2/12/18 11:05 a.m.
For me it is the Best 25 cars issue. The list, of course, spoiler alert, the #1 car is my current daily driver. Buyer's guide thing was for the Integra Type R, with a nice action shot of Alex Muresan, just a great issue. I like the one with the LS powered AMX on the cover too, because it has something I posted on the forum in it.
What is your fave?
I keep them all. The issues I've read the most are probably Per's rally Saab 99 series. Honestly, I haven't done more than a cursory glance through any issue for the last couple years. The editorial has shifted slightly and my interest has wained slightly enough that it's just not a compelling must read for me like it used to be. I'll keep my subscription going to support them and just keep adding the new copies to the library.
None of them. They are read and passed on to family or the round file.
I've re-read the blue SRT4 sires many times.
October 2007 and $2015+ challenge issues. Also might keep the last two because i am in Say What? in both.
2/12/18 6:27 p.m.
My subscription ended hmm, probably two and a half years ago. And all back issues have long ago been recycled. I've let all my car magazine subscriptions expire except for Octane.
2/12/18 6:36 p.m.
Any challenge issue. I lost all my backstoxk in the divorce....I couldn't take them with me. Double sad when I got a box of the ooooooldE36 M3 just before that. Someday
I was about to ask you how spiteful do you have to be to take a man's car magazines in a divorce?
That hemi IMSA Challenger really lit up all the lights for me.
I pass them on or recycle them after I've read them through. The only keeper is the one with my Fiat 128 in it.
2/13/18 6:34 p.m.
I kept them all for awhile till they piled up taller than me, and I realized most of them were never read again. Now I keep it if it has something on a car I own/want like the Abarth article, or if it has one of my personal cars in it (Internet Hotrod, woo hoo! I'm [internet] famous!).
The rest get handed to my coworker, who I got hooked on autocross/track days last year thanks in part to GRM.