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rebelgtp SuperDork
2/28/11 11:35 p.m.

Alright I want to know what is up with this generation of kids. We just found out my girlfriends 17 year old step sister is pregnant...through her Facebook status! She had not told a single person in her family about it and it only became known when she updated her status online. At what point did online social networks become an acceptable form of communication for letting family know about things like this especially when most of them don't even use it? We only found out because her actual sister called to tell us about the post and find out if we knew about it.

Racer1ab Reader
2/28/11 11:49 p.m.

It's not just kids, wait until some family member posts up information about a death before anyone else is aware of it...

Yeah, some things need to be handled by phone, an ACTUAL visit, etc.

MitchellC Dork
2/28/11 11:55 p.m.

I imagine most teenage girls confide in their closest hundred friends before telling someone in the family. It's just a new medium.

gamby SuperDork
3/1/11 12:30 a.m.

Seems like a sort of boundary issue to me. Completely unable to communicate outside of texting and facebook. This stunted ability to communicate results in really personal, inappropriate stuff being stated because it's not said directly to anyone.

Regardless, "z0mg!!1! Ruined 2 lives today--I'm pregnant--lolz!!!" is a pretty bleak update...

HiTempguy Dork
3/1/11 12:51 a.m.
rebelgtp wrote: We just found out my girlfriends 17 year old step sister

Miiiiiiiiiiiight not be the best reference to go off of.

Just sayin'.

NickF40 GRM+ Memberand Reader
3/1/11 1:01 a.m.

Well, as I can say so much on this topic and agree with you guys, it's probably best I don't say anything lol

I'm 20 and I can tell you MANY UPON MANY things wrong with today's generation

rebelgtp SuperDork
3/1/11 1:07 a.m.

Yeah our basic response to the whole situation was that oh well she has been in a rush to grow up...

killerkane New Reader
3/1/11 1:09 a.m.
NickF40 wrote: Well, as I can say so much on this topic and agree with you guys, it's probably best I don't say anything lol I'm 20 and I can tell you MANY UPON MANY things wrong with today's generation

Yep he's right, I'm 19 and agree that my generation is pretty messed up. Want to see how stupid some of them are? Just watch "Skins" or "Jersey Shore" or "Pretty Little Liars" or any of the other s*** TV shows on MTV. It's pathetic what they idolize.

NickF40 GRM+ Memberand Reader
3/1/11 1:13 a.m.

hey thanks for doing my dirty workoh, don't forget Teen Mom, as this is suiting

I'm just glad i'm a 90's baby and my parents raised me right and knew what discipline is, yes butt whoopings and all. Something today's kids aren't getting.....

z31maniac SuperDork
3/1/11 6:15 a.m.

I find it is people in general who seem to be less and less respectful.

I recently interviewed for a company, twice, to have them then tell me two days AFTER they said I would hear from them, that they were going with a contract/temp position instead.................they emailed this to me, no phone call, nothing.

Certainly glad you guys wasted my time TWICE, before you had decided how you wanted to handle the position.

Ignorant SuperDork
3/1/11 6:17 a.m.

I'm going to start manufacturing brawndo.. I'll be CEO. I need a COO, CFO and VP of Marketing; Who's in?

mistanfo SuperDork
3/1/11 7:06 a.m.

In for COO. I like to be more hands on.

DrBoost SuperDork
3/1/11 7:10 a.m.

I think the facebook thing is a shame. The bigger shame is that it's not big deal for a 17 year old girl to get knocked-up.

Apexcarver SuperDork
3/1/11 7:25 a.m.

To be honest, much of what is wrong with kids in general today can be traced back to the way their parents raised them. Not saying anything about anyone on here and their parenting ability, just an observation as the son of a teacher.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
3/1/11 7:41 a.m.
Apexcarver wrote: To be honest, much of what is wrong with kids in general today can be traced back to the way their parents raised them. Not saying anything about anyone on here and their parenting ability, just an observation as the son of a teacher.

Maybe you think that because you were raised incorrectly?

spitfirebill SuperDork
3/1/11 7:44 a.m.

I was going to say my kids were not raised poorly. They will text you to death, but call them and they will not answer their phone. My daughter, 29 YO and mother of a 5 month old son, lives her life on Facebook.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/1/11 7:52 a.m.

