Okay. What I'm going to say does not apply to the echo chamber here. We true car nuts are a tiny percentage of the car buying public so it does not do to apply our views and values to the marketplace. 10 second electric Mustangs are cool and all but won't sell in meaningful numbers. Just push that right out of the picture.
The vast majority of car buyers care about only a few things: reliability, gas mileage utility and comfort. Ease and accessibility of service is up there too. Toyota has figured that out, it's why there are so many Camrys running around. Yeah I know they are boring bland yada yada but that is what the vast majority of car buyers want: boring and gets from Point A to Point B. Again, Toyota has figured that out; so have the other manufacturers and that's why there are so many boring blandmobiles out there.
Right now, electrics do NOT tick all the boxes for the average individual. First is 'refueling'. An ICE car can be refueled damn near anywhere in about 5-8 minutes. An EV cannot. It requires some fairly sophisticated equipment which isn't necessarily readily available. Put it like this: if a Tesla runs out of zap in some dinky town in the Rocky Mountains somewhere, what do you do? Plug it in to 110v, that takes like FOREVER to recharge (comparatively speaking), maybe 4 hours as compared to 5-8 minutes. The average person is NOT going to stand for that. Strike 1.
Utility: see above. The average person has things to do and places to go, they don't have time to wait around for the thing to recharge.
Reliability: Tesla's figures are hard to come by but like all manufacturers they've had problems which they have worked mightily to overcome. Comfort: Musk shot for the high end of the market, he's got that knocked.
Musk is a smart guy, he knew the average goober wasn't going to buy his product so he aimed his launch directly at the 1% who want more than anything to be the first to have that latest prestige nameplate. That he did it with taxpayer money and has yet to turn a profit is another discussion entirely.
So now he's moving downmarket with the 3, or X, or whatever it's called, due out in 2016 or 2017. Preliminary figures show the vehicle will be in the $35k range, or roughly where the Volt etc are. He's also going right up against a vast array of ICE cars which have proven themselves and every bit as important have a large dealer and service point network behind them. Tesla has very few service points and no dealer network, because Musk chose not to go that conventional route. That's his prerogative, of course. But here is where the problem comes in:
The car will have the exact same problem the Model S does, it's not going to be as utilitarian or convenient as existing ICE cars for the reasons laid out above. And if you don't think the average person won't take that into account you are sadly mistaken.
Next will be the distance to a service point. That is going to whack a lot of sales right there, in cities where the car can't be serviced quickly. So what, you say? They will come pick it up and drop off a loaner. Sounds good, till you stop to think that if it's 200 miles to the nearest service point that's a 400 mile round trip, or roughly 6-8 hours. But the local Nissan dealer sells Leafs and is ~45 minutes away. Strike 2.
Comfort: I don't think he's going to ignore that, the car should be pretty nice. Certainly nicer than the Leaf. But Nissan is getting ready to release a redesigned Leaf shortly. Concept car called the Sway:
If they can make it roughly the same size, give it the same range etc as the Tesla but back it with a nationwide dealer network Tesla is going to be in big trouble. By the way, the Nissan will still have the same refueling/utility problem as Tesla so right now the Leaf probably won't be any more than a niche player, again like Tesla. The difference is Nissan sells a E36 M3pot of ICE cars which bring in enough revenue to cover any shortfall that may come from the Leaf.
If y'all don't think the above is what truly drives/controls EV sales and marketplace success then you haven't thought it all the way through.
Fearless prediction: Musk overextends himself, Tesla loses money like crazy, the gummint refuses to back him again (see Solyndra) the stock price crashes, it goes bankrupt and one of the big car manufacturers picks up the pieces for cheap. It then becomes a badge engineered whatever and at that point may start seeing true success.