little unique to one gender.

spitfirebill PowerDork
3/3/15 3:39 p.m.

I'm a little dense today, but what is the purpose of the sidecar in this case. To keep it from dropping in the event of ice?

SVreX MegaDork
3/3/15 4:25 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
volvoclearinghouse wrote:
bmwbav wrote: Most women like money and will put up with all sorts of crap they don't like in exchange for more of it.
That's the most jaded thing I've read all day. I'm glad Mrs. VCH is not a "most women".
If you exchange "people" for "women" then you're just talking about employment for about 95% of the population. Nothing about that thought is even a little unique to one gender.

Though I got my azz chewed for saying it last time, I still stand by what I said.

Most men would freak if their wife bought a $70 pair of shoes, and would come completely unglued if she bought a $700 pair of shoes, but are completely convinced that a $7000 bass boat is not only a bargain, but a good investment.

Nick_Comstock PowerDork
3/3/15 5:58 p.m.

Lets get one thing straight. This never was, ever, about money. Even though with the new job I'm bringing home 800-1000 less per month we are doing okay with our financial situation and our marriage is as healthy as ever.

Second thing is a rental car makes absolutely no sense. It costs us nothing for me to ride with her. Why in hell would I spend money that could go to building my sidecar?

I can't drive because after she drops me off she has to take the boy to school then she goes to work.

If anything you have all hardened my resolve to go bike only no matter what.

Lof8 GRM+ Memberand Reader
3/3/15 6:06 p.m.

This thread aggravates me. I need to stop looking in here.

Nick_Comstock PowerDork
3/3/15 6:21 p.m.

Uh-OH guys, she has found the thread

MrJoshua PowerDork
3/3/15 6:26 p.m.

Uh oh.

SVreX MegaDork
3/3/15 6:36 p.m.

In reply to Nick_Comstock:

I think you are reasonably safe. I certainly have no intention of re-reading this entire thread, but I think most of your posts (except maybe the first one) were reasonably fair and honorable. Sounds like it will give food for discussion- make it a healthy one.

Now your friends... Well that's an ENTIRELY different matter. She will most definitely come to the conclusion that a few of us are completely unacceptable!

mazdeuce PowerDork
3/3/15 6:41 p.m.

I agree, your internet friends are jerks.
Now about that sidecar........

Nick_Comstock PowerDork
3/3/15 7:10 p.m.

This is Nick's wife...wow six pages and I think only two people actually got my husband's post. This was never about money or me trying to control my husband, giving him ultimatums or whatever other nonsense I've read. This was simply my husband saying he hates having to rely on someone else driving him to and from work. I would prefer my husband not to ride in the poor weather conditions for safety reasons which is why I offer to drive him. As for the five year plan...okay I would be lying to say that I secretly hoped he would grow out of his obsession but that is not going to happen, Nick has always loved cars and I have no plans on taking his "hobby" away from him. When that deal was made, he had a company vehicle, the bike and a 1982 BMW...obviously, not all three were being driven so WE decided to get rid of the BMW, as it was costing us more money sitting in the driveway. We both came up with the five year plan about not getting another vehicle. Now, I know some of you think that's absurd given his current situation but he does have the bike for nice weather and I can drive him on the not so nice days. It would be nice if he could take my car but with our son, it's not feasible. I have been very supportive over the years with his "hobby / fetish" so much that I've bought him random parts for his birthday, etc. As some (maybe one) has pointed out on here, marriage is about compromise...for 12 of the 14 years he's had his fun with his hobby and I've supported him but like it was his turn for those many years, its my turn now to get us out of debt and take our son to Disney World.

In conclusion, thanks for the interesting read....thanks to those of you who got the OP and for the ones who were totally off-kiltered, thanks for the comical at times E36 M3 posts.

mazdeuce PowerDork
3/3/15 7:35 p.m.

Dude. I read what your wife wrote. Twice. She didn't say no sidecar anywhere. I think you're cool.

SVreX MegaDork
3/3/15 7:47 p.m.


Mr. and Mrs. Nick are heading to Disney!

SVreX MegaDork
3/3/15 7:54 p.m.

In reply to Nick_Comstock and Mrs. Nick:

Sounds like you have this under control. Assuming, of course, that Nick is not at the bottom of the well (since we haven't heard from him in a while!)

If this works for you, I fully support it. Not sure I could do it...

Mrs. Rex and I have have a different kind of compromise. I don't take money fro either our household budget or our business accounts for cars. Ever.

I have a "Car fund", but it is money that I generate entirely from the cars. When I need more money, I have to sell something from my shop (or parts cars, etc) to raise the funds. It also helps limit the quantities. Our 1 other rule- Mrs. Rex doesn't want to see the car crap from the house.

That's our deal. It has worked now for something like 10 years. I enjoy it, and don't plan on changing.

SVreX MegaDork
3/3/15 8:29 p.m.

In reply to Nick_Comstock:

I just went back and re-read your very first post. I read it out loud, to Mrs. Rex, with all the humorous inflections I could...

You are a freakin riot! I can't believe how funny some of that post is, when read to make someone laugh!

You'll be OK. A sense of humor, a wife that loves you, and a couple of crazy hobbies.

As I said before, just don't take marital advice from your car buddies!

Nick?... Nick?... You there, Nick?

Mrs. Nick...What have you done??

Nick_Comstock PowerDork
3/3/15 8:36 p.m.

In reply to SVreX:

Dude, LOL you're cracking me up. You should have seen the range of emotions coming over her face as she read each post

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
3/3/15 8:53 p.m.

In reply to Nick_Comstock:

I'm sorry. I'm lying. I'm totally not sorry.

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