I'm guessing there were plenty of earlier posts that could have clued you in to the conception...they post everything these days. I have a younger relative who posts every detail of her pregnancy, so be warned. There are things about a woman's privates that should not be broadcast to the world!

92CelicaHalfTrac SuperDork
3/1/11 8:09 a.m.
Ignorant wrote: I'm going to start manufacturing brawndo.. I'll be CEO. I need a COO, CFO and VP of Marketing; Who's in?

Dibs on VP. I want to get fired up, and drive a monster truck around with a slingshot that fires brawndo at people.

Hell, i'll legally change my name to my avatar.

joey48442 SuperDork
3/1/11 8:09 a.m.

I saw a thing printed up once going on and on about "we aren't the generation who stopped saying sir and mam, who took the melody out of music, who..." basically talking about all these changes to society. And all I could think, was, "yeah, you may not have done all these things, but you raised a generation who DID".


racerdave600 HalfDork
3/1/11 8:29 a.m.

My 19yo neice also turned up pregnant last week, and she too posted it on facebook before she told everyone, except her mother. It seems she was trying to get pregnant because all her friends are, and it is evidently a fashion accessory these days. Of course she didn't tell her bf that, and he is pissed to say the least.

Some kids today really are messed up, but I think it is multiple factors weighting in. Lack of parenting, instant media, pathetic school systems, TV, lack of morals in everyday society, etc. Most kids today never learn how to appropriately deal with problems, nor do they have a balanced view of their self-importance.

In my old job, we used to hire interns on a regular basis, the difference in their overall quality declined greatly over the years. It was amazing to watch. Of course it made the good ones really stand out, and there were a few good ones.

914Driver SuperDork
3/1/11 9:06 a.m.

I see it at work. When I was doing protoype machining I never sat while the machine was running, slows the reaction time to something bad happening.

New hires don't care. There were no cell phones then, but now new hires text, talk or play games while machining something. I was in the Tool Room when a group of 25 new hires were being trained on safety, how the system works etc. before being assigned to a machine shop; one guy couldn't figure out how the drill chuck key worked! He was poking it at the machine but had no idea that two gears could mesh together and move something else. He's a wicked gamer, but nuts & bolts, common sense?

This is your future.....

93EXCivic SuperDork
3/1/11 9:10 a.m.
914Driver wrote: I see it at work. When I was doing protoype machining I never sat while the machine was running, slows the reaction time to something bad happening. New hires don't care. There were no cell phones then, but now new hires text, talk or play games while machining something. I was in the Tool Room when a group of 25 new hires were being trained on safety, how the system works etc. before being assigned to a machine shop; one guy couldn't figure out how the drill chuck key worked! He was poking it at the machine but had no idea that two gears could mesh together and move something else. He's a wicked gamer, but nuts & bolts, common sense? This is your future.....

Holy hell. How were they hired/ staying hired?

93EXCivic SuperDork
3/1/11 9:14 a.m.

Being someone of the younger generation, I will say there are plenty of smart people among us but the stupidest among us seem to make themselves heard the loudest.

HiTempguy Dork
3/1/11 9:27 a.m.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of going to a local college instead of university. While it doesn't weed out all of them, you do tend to find a couple more (rather than one or two) level headed people that were raised right and have a strong value/moral system.

spitfirebill wrote: I was going to say my kids were not raised poorly. They will text you to death, but call them and they will not answer their phone. My daughter, 29 YO and mother of a 5 month old son, lives her life on Facebook.

That is beyond awful. I am only 22 years old and I have a very strong individuality/independence streak, but I would NEVER ignore a phone call from my parents. That is unacceptable behaviour towards the people who helped me become what I am for 18+ years. Maybe show her this thread/post and she will wise up? Unlikely, but that is truly appalling.

I just can't get over that, maybe you are kidding?

ReverendDexter SuperDork
3/1/11 9:39 a.m.

You know, I'm gonna take the opposite side on this.

I find nothing wrong with communicating in whatever means people are comfortable. Personally, I find this idea that a phone call is somehow better than an email to be ridiculous. By posting it up on Facebook, she made it PUBLIC. She told everyone, at once. No having to go through the same process of awkward admittal with each person who thinks they deserve to know, no one getting pissed that Uncle X knew before Auntie Y.

And then to watch the entire commentariat descend on that decision like a pack of harpies... seriously guys? Every single post before mine is decrying the youth of today as some bastard children that are screwing the pooch.

Quoth Socrates: The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

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