12/1/13 12:46 p.m.
To further my earlier comments. If you notify Children's services in Carlisle of the circumstances, they will investigate and get the police involved if necessary. Your sister is endangering the 6 month old now. Whether or not she gets the 13 year old, the 6 month old needs a better and less dangerous situation.
In talking to my mom.. she intends to fight this tooth and nail and make it as hard as possible. If the kid wants to move in with her mom, she will have to petition the court herself to do so. Any court worth their salt will take one look at her mother's living conditions and not allow it.
Thank you, All. My sister goes "home" on Tuesday and maybe some sense of sanity will creep back in
12/1/13 3:26 p.m.
can you/your Mom get a restraining order to keep your sister out of your Mom's hair ?
Mom is putting her foot down on the every other month visit. She's on a fixed income, and when sis comes to visit, mom winds up paying for everything.. including a pack of cigs a day. For a girl who is lucky she gets to eat at home, she is amazingly picky about what she eats at mom's.
Quite simply, these past two weeks have demolished mom's SS cheque for the month... and to add insult to injury, we are expected to buy her a train ticket to send her home!
12/1/13 3:48 p.m.
mad_machine wrote:
Mom is putting her foot down on the every other month visit. She's on a fixed income, and when sis comes to visit, mom winds up paying for everything.. including a pack of cigs a day. For a girl who is lucky she gets to eat at home, she is amazingly picky about what she eats at mom's.
Quite simply, these past two weeks have demolished mom's SS cheque for the month... and to add insult to injury, we are expected to buy her a train ticket to send her home!
Send her as far as a swift kick in the ass can get her, then lock the door?
12/1/13 3:49 p.m.
hell with that …. next time she's there tell her she either eats what's put in front of her or she does without … and no way in hell I'd buy her any cigarets … either buy her own (and smoke outside) or do without …
if she doesn't like the rules, tell her she can always go back where she came from 
I am not a drinker.. I think I had a grand total of one drink in 2013 (last newyears) but there are days when my sister could drive me to drink. This week has been one of them. She is such a manipulator and a control freak that I have had to work hard to even get 5 minutes alone to talk to my mom about all this. She quite literally has managed to be there almost every minute I around, keeping me from talking to my mom or my niece in private.
I had planned today as a one on one with my niece at the mall getting her a nice birthday present. Instead it became a family affair that even dragged along a friend of my nieces with us. People wonder why I am working towards a larger boat so I can sail away and never come back...
id call everyone, if it were me. CPS, police, news stations, thugs at the local bar who might want to make an easy $100... ANYTHING to stop this madness.
also note that since your mother has some sort of custody of the 13yr old, it wouldn't be a stretch for the court to grant her that same custody for the infant. i understand that she can't handle the second child, but almost any other situation except that one the infant is in has got to be better that where she is now. are there other family members involved who might be able to care for the younger child?
what ever happens, know that at the end of the day, 10 years from now, the only regret you might have is NOT acting. what ever you do, do something.
good luck, and good on you for even trying.