I've been trying to sell my '97 expedition for a few months now with no bites. Tonight a Guy emails me wanting to trade me his '07 club car precedent. I have no interest in keeping it and would immediately put it up on eBay. Just wondering if it'd be harder or easier to sell than a heavy suv that get bad gas mileage.
9/30/12 8:05 p.m.
What kind of money do you need to get out of the Expedition? An 07 Club Car should have decent value but golf carts are an odd market. Are you in an area where there are communities or camping properties which allow these as vehicles? It all really depends on the available market for you.
Most of the folks I know looking for them want them as cheap pit vehicles but an 07 will not meet the "cheap" criteria.
In reply to JThw8:
Doh! , forgot the most important part. I'm asking $2800 obo, he's asking $2500 obo. I live in Cincinnati so there's not a huge retirement community here nor is there a huge camping selection. That's why I'm thinking ebay. I will say the local craigslist is flooded with Expeditions while not too many golf carts so there's that. I'd imagine it will be a little tricky to sell but it still might be easier to sell than my expedition.
Also it's an electric cart. 48V I believe. Says the batteries are three years old. In his ad he mentions a charger but didn't when he emailed me.
9/30/12 8:21 p.m.
You definitely want the charger with it, and batteries are big $$$ 3 years isnt terrible but it isnt great.
$2500 is a reasonable price for it, but its all about finding a buyer, I think it would be easier to find a buyer for the truck than the cart personally.
Hell, I'm tempted by the expedition myself ;)
In reply to JThw8:
Would you please!! I really would rather not do the trade but I already have a first gen odyssey minivan waiting to take the expeditions place when it sells and I really need the money( see adoption thread). I think my expedition is priced
fair for the mileage and maintenance done but there is literally at least two dozen other expeditions listed on cl along with it.
If you don't want the Club Car, don't make the trade. Doesn't make sense (to me) to trade for something that you're just going to turn around and sell. Keep pushing the Expedition. Someone will buy it eventually.
10/1/12 8:16 a.m.
I'd tell him that you'll do a partial trade--Expedition for Club Car+$750 cash.
Heck if I was closer I would consider the Expedition for that price.
Thanks guys . After giving it more thought I passed on the golf cart. I'll have to try a new way to advertise the Expedition , craigslist is not getting the job done. Might give wheeler dealer a shot. Thanks again.