My Dad owned six Goodyear stores. He worked seven days a week for years. One time when my brother was a toddler my Dad picked him up, which made my brother start crying. My brother didn't know who my Dad was. After that my Dad swore to change and that things would be different with their next child (me). Dad changed some and I think it made a difference in how he and I interact. He still left for work early in the mornings, but he was home for dinner every night and stopped working Sundays.
I've told every employer I've ever had that my job was not my top priority. I will not work 60 hours weeks in the hopes of getting a raise or promotion someday. The last few years I was able to have both breakfast and dinner with my family almost every single day. I traveled one weekend a month on average. Now I'm making a go at working for myself from home (which is what I should be doing now instead of posting here).
So here's my advice:
Single - work as much as you want. Go do awesome stuff with the money.
Married - work the same amount as your S.O., but not so much as to affect nookie time.
Married with kids - work enough to pay your bills and take care of your family's need (not wants). Then go play with your kids, read bed time books, and beg them to put on their socks in the mornings.