We have an old IH 434 diesel tractor that's having an issue with slow cranking when cold. Once the temperature drops below freezing our starter will only turn the motor over very slowly. Jumping the starter directly from our truck doesn't improve the results. When the weather gets above freezing the tractor turns over normally. Any ideas as to what could be causing this? Time for a new starter? Something freezing somewhere causing drag?
How old is the oil and what grade? Might be getting thick. Old timers used to build fires or use camp stoves under the oil pan to get stuff start in the real cold weather.
I just fixed a similar issue with our MF135. It was a weak battery and some loose/dirty connections. If you jumped straight to the starter, bypassing the battery, solenoid, etc., I'd be looking at the starter. You could spray the internals out with brake clean to wash out any hay dust and grease that might be gumming things up when cold. I doubt that's the case because diesel tractor starters are pretty stout. Probably worn brushes.
1/23/23 8:06 p.m.
on my JD4410 I'm seeing a replaced stater circuit relay.....could it be that easy as plug n play.....or with 3150 hrs may there be other issues ???? grounds? bought a new battery......uh.............